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This country gets more like a police state every year

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'Car cruising' ban in Black Country




Granting the injunction, Judge Gailey said there was a "real problem" of car

cruising in the area and an injunction would be the "proper measure".


The injunction prohibits two or more vehicles gathering in the combined local

authority area "known generally as the Black Country" between 15:00 and 07:00



A spokesman for Wolverhampton City Council, which led the challenge, said the

authorities were satisfied with the result.

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Having just skimmed through the link David , It looks and sounds like it's aimed at the (dare I say it ?) Jap culture ? . It mentions racing , there's proberbly some drifting going on there too . Looks like all car enthusiasts are being tarred with the same brush , which is a bit harsh . I'm not saying everyone who owns a scooby or Evo etc drives like a loon but it only takes a small percentage to upset the apple cart . It does spoil it for the true enthusiasts , who drive to and from a meet in a sensible way . I can't imagine many Corrado owners doing donuts and drifting !

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A police state you say? This was at a peaceful anti fracking protest in Manchester. Look at the face on the coppers face




Shame they're not that eager to get involved when in dealing with establishment child abuse rings

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fracking protesters do my nut in, get over it, if we can have energy security and fund our health service from the tax it's all good as far as I'm concerned, at the end of the day most of us are living over old coal/tin etc mining areas or on land of previous industrial use and there's so much bullsh1t about fracking destroying the world as we know it.

... and the hippy in the picture looks like he deserves a good kicking, get a job and do something useful for society!


I'm more concerned about a country that passes laws preventing 2 car owners gathering together!

Oh look, two Corrados next to each other in Tescos car park... you're nicked.

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That is a ridiculous thing to say. You know nothing about what the person in the picture does or doesn't do for a living and if you think for one second any profits from energy resources go into funding the health service you're off your head mate. I'm not going to comment any further as we obviously have very different views and will fall out very quickly.

Edited by Jamie

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Surely common sense should prevail here. Most meets of any substance will have been organised by clubs, so injunctions can be placed on said clubs organising further meets if it's members don't behave themselves. I'm sure it's not as cut and dried as the article suggest, as this would include all classic car gatherings of which many of the members will be a little more "mature", and with vehicles that are probably incapable of doing burnouts! As it has said, it's "convenient" for the Police to ban everything associated with these meets, but it tars all motoring enthusiasts with the same brush. As for fracking, we'll leave that for another thread/debate shall we...............

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Think it's more to do with ricers and street racers, can't envision them attempting to enforce this against organised club meets. I don't think they'll have the resources.

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Agree with Jamo ^^. If your stupid enough to have a gathering on a street/ car park then start dicking around and breaking the law then these drivers deserve all the get.

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... and the hippy in the picture looks like he deserves a good kicking, get a job and do something useful for society!




Wow! And I could quite easily construe from that picture that that policeman is a sadist and a coward. The sort of wrong'un who takes pleasure in pinning a woman to the ground and making her powerless. He got into a position of power so he can get his kicks safe in the knowledge that he has the law on his side and loyal colleagues everywhere to back him up incase he picks on someone with more balls than he has.


Of course I won't because having only seen this photo I know nothing of the situation.

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