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Still..... Smoking

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:( :( :(


Had my vr head rebuilt just over a month ago to cure the smoking after overrun problem and smoking problem on cold starts (with some revving obviously :roll: ). Put it done to valve stems seals and was confirmed by several of you guys.


Thing is, its still fecking doing it. Finally got around to changing the oil from mobil 1 0w40 :roll: to what it should be GTX 10w40 (or similar) hoping this would cure the problem but no.


I have noticed it doesn't use anything as much oil as it did before but still it should be sorted. Not sure what to do, ring the garage up and give them hassle, put up with it. Is it something else (dont think so).


Its just annoying the sh&t out of me, cost a small fortune and its the same.





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Did you ask them to do a specific job (ie the head rebuild) or did you ask them to do whatever work would stop the car from smoking?


I guess if you only asked for the first, their answer will be 'we did what you asked us to', whereas if you asked them to sort out the smoking, then they will be responsible for sorting the problem.


Either way i'm really sorry to hear you are still having problems.. I shouldn't imagine that was a small bill for getting all that work done, and when a Corrado starts to piss you off, it REALLY pisses you off! :(


Good luck getting it nailed.

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The smoke's still blue? And still happening at the same times? All the symptoms still the same, basically?

Did they check the bores while the head was off at all? That would have been the perfect time to look around the bores and see if there were any nasties down there that might have been contributing to the problems.

Do you get plugs oiling up or anything?

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Sounds like either the valve guides were not changed (ESSENTIAL!) or there is obviously some bore wear that they missed when head was taken off.... :evil:


I'm really hoping my bores will be A1 when I take the head off - anyone know a good accurate way of checking them that can do at home?



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I think the only way to check for bore wear is to either inspect it (head on or off, neither's easy), or I suppose a leak-down test might tell you if there's gross problems with the bores.

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Can you do a compression test on each one? The same thing has just happerned to my! :(

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Sounds like bore wear mate :cry:


I've just driven my car back from Stealth (2.5 hours hard driving) with it's new head on and my mate following me confirmed there was no smoke from my exhaust. I was expecting that to be honest as Vince said my bores were fine.


Not sure what to suggest other than get the bores checked out and that's really gutting news after you've spent all that money :x


Mine now pulls like a bloody train, dead smooth, totally silent with no tapping. The late tensioner is a *must* you guys, it really is. The engine is soooooo quiet.



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I told them the valve stems seals had gone, they were supposed to change everything. I am assuming they change the valve guides aswell as any sensible person would do. The head was skimmed also so they where supposed to do the lot. They had a look inside and said it looked fine.


The symptoms are exactly the same as before


Dont get oiling on the spark plugs. They tend to be in good shape. Dont like to check them really as I dont have the proper tool to get the spark leads off and I dont fancy breaking them!!


Dont really know anywhere that will do a compression test. Will have to ask around. I suppose thats my next step really.





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What's the next after bore wear. Just put up with it or is it the new bottom block senario?? :cry:



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New block I'm afraid. Bore number 6 has probably ovalised slightly.


Don't hold me to that as I can't account for the quality of your head rebuild. Assuming they did good with the head, it can only be bore wear I'm sorry to say.


Stealth rebuild VR6 heads almost on a daily basis and I can account for their workmanship, it's second to none imo.



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got it done at Star P. I am very confident about their work as that is why I went there.... and also they do a good price :mrgreen:


Whats the worst that will happen if I carry on using it? Not alot.


Dont start with the Police till next year (January). I'll be skint until then!! :(



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Yeah Jim Curley has a good reputation mate, so no probs there.


What's the worst that can happen? Nothing really, just keep the oil level topped up until you can afford to sort the bottom end out.


Hang in there mate. It will be worth it in the end. Having driven around in a few other cars whilst mine was away last week, few things compare to a Corrado.



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I have to say that it dont use anywhere near as much oil as it did before I had it done. In fact its been 1000 miles since it was done and I haven't had to top it up at all.


The head rebuild must have helped to some extent. What I do now is try and avoid the driving style that makes it smoke and hope that it helps a wee bit.


Spent 5 hours washing and waxing it today. Damn it looks good 8) 8)


cheers Kev



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So how much smoke are you getting Simon? Is it kicking out a big puff when you change gear at high rpm?


