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Some of you may have saw I'm getting married this year :pale: and I could with some extra cash to help pay for it. Now the only really money I have is tied up in my corrado! Also I really could do with getting a cheap to run and reliable daily drive.


What I was think was selling the 24v :( buying a half decent daily (£2k max) using some of the left over to buy a cheap vr6 to restore/ project and the left over money from selling my currently daily and whatever is left from the 24v use towards the wedding.


I don't really want to sell the corrado but its the only sure fire way I can kill two birds with one stone and still keep a corrado of some sort. I can't really take my current corrado any further than I have without shelling out massive amounts of money I don't have. Plus with the replacement rado I want to be able to do the work myself as I have hardly done anything to my current one and take my time doing it.


What's yours thoughts?

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Jake - in your final paragragh, have you not answered your own question ?


Personally for the relatively small gain financially here to be made from the Sale of the Corrado, I would keep it and find another way to raise some monies, beside you are already spending it on another car replacement are you not ?

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Seems like a lot of hassle for not a lot (if any) gain. There are some great interest free credit card deals at the moment which might take the pressure off but make sure you don't let it get out of hand. Also well worth checking you have the best deals on energy,bank accounts and house insurances. Plenty of good offers that will give you cash back for switching (eg quidco). Last year I made £350 that way! May take a couple of hours of your time

Edited by vornwend

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I doubt you would see.much spare cash after selling and then buying a daily and another vr6. Either sell it and dont replace, or if possible dont sell it at all.

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Sell the Corrado, buy a cheap run around (£2K is way too much for that imo), focus on your marriage and then come back to Corrados some other time. They're not going anywhere ;)


We all know a cheap VR6 as a project is anything but cheap! Just bringing the things up to scratch with standard parts is crippling enough, let alone anything else.

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As others have said, I'd use the Corrado as a daily and get rid of the estate. You'll save a lot of money not having to run 2 x cars, and you'll be in a nicer car 90% of the time. There is no such thing as a cheap VR6 to do up, it will end up costing you a fortune! The 24v you've got is already sorted and more than capable of handing daily drive duties I'd imagine.

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if you are paying for any marriage costs on credit card , make use of the balance transfer credit cards, divide the amount transfered over the length of interest free period and make fixed regular payments, before you know it you'll be clear off the debt , if it gets un-manageable sell the corrado and pay it off.

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Thanks for the in put guys.


Either way the estate is going no matter what specialy after today!!! got in it after work and had no brakes and have spent the last 4 hours trying to fix it :bad-words:


At the moment the Corrado isnt really costing me anything as its currently SORN and I am only paying £10 a month on laid up insurance. Its just the only way I can afford a half decent daily driver would be the suggestion above. As I will only be getting £700 for the Golf. All I really need is something cheap to run as currently Im putting £50 of fuel in a week which only last for around 300 miles.


Currently on the look for a new job any way to try and improve money flow from that end too.

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Sell the Corrado, buy a cheap run around (£2K is way too much for that imo), focus on your marriage and then come back to Corrados some other time. They're not going anywhere ;)


We all know a cheap VR6 as a project is anything but cheap! Just bringing the things up to scratch with standard parts is crippling enough, let alone anything else.


Agree, I left the Corrado scene to focus on my relationship and career as Corrados are time consuming.....came back to Corrados again now as it keeps me away from the two things I set out to focus on :)

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Thanks for the in put guys.


Either way the estate is going no matter what specialy after today!!! got in it after work and had no brakes and have spent the last 4 hours trying to fix it :bad-words:


At the moment the Corrado isnt really costing me anything as its currently SORN and I am only paying £10 a month on laid up insurance. Its just the only way I can afford a half decent daily driver would be the suggestion above. As I will only be getting £700 for the Golf. All I really need is something cheap to run as currently Im putting £50 of fuel in a week which only last for around 300 miles.


Currently on the look for a new job any way to try and improve money flow from that end too.

Did you not have the corrado up for sale recently? Seem to remember seeing it advertised what happened did you have a change of heart?

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You need to tell people on the big day to put proceeds into a ' Keep the Corrado fund' then perhaps decide what to do with the Rado. There's only so many kitchen utensils a man can have.


I here they offer discounted rates for wedding days on 13th, lol, either way I'm sure you will both have a great day.


What would happen if before you know it a bun is in the oven? Would you consider selling her then? If that's the way you might go, maybe selling is... the best way?


A fair few friends have sold petrol guzzlers and bought sensibly and don't really sulk and brag about 45 /50 MPG! But your asking a load of Corrado fans if selling is a good idea, not many will say yes.

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When is the wedding, and how much are you expecting to get for the Corrado?



I'll be in a position to buy in March/April. :silent:

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All I really need is something cheap to run as currently Im putting £50 of fuel in a week which only last for around 300 miles.


I got 410 miles from the last 50 quid I put into my Rover 25 daily snotter :D

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I got 410 miles from the last 50 quid I put into my Rover 25 daily snotter :D


I got a few more MPG out of my push bike last week :) top end speed is struggling after xmas though.

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