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Fuel comsumption.

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Next time out in your raddo try and stick to a steady 80mph(not a public highway of course) and reset your MFI and see what MPG you are getting :shock:

I got 27.5mpg :oops:


Thats in a 39k 91 G60 with only panel filter and Milltek for mods.

Roddy was in bits as his VR6 was into its 30`s............mind you i told him my engine was still tight :D


Try it and see what ya are getting.


After 191miles it said i did an average of 29.4 mpg but after some good calculations i worked it out as 28.73 MPG.


Think i will try Shell Optimax as some guys say they get more out of a tank 8)

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I get mid to high 30s resetting whilst doing 60, and sticking to it.

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I can get low 30's on the motorway, but the average goes right down after some around town driving :wink:

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I always used to find that I got 28-29mpg on a long trip somewhere, then 31-33mpg on the long trip back HOME the next day.

And then I figured out that it was cos I had dragging rear calipers that freed up for the return journey...

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To compare to a newer car- my Peugeot 406 1.8 16V (X reg - face lift model) gets 42.2MPG at a steady 80... looking forward to comparing this to the C when I get it back tomorrow :D

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I averaged high 30's with four adults and luggage for the weekend from London to Alton Towers. Best I've ever got.

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Just checked today - reset the MFA at constant 80 on the M4 (being overtaken by everyone!), and it goes to 35-37mpg in the VR6 :)

Mind you, the cold start and the trundling in traffic means that overall the journey averages 25mpg.. :|

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I managed to cheat a bit on the weekend coming back from the Midlands meet. We got a bit lost, but ended up doing a lot of downhill driving so my foot was barely on the throttle - I somehow managed to get just over 40MPG.. but on a good steady motorway drive at 70-80MPH I get about 34MPG.


Compare that with a standard mornings drive which is usually anywhere from 11-20MPG :shock: :shock:

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BTW. I was driving my VR6 at about 80-90mph.

On a B road I just don't bother checking :twisted:

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OK here's the details of my trip


DISTANCE 152 MILES motorway






And the magic figure is 34.7 mpg


im sure we've all played games with the MFA trying to get the maximum MPG (er well I hope you lot have :oops: ) and the most Ive ever got is 35.6 mpg

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Best I ever got was 53mpg in my G60 :shock: Drove about 20 miles at a pretty constant 50mph, didn't brake too much and just coasted along!


Motorway runs 75-80mph:


G60- 35-38 mpg

2.0 16v (first one :wink: )- 37-41 mpg

VR6- 30- 34 mpg

2.0 16v (so far) - 35-38 mpg.


Altogether not too bad. The VR was apalling around town though!

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The VR was apalling around town though!


Too right !

Bimbling round the shops has only ever got me around 24mpg - Another excuse to avoid doing the shopping if you ask me :wink: :wink: :wink:

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I have seen up to 39mpg on the trip driving a steady 50-55 ish on the A49 to my parents barely touching the throttle.


I get a constant 33-34mpg at 80-85mph..


Around town I get high 20's... 26 - 29mpg...


When I am driving 'normally' I change up gear at between 2500 - 3000 rpm so might explain why the VR is pretty good on fuel as none of the real power starts coming in till about 3500rpm....



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The VR was apalling around town though!



then again...........i normally get between 21-23mpg round town......to me this aint too bad........it is afterall a near 3litre lump.........my last car which was a BMW 318Ti did between 25-26mpg....and that was only a 140bhp 1.8 16v.........to me 3-5mpg is a small penalty to pay for the power and refinement of the VR.............it could be worse tho......i used to own a A-plate XR4i (2.8i V6 150bhp)and recently while my storm was in geting its front painted Skid lent me his recently departed winter hack....A F-plate XR4x4(2.8i V6 150bhp too) and that was returning 18mpg :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: .......

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I picked up my VR6 today, and was chuffed to get upto 34mpg on my 20mile journey home. Although after flooring it a couple of times, the economy dropped slightly, but still ended up a very respectable 32.4mpg. 8)


My bro-in law was with me in his mk2 16v, and he only just managed to get 32mpg, he was amazed at my figure; he reckoned I'd be lucky to get high 20's :mrgreen:

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TBH, the fuel consumption on the VR6 compares well and even betters many newer cars of similar performance today

The RX8 is as thirsty as hell and the nissan not much better

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