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Corrado Carpet

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Hi Guys


Im looking to get carpets made up for corrados to add to our new section on the website (VW Heritage)


I cant find anywhere that does a new set curretnly looking around.


Can anyone give me any info on colours availavle, whether there are more LHD than RHD?


What would you be prepared to pay for one, and how many people would want one?


I would also have to hunt a smaple down



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Thanks Anna


Are you referring to the floor lining carpets or the floor mats which protect the main carpet & can have logo's?

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Black and Beige definites and the grey interior cars probably have a grey carpet (I've never had one so couldn't say for definite..


As for numbers of LHD vs RHD i suppose that depends where you ask, the Euro/US market will probably be greater than us lot..


What would people be prepared to pay, i don't know, if your carpet is suddenly ruined (heater Matrix for example) then probably quite a bit but if you carpet is neglected over time then that may be a reflection of what the car is used for and i therefore unlikely to have a custodian who wants to hand over x number of pounds to sort it..


Im sure someone with a breaker would help you out with a sample

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The price would really depend on the quality of the carpet. The Corrado has a much nicer quality carpet than, say, a MK2 Golf.

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It would probably be similar to the mk2 carpet we do as it would be teh same supplier, Personally from looking at them they are pretty nice quality, i'd fit one, i wasnt aware that a corrado carpet would be any different from a mk2 apart from obviously shape and fitting, i mean quality wise.

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I owned a Corrado Vr6, and a MK2 GTi runout model (oak green with rainbow interior) within a few days of each other, the carpet was a noticeably nicer quality in the Corrado. The Golf carpet is basic and utilitarian in comparison.


Unless someone had put a cheap carpet in my Golf, but it looked as if it should have been there.

Edited by j_s14a

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Sorry to go off topic Anna, but are you guys doing a seasonal discount any time soon? Need to order a load of bits for my project MK1, but waiting until you guys do an offer. :)

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  j_s14a said:
Sorry to go off topic Anna, but are you guys doing a seasonal discount any time soon? Need to order a load of bits for my project MK1, but waiting until you guys do an offer. :)



If you have a large order 800+ we can usually offer a discount to you, drop me an e mail anna@vwheritage.com

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Is this carpet also made by Newton Commercials? Will they be doing the underfelt kit as well? If the carpet quality was plusher, I would be tempted at say the 180 mark seeing as the Newtown Commercials stuff is about £160 plus underfelt.

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  Sean_Jaymo said:
Is this carpet also made by Newton Commercials? Will they be doing the underfelt kit as well? If the carpet quality was plusher, I would be tempted at say the 180 mark seeing as the Newtown Commercials stuff is about £160 plus underfelt.


Yes it would be by newton commercial as thats who suppleis most of our carpets for our ranges.


Am still on the look for a good condition sample also and will also need a test fit car for a first sample. I think its worth sending a really good condition carpet for them to copy so they can really see hwo the quality should be


Im sure we can get them to do an underfelt kit also if there is enough interest.

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I'd be interested in beige too. I'd say £200 is the max I'd want to pay, provided it was very good quality and fit.

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  Sean_Jaymo said:
Did you get any volunteers Anna?


am still on the hunt for a good sample although its been so busy recently i havnt spent much time on it at all, (we are moving warehouse this weekend)


Alot of the ones on ebay look knackered!

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Does it NEED to be a plush one? Aren't your supplier after the patterns more than anything?


Good luck in the move. Onwards and upwards!

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No it doesnt need to be plush just all there and not too expensive,


I do have access to a sample but its a chap in canada i think he was and its left hand drive, ideally would like a RHD sample

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I have a sample! including boot and turret carpet.


Soon as it arrives here with me i am getting it sent off for Nweton to look at, they want to compare with the moulds they have now as a mk2 shares floorpans it seems, well the left 100% shares the smae number, the right a slightly different VW number.


I also have a thread on vortex running, well a helful customer of ours does to gain over the pond interest.


So hopefully we can get this moving further foward

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Hi Guys


Right this has moved on and i need a favour


I have sent a sample off to newton commercial and they are fairly confident they can make it pretty easily, They only receievd the sample today from me so monday are going to look into it more with moulds,


The next step will be to get a corrado in to them, they will then test fit a new carpet in removing all the seats and bits to test fit it, The person that takes the car would be there for a day, but you would drive away with a new fitted FOC carpet and obviously your old one to take home. Would anyone near Suffolk be prepared to do this for me? If so if you can PM me that would be great and we can get it arranged once i hear from them again

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