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*** Importance of having a fire extinguisher in the car ****

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I know this thread has been done before but thought I would put it on peoples minds again.


For most people on here their car is their pride and joy.


I know they dont luck very good or doesnt fit anywhere in the car or rolls around.


This is coming from someone with this experience first on the 16v I had about 13 years ago and then again yesterday with m,y pride and joy Verity!







So have a little think (those who dont currently have on in their car), what would be your feeling watching your pride and joy burn to a crisp on the side of the road.

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I know this thread has been done before but thought I would put it on peoples minds again.


For most people on here their car is their pride and joy.


I know they dont luck very good or doesnt fit anywhere in the car or rolls around.


This is coming from someone with this experience first on the 16v I had about 13 years ago and then again yesterday with m,y pride and joy Verity!







So have a little think (those who dont currently have on in their car), what would be your feeling watching your pride and joy burn to a crisp on the side of the road.



Good advice, I carry a spanner also in the glovebox for disconnecting the battery too...


Any advice on what type of extinguisher we should carry for car fire and not to make a mess

Hope verity is okay..

Edited by delfinis38

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Cheers bud spanner is always a good shout for sure. I always carry a few tolls in verity but none in the daily so spanner will be going in cheers


generally a dry powder one will be best yes will take some cleaning afterwards but small price to pay for saving the car in my eyes bud.

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Iv got one in the passenger under tray sits there fi e and is right at hand instead or having to run and get in the boot and then back to the front

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After a scare a couple of years ago (here) I bought this extinguisher http://www.screwfix.com/p/firechief-dry-powder-fire-extinguisher-1kg/45174 - it sits in the passenger footwell and is secured between the floormat and the centre hump/gearbox bit. It doesn't roll about, is quickly accessible and doesn't get in the way of passengers feet.


I also keep a 10mm spanner in the driver's door pocket to remove the battery cable if needs be.

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I have one attached to the front of the drivers seat, I think it was a factory option.

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I have one of the small powder ones in the glovebox, almost a perfect fit, and then a large (think its foam) in the boot.




Was watching/reading about car fires and although the dry powder puts out flames it doesn't offer much cooling and the fire can easily reignite. So got the foam as well.

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It's good to remind ourselves of the dangers of car fires from time to time.


A battery kill switch is far quicker and safer than a spanner. They're not expensive or difficult to fit either.


Fire extinguishers can be a good insurance, but nothing beats preventative maintenance.


Regularly check for:


Oil leaks on the back of the engine

CV gaiter splits (can soak brake discs in grease as well)

Electrical chafing (especially amp wires that pass through the bulkhead)

Cooling fans (dodgy motors can catch fire)

Fuel lines perishing



Panic is the first thing that sets in when smoke pours from the dash or comes out from under the car. Not everyone will be rational and calm enough to use an extinguisher and sometimes opening the bonnet will cause a backdraft, so a plumbed in extinguisher might be better.

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I have one attached to the front of the drivers seat, I think it was a factory option.


Have you any decent pics of your setup please? Ta :thumbleft:

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I keep one in my boot but have no clue what kind it is. I shall take your advice and get one for the glove box.


I keep a seatbelt cutter and window hammer in the glove box. For a few quid it is something I hope I never have to use but even if I needed it to help someone else I'm glad I carry one.


Good advice!


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When my fans went up I was sufficiently on the ball to use the extinguisher, it was the rummaging in the tool bag for the 10mm ratchet that really gave me palpitations!


The second time I had a spanner in the door pocket...fool me once ;) Didn't need the extinguisher that time as it wasn't well alight, the smell warned me! Dry powder makes a hell of a mess (you only know this once you've tried to clean it up) but it's a huge improvement on the alternative.


Hope Verity is ok!



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Cheers stone. First indications look good cv boot gone and going to make some heat shielding for it

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Chris - Sounds like you were lucky - thank goodness.


I have had one for a few years too, in the passenger shelf - fits well.

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I had a fuel leak from the injector rail on Friday dripping on the alternator etc, another reason to carry a fire extinguisher

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