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Corrado: The car that makes children cry

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Good little article, I never get bored of reading Corrado related stories!..regarding the Spoiler, everyone I know loves it. Always a talking point. Though at the moment my current Gf is referring to the C as 'the Back to the Future Car', in light of it sporting roofbars and Thule roof mounted cycle racks!..the cheeky lil fcuker..



..whenever I get blasé about my VR6 I just have to drive an average modern car and Iam immediately refocused on why I love my Cso much..always regret selling, can't imagine a day when I don't own one or want to own one!

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Good article. Mine doesn't quite make my daughter cry, but it does make her squeal in a panicked voice "NOPLEASEDADDYDON'T!!!!" every time I go anywhere near the throttle :D

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Look what you've just done! I just found my first car on Googlemaps. I remembered roughly where they guy lived and found it. Now I'm going to have to go and see if it's still there and I want it back!

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Nice read and nice for once to read an article, where they don't list up a lot of things that goes wrong. We all know anyway. I personally prefer the G60 model, but maybe, just maybe I should also buy a VR6 before the government forbids them ;) In Flash Red naturally! Now, where to park it? Hmmm, problems problems...




Edited by Redfox

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Like the link to, and comment about the forum at the end of the article.


I noted that too!!


Good article

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Love it, makes you proud to be a Corrado owner... Oh wait...........................


Makes you proud to be a Corrado lover!


I even made the missus read it, just to reiterate my point about how much I love them! :lol:

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I had visions of pictures of children standing near Corrados and crying!


They can look pretty mean :vamp:

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I had visions of pictures of children standing near Corrados and crying!


They can look pretty mean :vamp:


My wifes sister won't walk in front of mine, says it looks crabbit. Oh, and it once bit a cyclist.

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5.13 am... Insomnia based around thoughts of buying another rado?


God I want one and this article doesn't help.


Stunning example the chap had too!!

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Now, if only all children were like that, there would never ever be a problem from any wife about having or buying a Corrado ;)


On my job, when a bunch of children aged 6-10 passes my Corrado, they stop and simultaneously says "cool Corrado" before they walk on :) A matter of good upbringing.

One of the little ones, 5, he for the first time saw the spoiler raising, and asked me: "Is that an airplane"? Priceless... ;)

You can guess how that influence a colleague of mine who drives a ford...

And when they get to see the spoiler raising or lowering, man that does it. They all forget about their parents bmw's, and cries, WOW! ;)

Another day, a little girl commented on my pretty low frontspoiler: "Ah, the is only room for a snail to pass". Don't know if it was actually the spoiler or the speed she commented ;)


Abdul: go get it, you know you want one. Now is the right time to buy.




Edited by Redfox

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I hear you but nothing that I've seen yet has taken my fancy. Ill wait for the right car.


To be honest having said that I haven't been looking properly due to time constraints (I can never make it to a viewing with the days being shorter lol).

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I recognise most of the places in the articles photos but never saw the car around here. Would have been one to buy (and keep) eh?

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the kids of the guy who sold me my current vr cried when i arranged collection, they were so gutted the previous owner had to promise them that I'd sell it back to them when they're old enough to drive.

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What a good read that was! Always nice to hear others say what you already know about the car! No regrets in having bought a second VR!

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