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Johnny H

Where are all the Corrado's??

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Hi guys.


On holiday with the family down Cornwall (in the family car, not the C).

Been driving around a lot, down St. Ives, lands end, Newquay etc and I've seen a few Aston Martins, Ferrari, Rolls Royce and Bentleys. I've even seen a Lamborghini and a Ford Focus RS 500.


But not once have I seen a Corrado. :(


Apart from some shows I've only seen 2 on the road.


Funny how it goes lol.



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i lived in Devon for years and used to travel all over Cornwall too, there was hardly any corrados back then, so bet there's even less now.

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i live in kent and ive only ever seen one on the road theyre all hiding somewhere mate

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Perhaps everyone is driving their family cars?!..


I see a few around Surrey fairly regularly. Fairly glad it's an increasingly rare vehicle, makes it all the more exciting when I do see another

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Came back from a hospital visit in Cambridge yesterday (first drive of the season in my C), driving back to wirk in Coventry queueing at a traffic light, there comes the unmistakable drone if de-Helmholtz-resonator'ed G60 Rado on the opposute lane, ignoring me, but still: First day out in my C and it attracts anotger C already, abd even in Coventry :)


Tempest (Eric)

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last time i saw another on the road was september! saw it drive past our old unit. there used to be a very nice black g60 kicking about here to but seems to have disappeared as well? maybe they've all been garaged over winter?



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Went on a holiday to spain, near Alicante, was walking to the shops and spotted a mint red corrado parked up near some houses! got a pic somewhere.

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Must all be in kings lynn!


i have 2, i know another member on here has 2, and there are a few more knocking about that i see on a regular basis. I know of 2 that used to be down my Dads street and then my mate who lives the opposite side of the road to my Mums house had a white VR6. There was another owned by an old member on here that had one just up the road from her aswell, and there used to always be a nugget in the carpark near work....................... Oh and a white one but i heard a roumor the wheel came off that while driving and its off the road, there is also a blue VR6 i see often on the bypass lol

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I see a few aroud Surrey although they are getting increasingly rare here too. I guess them being mainly a summer or weekend car, and there being poor weather recently, means they get hidden at home a lot.


Funnily I bought mine from near Kings Lynn.

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Probably saw other Corrados on the road about 10 times over 8.5 years of owning mine. I'm finding the same with the MK4 R32 since owning one. I just never see them.

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I've done over 140k in mine in the last 12 years,I use it every day,but have never been in the spotted thread !

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Ive seen a grand total of two on the road in the last 12 months, and only one of these was locally. My missus said that she saw two on the same day, in the same car park in town the other week though!

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honestly, there seems to be quite a few round here! there were 2 badly modified ones a few miles away with mad paint jobs, 1 near my sisters a few miles out of lynn and i know there was a Classic green Storm being restored in bircham near me. There are a few more too, got pics of a few of them. Never used to see them, had mine 6 years now and they seem to be everywhere :)

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