I've seen a lot of VRs give off a blue haze when started from cold, that is not unusual to be honest and usually goes after a few seconds.


Absolutely the head will help but the problem is the engine is now gas tight again and therefore any weakness in the bores will be highlighted. VRs give off a lot of blow-by anyway and it's x 6, so to expect a VR to not use any oil at all is asking a lot, but it shouldn't use anymore than a litre every 3 - 4000 miles.


Oh well. At least she's shiney now :lol:


Keep us posted.



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Only get smoke after sinking the throttle after slowing down in one gear for a wee will. Like for slowing down for a roundabout. Get it starting the car in the morning, although this morning it wasn't bad at all. Seems to be looking alot white'r than blue at the minute as the oil has just been change.

Dont get anything when changing gears or from generous use of throttle under normal conditions.


I am gonna keep a keen eye on the oil to see how much it uses from now on. I tell you something else there is always alot of oil splatter in the air intake pipe just before the TB. Obviously get alot coming through the breather pipe. Always thought putting a wee filter on it and blocking off the hole on the intake tube to stop this. Doesn't matter how many times I clean it, it is always got a good covering. Dont suppose by any chance this could be the cause of the smoke?? highly unlikely!! :roll:



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Hmmm, that is *still* symptoms of guide wear...... I don't get it. Smoke in the mornings is indicative of hot oil dripping down worn guides over night, since oil can't accumulate on top of the pistons from the sump up!


I'm wondering if the head gasket was fitted properly? Are you sure it's definitely blue oil smoke and not steam from water? Not teaching you to suck eggs, just trying to get to the bottom of it.


Lots of oil in the intake suggest either a faulty PCV valve on the breather hose or too much piston ring blow-by.


Dunno mate, I'm going to stop guessing now, I think you need to book it in for compression and leak-down tests :cry:



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yeah, it still has the symptoms of guide wear... I give up too!!! Gonna see how I get on with it over the next few weeks. See if it settles into the new oil. This morning was mainly steam when i first started it but there was a wee hint of blue smoke in there. Not bad at all though.


I am still confused and a little frustrated.... arghhh, i'll just have to live with it. Not as if its doing anything bad to it really.

I dont have a valve on my breather house like some of the vr's.


How much for a compression test usually??





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Yeah OK, give it a month or so and monitor the oil consumption. Might just be a temporary glitch!


Not to sure on the compression test prices to be honest, never had it done. I know the leak-down testing is quite involved as each cylinder has to be at TDC before you blast compressed air into the spark plug hole. The way it works is they force air in when the cylinder is on the compression stroke and judging by how much the pressure guage drops by and also by listening to the hissing noises (leaking air) points to where the compression loss is coming from. Hissing at the bottom end of the engine points to excessive blow-by (worn rings or ovalised bore) and top end hissing suggests too much play in the guides.


Try adding a PCV valve to your breather hose, it might help. Go to Ford and get one from a Galaxy V6. They're about £25.



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bump, was thinking about adding something to the oil to thicken it up more, like wynns stop smoke or something similar. Do you think its worth it and recommend anything else??





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Any thoughts on the Wynns Stop Smoke stuff. Is it worth trying or should I just give up and put up with it!!





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You can try it but I'm not holding out much hope.


Your engine has all the hall marks of bore wear. I'm surprised Star didn't flag that as an issue when they did the head.


I've done 1000 miles since having my head done and it has used zero oil, not a single drop.


I think you need to start filling your pennie jar for a bottom end rebuild :cry:

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They said it looked pretty good. Had no signs of anything bad!! Still, its barely used any oil since I serviced it. Haven't put any more oil in since. Still montioring carefully and I've done a few miles since. I may at least buy some of that stuff and then I might on some random impulse put it in when it finally has used up some more oil (need room for it). Which might be a while, hopefully :mrgreen: .





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I'm a bit confused, one minute it's smoking and the next it's barely used anything since the last service?


Are you sure it's blue oil smoke you're getting?


If you're getting clouds of blue out the back after periods of over-run and then booting it, you've definitely got a head or block issue.

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Tell me about it!!! It seems to be a very light shade of blue, almost white. But I guess thats cos it new oil. :roll:


"If you're getting clouds of blue out the back after periods of over-run and then booting it, you've definitely got a head or block issue."


Yes, that's what it does :cry: :cry: :cry:




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