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Big plans...

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To do very little :thumbleft:


Hello, I'm Craig from the north of Scotland, mechanic to trade but turned into an oil ****er a couple years ago. I've got myself a VR6, I've had it around 6 months but haven't had much time to work on it. Overall mechanically its in pretty good order (apart from a sticky caliper) but cosmetically it's long over-due some TLC.


So my big plans are taking it back to as close to an "as new" standard as I can manage, so far I've only been able to write myself a shopping list. The hardest part is avoiding the trap of "well if I'm doing that I might as well...".


Anyway I'm sure you'll see around hunting for some parts.

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Completely agree with OEM plus, I think the only cosmetic changes will be wheels and a lower stance.


I'll get some pics up when I can, I'm on a work network just now so I can't access photobucket the now.


I've got a lot of work to do but I love a fixer upper :thumbleft:

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OEM plus all the way for me. These are old cars now in their autumn years. Going too wild on them is a little like a 50 year old wearing his sons clothes.

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It's dragon green. If I'm honest it wasn't my first choice in colour, but I really wanted one and it was the only one within my price range at the time that was solid both chassis-wise and mechanically.


I've got my list mostly figured out I just can't figure out a couple things, mainly what wheels to sit it on :shrug:

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Thanks Matt! but we all know Blackberry is the best colour...


Dragon green is nice on the Corrado and as for wheels, in my opinion there is only 1 style of wheel for the OEM+ look

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Howdoo, where abouts are you? If your offshore then you'll have plenty of time to come up with plans for spending money on it!!

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Howdoo, where abouts are you? If your offshore then you'll have plenty of time to come up with plans for spending money on it!!


I'm based in Aberdeen the now but from the islands. I have far too much time to make plans, but I work for a service company so I have almost no time to do anything.


Gives me time to do plenty parts hunting though, which is handy cause some of the more trivial things seem to be getting hard to find.

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Major thread revival!


After a few years I'm finally getting round to working on my VR6. Unfortunately it's sat for almost 2 years and it's a little worse for wear. My plan is to use the winter months to get it roadworthy again and then maybe a respray and some other cosmetics in the summer once I've rekindled my excitement over time!


Anyway posting back up here as a way to keep my motivation up!

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I'm up in Aberdeen every 6-8 weeks would be good to meet up with some of you. You're right though o&g is still taking a pounding :(

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