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Still..... Smoking

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dont always go by results from a compression test,if the oil scraper ring is worn it will still show high readings

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Agreed - they are high but its likely to do with the head being skimmed and the valves being re-sealed - more important is the difference between the figures... I think they are within tolerance.


And I personally think it is number one to go first - then six as a few people have had this problem and number one always shows up worse.


It is quite possible that the people who did your head work did not check for bore ovalisation - this is not possible to see - you see to measure it.



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Do you reckon number 1 is the cause of the oil burning on overrun then??? or difficult to say? I beginning to think it must be, oil consumption is soooo much less now and the smoking is far less. The head must have been a contributing factor before but obviously not the only factor. Still, they are good figures and its made me feel very relieved.



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Are the no.1 and no.6 plugs still fouling up?


If so then you have a problem with the bottom end - either rings / oil scraper or ovalisation.....


They are good figures but again it could be the oil control rings that are shot....? :!:

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Spark plugs have never fouled up since head rebuild. They are all in good condition and are of all the same condition. There is no difference between them at all. I had a really good look at them today. They all look fine.



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How many miles since rebuild?


Are you still using oil?


You have good compressions so if you are using oil it can only really be oil scraper (control) rings or something is a miss with the head...


I would stick a couple thousand miles on it mate and see how it goes....


Sun is out and I have just driven mine - puts a big grin on my face and yet no smoke :?: lol - some days it does it some it doesnt.... anyway it wont be on road for much longer - got the head booked in with engineer for 2 weeks time so will be pulling it apart shortly :(



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Over a 1000 miles since head rebuild now, It has used a wee bit since I serviced it about 600 miles ago. Wouldn't even say its used 1/4 of a litre. So its well within the limits.


I dont care anymore. Gonna have some more serious mods done to it at the start of next year when I finally get some decent money coming in (start in the Police!!!).


Just gonna enjoy it, (like I dont anyway!!!).




P.S. Good luck with the head rebuild mate, hope you've been saving the pennies!!! :cry:

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Doh!!! :oops:


Sorry, just come back from work. I'm tired or very slow!!! One of the two




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Lol - yeah sorry about that, but everytime I see this thread title, that image pops into my head.


Think I need a holiday!


And I've just burnt my wrist making an omlette!

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Over a 1000 miles since head rebuild now, It has used a wee bit since I serviced it about 600 miles ago. Wouldn't even say its used 1/4 of a litre. So its well within the limits.


I dont care anymore. Gonna have some more serious mods done to it at the start of next year when I finally get some decent money coming in (start in the Police!!!).


Just gonna enjoy it, (like I dont anyway!!!).




P.S. Good luck with the head rebuild mate, hope you've been saving the pennies!!! :cry:



lol - fair enough :)


As for the rebuild I dont need to save as doing ALL the labour myself :-P :wink:

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And I've just burnt my wrist making an omlette!


Is that what you call it! :wink: :lol:


I knew that would be interpreted in that way when I wrote it!!

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How about a nice rebuild guide Scott? :lol:


Thats EXACTLY what I am doing for you mate.... will also lots of pics with the digi camera!



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Nice one....


Looking forward to seeing that and will prove there is nothing scary about the VR engine :wink:

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Nice one....


Looking forward to seeing that and will prove there is nothing scary about the VR engine :wink:


I shall want special privledges and demand a sticky thread :-P :lol:


Seriously though:


I shall be writing up a guide with necessary pictures and explantions.... can either be one of two forms...


- Either create a new thread and make it sticky and each time I work on the engine I update the thread with pictures / notes and finds....




- Create a guide in word and post up as an attachment....


Personally I think it would be more interesting for members to follow me through the head rebuild as I work on it.... plus it means I could post up problems as I come across them....


What do you think?





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New thread - in html. Word is a proprietary closed format, and the document probably won't work in subsequent releases of Word anyway.


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I'm not too sure about that as new office products always seem to provide support for older versions....


But like you I think a proper thread :D

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I'm not too sure about that as new office products always seem to provide support for older versions....


Only so far back.. And certainly they try and make sure there's no compatibility the other way, i.e. when saved in a newer version and viewed in an older one.


Come back from the dark side, Scott. Use the freeware. ;)

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Absolute bot rot


You can create a Word file in 2003 and merrily open it in 2000 and 97.......and vice versa.


I've yet to see a serious office incompatibility problem.


Scott, you can always create it as a PDF? True platform independance but at the cost of file size. Most of us will have word (and none of this Linux Star Office shite) so go for it.



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