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Roger Chatfield

How long do VR6 engines last

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Evening chaps, bit of a newbie question for you all.


I'm looking at getting a VR6 shortly but I only have 3k to spend max, now I've seen a few cars advertised that I'm interested in but they all have over 120,000 miles on them.

Now coming from a Honda background high mileage would not normally bother me but VW's are new thing for me, so how well do these wonderful VR6 engines last? Also what commonly fail on them and what sort of money does a 2nd hand engine cost?


Thanks fella's,



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120k is barely broken in mate. Properly serviced, 200k + is easily achievable. A replacement ABV (original 2.9)engine can be picked up for less than £200, and the more common AAA (Golf 2.8) which are a direct replacement for around the same money. The only real differences apart from the slightly bigger capacity is a slight restriction in the inlet manifold, and this is again a direct replacement so you could put the corrado inlet on. With the Corrado inlet on a 2.8 lump, power figures between the two are negligible mate.

They can become a bit smokey later in life due to ovalising of the bores which is a known problem, but if you could see it running before replacement (if you had to change it) or get one off of a known and respected Forum member, or one from a trade seller with a warranty you should be ok. There are few around with less than 120k now anyway tbh. Mines just clocked 144k and no hint of smoking at all.

The engine is known to be quite clattery and loud, so don't be put off too much unless it really is loud. Try to get one that has had timing chains and tensioners replaced if you can as well as thats very expensive to change.

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Mine is at 190k currently. Sounds a bit clattery when cold, a fair bit tappety when warm.. but still pulls like a train, and runs fine otherwise. Uses oil well within spec in the handbook.

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I'm on 119k and blowing smoke and burning oil, luck of the draw I guess!


it's either rings or exhaust valve guides we think.


Either way, it's getting sorted over winter :)

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221k on mine. I had the head replaced with a factory exchange unit at 160k, and the chains etc at 205k. A bit of piston slap when cold, but the plugs are clean and there is very little oil consumption. It is not a quiet engine, but it goes very well and returns up to 35mpg driven sensibly.


Best wishes


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180k on mine but it's recently gone pop! Not sure what the problem is yet but I'd say piston rings.

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I've had 3 Vr6 engined cars now and generally reliable but it's more a case of checking that everything works as it should and has been kept on top of, rather than miles.


For example, I had a Corrado VR6 that was once a VW owned demo car (ragged for a year) and the engine was caput at just over 60K, complete rebuilt at AMD needed as the bores had ovalised and the rings were shot.


My current one is on 142K, supercharged and is still going strong. Although it had a new head at 105K and chains/guides at 127K so it's all be done apart from the bottom end.


The best things to do is look for a well maintained car, that sounds right and doesn't smoke

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it all depends on how you drive them drive them like a twat and not like the engine cool and your going to have problems drive it hard but sit on the drive letting things cool and oil get around and you will be fine

remember when the little needle read 7000 rpm that's bad

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The best things to do is look for a well maintained car, that sounds right and doesn't smoke


As said above really. If its ragged from cold and never gets a service from one year to the next any engine will die young.


Heartless plug but if you are looking for a running vehicle with all the nasties already taken care of have a look at mine in the for sale section.

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234k, VW dealership demo car for the first year of its life., but FVWSH to 175k.


No smoke, uses no oil worth mentioning (about half a litre in 4000 miles). Plugs healthy brown/white on last change. Pulls very very well.


Chains done at 180k, silky smooth and fairly quiet, especially when run on Pro S 10w50.

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234k, VW dealership demo car for the first year of its life., but FVWSH to 175k.


No smoke, uses no oil worth mentioning (about half a litre in 4000 miles). Plugs healthy brown/white on last change. Pulls very very well.


Chains done at 180k, silky smooth and fairly quiet, especially when run on Pro S 10w50.


I must try this 10w50.. I read mixed opinions about it on forums, saying it's just too thick for the VR though so was a little concerned changing from my trusted 10w40 Synta Silver, but have seen it mentioned several times on here so it's got me interested!

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I'm on 10w50 now I have the charger (thicker oil is better for the chargers gears and seals) and so far, engine is quieter and cooler

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Speaking of Synta Silver 10w 40, I think it's been discontinued from the dealers...

Went in today, and all they had on display was the 5w 40 and 5w 30.


Luckily ,they had a couple of bottles of old stock 10w 40 out the back, so made sure I nabbed those.

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Half a litre per 4000 is fantastic for a VR6!


10W/50 is far from too thick and it's by far the best oil I ever put into my 12V engines.

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Speaking of Synta Silver 10w 40, I think it's been discontinued from the dealers...

Went in today, and all they had on display was the 5w 40 and 5w 30.


Luckily ,they had a couple of bottles of old stock 10w 40 out the back, so made sure I nabbed those.


I got a gallon yesterday from tps and they didn't mention anything about this.....?

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