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someone might be up to something need extra security

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last sat i had my mirror kicked off,when chatting to a neighbour about it he told me about a 4x4 that keeps going into the car park were i park and just turning around and going.he has done it a few times seen my neighbour looking so turned his lights off and drove down road and put them back on.he went in car park again tonight seen my car wasnt there and stopped to look in the car park were i park now .bit worried its going to get robbed.

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one of the best things i have seen is a snap off steering wheel boss. makes things a little more difficult when you have no steering wheel.


second thing is a cut off switch on the main power lead. Easy to wire and can be discreetly put under the seat. Very nice immobiliser and reliable.

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ive got a toad imobilizer and a disclok over the steering wheel.ive parked it in a differant car park but the 4x4 has stopped by the entrance most prob to look for my car.ive blocked it in tonight with my works van

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Anywhere else you could leave it? Mates house or parents etc if it's not a daily?

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i can leave it at the missis house just then ive got the problem of getting back and too there.its norm very quiet were i live.has anyone tried on of then trackers off ebay

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The things with these cars, they are worth a lot more as parts and that fact seems to becoming more and more known. Things like steering locks and isolation switches mean nothing when they're just lifted or dragged onto the back of a low loader.


Best of leaving it elsewhere for a few weeks until this problem moves on or park it in a place where nicking it requires large cahunas.

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Pull the fuel pump relay. No matter how hard he tries, he won't be starting it in a hurry.

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I would also get a look at the 4x4s registration number and record it, just in case..... Maybe even report it to the Police as acting suspiciously - if they're legit then they won't object to answering a few questions and if they are up to no good it should encourage them to look elsewhere.

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old guy in flats got reg because he keeps seeing it.he thought it was a landrover discovery,ive put the reg into euro carparts and its a vauxhall frontera.i will keep my eyes out for it as theres not many about

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I agree with the suggestions to mention it to the police to be honest.

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Ring the police and tell them your suspicious of the car and report it , then get your sisters brothers auntis grandad to do the same but for dangerouse driving then get your bosses mothers husband to do the same but for a different reason , once its been reported about three times the police will start to pay attention


Id also put an a4 sheet blu tacked on the the crook lock with " trackerd " wrote on it


Might be enough to make them think twice before they put tour window through

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Ring the police and tell them your suspicious of the car and report it , then get your sisters brothers auntis grandad to do the same but for dangerouse driving then get your bosses mothers husband to do the same but for a different reason , once its been reported about three times the police will start to pay attention


Id also put an a4 sheet blu tacked on the the crook lock with " trackerd " wrote on it


Might be enough to make them think twice before they put tour window through



Also right on the paper. "Police are aware so Smile for the camera !"

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Also right on the paper. "Police are aware so Smile for the camera !"


Put their reg no on the paper too, or a photo of their car!! lol


Seriously though, I'd call the Police about it, they may well be known to them.

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Seems strange that someone would kick a mirror off and then steal it.


Maybe someone with a "white coupe" has been shagging his missus :D

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Stealing the car one one bit at a time.


You'll come back one day and the whole door will be gone.


Slightly more seriously, I was looking out of idle curiosity the other week at tracker (and Tracker) type systems and they're not horrendously expensive for a simple 3G/GPS unit with a kind of PAYG pricing scheme (you use up credit every time you check the location of the car).

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That's probably a wise investment, given the time and money we all spend getting our cars the way we want them. But if your car is stolen to order by East Europeans, well, you'll never see it again!

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