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Well I have some luck don

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Well after getting my C back from the body shop on Friday, I took one 30sec look at it and thought what a C**p job. They hadn’t painted it properly, left run marks on the wing!!!, totally cracked my windscreen after only having a 1in crack when it went in!!!, they didn’t paint and finish the bonnet to my standard!!!…

So I went a little mad a my insurance company and it is now booked in to go back on the 1st of june to put the work right….. muppets….

Yesterday in a carpark again and some muppet reversed straight into me again!!!!! I mean dose any one use there mirrors in this god-forsaken country any more!!!! I tell you he got the biggest ear full I bet he wished he had never got up yesterday….. to his dismay he said did I reverse into you I was like yes!!!

So now it has to have more work done…. So I will have a brand new C the rate im going.


Lucky daze



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Dunno what it is with Corrados, I think it was something nasty in a previous life.


The fact the UK is full of brain dead f#ckwits doesn't help either.

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It's the subtle, disappear-into-the-background, camouflaged ice-grey-violet paint job, isn't it!


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dr mat - camouflaged ice-grey-violet paint job, isn't it!, i guess so.

My m8 was saying to me last night was i a new car i said yes, he reckons that coz most new cars have very high back ends that people cat see what is behind them, seeing my C is quite low it was proberly camouflaged ice-grey-violet paint job and reversed into it.... ummmmm :mad: :p

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Its hardly like its an easy to miss colour.. maybe they were just locked into a daydream admiring the colour and couldn't snap out of it before driving into you ;)


Regardless though i'm sorry to hear it. The body shop story just seems to symbolise everything that Britain is becoming these days.. no one gives a rats ass about anything any more.. the companies that DO care are few and far between and finding them is a real challenge.

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as you all can guess in am so pissed with the whole thing i haven't even sorted the last muppet that reversed into me....

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I was interested to receive a quote from a guy at an "RAC approved" accident repair centre where they'd put the paint colour down as "metallic black". Which was wrong, for a start....

Find a local place that gets business by word of mouth, never trust your insurance company unless you don't care...

As for reversing into things - Corrados have absolutely *abysmal* rearward visibility - the back end is so high...

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some people just dont care,the amount of times ive nearly had my front end taken off by someone changing lanes with out looking in there mirrors..and i must add the corrado has got one bad door mirror blind spot :shock:

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i might take it to arlington this weekend and take it on there banger track... i bet if i did no one would crash into me then...lol

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My Corrado's still got to go back AGAIN to the bodyshop that repaired it last Sep/Oct/Nov (I mean they had it for 9 weeks - couldn't they get it right?)


'Cos I'd used "back to black" type silicone stuff on the door plastics (handle, mirror surround, bump strips etc.) and because they either hadn't prepped the paint properly or they're just stooopid, both passenger & drivers door's paint is now suffering from silicone contamination round the handles :mad:


And the new front bumper either hasn't been primed properly or painted by a moron, big chunks of paint are just flaking off round the number plate recess :mad: muppets!


When I first took the car into the place, there were BMWs/Mercs there that had been repaired and looked really good - I think they either consider a 9 year old car too old to be arsed with or they're just doing it to wind me up! And I had a nice friendly chat with the bloke when he first saw the C about how rare/sought after/cherished they were!


I reckon they've let the YTS monkies loose on it... :-(

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Mate I had the same problem with mine, I had the front end of my C doen via the insurance company and their recommended repairer - Solas, and they did an absolute dogs ear of it. The full beam on my headlights did'nt work, there was a bolt missing from the front drivers side wing missing, and to top it all off when I was driving it around town the tyre blew cos it was scraping on the inside on the suspension arm!! I took it back and they spent another 2 weeks getting the car sorted to my exacting standards. Well I wont be using them again, but goes to show that you should be aware of repairers, even big companies.


Hope you get it fixed proper mate..



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Well after this incident I thought my luck might change!!!! Think again phil someone up there is saying!!!!. I was on my way into Brighton as I was dropping my C off for a new windscreen as I have a massive crack after the garage got hold of my C… any way I was about ¼ mile away from the auto glass shop and my main hose from the engine block to the rad & bottle decided to blow off and crack its self!!!… could not believe it just my luck didn’t even make it to the auto glass shop just got towed away!!! Back to my house, How much are the hoses ????? plus I hope I caught it just right as it was not that hot I hope so no other damage will be done….

Who was the guy in the storm in the same traffic jam very nice number plate **storm nice little grin you gave me lol……


:p :mad: :mad:

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It happens to us all man - sometimes feel the big man's finger is permanently hovering over the Smite Glenn button. Life cant be that bad for us though - at least we dont drive Callibras! :roll:

Note to those at the Callibra Forum - just kidding! :wink:

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