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Had an old guy bitchin' about my G60 today.

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When I got home and parked up on the street this guy in his 60's from across the road, who's never said two words to me before, came out and told me to stop sitting with my engine on idle. I'm like, ''Sorry but i need to warm it up in this weather'' to which he told me to make it quieter. It's not loud and has both silencers and it's pretty quiet for a G60. I basically told him there was nothing I can do about it and to deal with and he's like, ''If you don't sort it, I will''


Not a mention of my neighbours either side of me, one has a Nissan 350Z and the other has a vintage Triumph motorbike and he's on about me sitting on idle.


****ed me right off as i'm fairly considerate to my neighbours and never drive the car hard anywhere. Sorry I'd thought I'd vent off here before I end up going to his door. Can't stand people with bad attitudes like that but will park up further along the street if possible in future to keep the old goat happy.

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Sod them , I've had a similar problem with one of mine , so my trick was to come home in a v 8 top line Scania artic and park it on my drive . Really noisy with twin stacks 22 inch lol . Never said a word to me since .

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Up until recently my neighbour used to rev is bike up at 4am in the morning directly outside my house. He has since got rid of it and now its my turn haha! Although I still cant bring myself to do it very much - just not that sort of person!

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Sod them , I've had a similar problem with one of mine , so my trick was to come home in a v 8 top line Scania artic and park it on my drive . Really noisy with twin stacks 22 inch lol . Never said a word to me since .



lol....the strange thing is that before the G60, this time last year, I had a proper noisy impreza with a turbo timer that would sit running for two minutes after i've gone into the house and before that had a mk3 vr6 with only the rear silencer fitted. Maybe he's got himself one of they new hearing aids recently.


Also there is 700 odd houses being built at the end of my street and trucks are going up and down all day everyday and in the early evening a road sweeper goes back and forth numerous times to clean up their mess so I by no means live in tranquillity terrace lol.


Can only be jealousy lol.

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Maybe you was the last straw and ge took it out on you !! I had a neighbour once that had a go at me because i put my foot on his drive when i was taking a picture of a wheel as my car was parked on the curb side i had to step back a foot to fit the wheel it !! He came out giving it loads and said he doesent put his feet on my drive !! Next day he walked past and said hi !! Blank stare was all i gave him and he looked at me like id kicked his dog

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Up until recently my neighbour used to rev is bike up at 4am in the morning directly outside my house. He has since got rid of it and now its my turn haha! Although I still cant bring myself to do it very much - just not that sort of person!


That's the thing my next door neighbour has and old Triumph and most weekends in the morn he sits with his garage open revving it up and tuning it before he takes it out and you know how these old bikes sound. I don't mind it though.

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I didn't mind it during the day and love the sound of engines. But 4am used to peeve Me a little haha

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Maybe you was the last straw and ge took it out on you !! I had a neighbour once that had a go at me because i put my foot on his drive when i was taking a picture of a wheel as my car was parked on the curb side i had to step back a foot to fit the wheel it !! He came out giving it loads and said he doesent put his feet on my drive !! Next day he walked past and said hi !! Blank stare was all i gave him and he looked at me like id kicked his dog


Aye a bit of noise and the're all hard done by. They must assume we're ned boy racers or something, I generally like and respect all older people but that guy appeared to have already made his mind up about me before before opening his mouth and that's not very nice.

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I didn't mind it during the day and love the sound of engines. But 4am used to peeve Me a little haha


Yeah that is rediculous lol. I couldn't envision anyone in my street tolerating that.

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I try to be considerate wherever possible. But a neighbour telling me ''If you don't sort it, I will'' would get a very rude response and a clear statement that I wouldn't take it laying down.

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Unless he's talking about vandalism, you are doing absolutely nothing wrong. The fact is that if your car has a valid MOT, it's been deemed close enough to manufacture standard noise level for the rest station not to mention it by failing or advisories. Worst case is that you're made to get a report from a valid test station, but probably nothing to worry about and I'd post a copy of it through his letterbox with a "politely" worded letter.

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The threat about him fixing your 'noisy' car is most concerning. Why is the UK so full of threatening old bullies like him.

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Haha what a prick! The bloke that lived next door to my mums when I was in my teens decided to come out and complain about me parking outside his house just as I'd broken something on my car one afternoon - he got a quick K'off mate, carried it on and on, threatened my mum which ended with him on the floor and his mrs nearly getting a crack as well. Wouldn't have minded so much but the reason I had to park out the front of his was cos his mate used to deliberately park just enough across our house so my car wouldn't fit.


The fella across the road from my mums used to have a De Tomaso Pantera that ran straight through exhausts and as much as I liked him and loved that car hearing him fire it up on a Sunday morning when I had not long been in and had a raging hangover used to get on my tits something chronic.

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Some great stories and responses guys!


I'm not concerned too much i'll just park a down the road a bit if possible but it's hit or miss depending on spaces. Although he's old and retired, he's always in overalls and spends alot of time in his garage and has a fair bit of engineering equipment in there so will be keeping an eye on things lol.


Maybe it's the idle drone of the supercharger that gets him. It does need rebuilt and prabably a bit louder than it needs to be. But still, nae need for the attitude at all.

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Have a chat with him see if he will rebuild it for you.... For his own benefit of course and for a quieter neighbourhood

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Just being devils advocate, but warm up why? Doesn't do it any favours surely?


To get the oil temp up and operating at its most effective before putting the engine under load. The reason you shouldn't rag a car with the engine cold as it will cause premature wear.

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take off the silencers, run it for a month when he complains again put them back on ;-)


chap on our road (old again) his nipper goes to work on his bike 6.30am (my alarm for work was 6.50) every morning revving the tits off it instantly to 'warm it up' used to wind me right up so much i just started getting up at 6.30, told him it would do the engine no good to red line it from cold...looked at me like i was a halfords attendant speaking to a mechanic


all weekend they will have bikes, cars, starting and stopping, revving, some nice vintage ones too, some not so, but i enjoy hearing them....in the day


but you want to see they're faces when the vr6 starts!



wait till that straight through goes on!

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Used to have a neighbour that used to moan about the cars I had and especially my van I had. I had two cars and a van. Two cars fitted on the drive and the Luton van out the front infront of my house. One day I took the cars off the drive to clean up the front so parked them on the road, but had to pop out. So off I went, came back to find a neighbours son who didn't live there had stuck his **** box rover on my driveway. He came out ranting about my cars being parked on the street and that one was parked in his space on the street. So easy resolve was to stick my old knacker I had back in the drive so close that he couldn't get in. Put my van back in front of my drive so there was no way he could get off. Then proceeded to take the kids and mrs out for the day. And got back home about 11 that evening. Moved my van that was a large transit box van. Stuck it out side there house and left it there until I went back to work, so that was 3 days. And told them if they park in front or on my property again the van would become a permanent fixture outside there house. Never got any grief after. Sometimes you just have to stand your ground with your neighbours. Also been asked for my engine to idle quietly before. It was at around lunch time and I was in a lorry dropping a skip of at his neighbours house and literally just pulled up and came straight out ranting about it, explained I would only be 5 minutes, he wanted me to drop the skip off by hand with the engine off. He was a retired type and just a moaning sod. I dragged the job out as long as possible to give home something to moan about

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I've had 2 run in's with different neighbours recently. 1st was 8am on a week day, corrado was sat on the road outside my house running while i was deicing the windows....neighbour comes out shouting the odds saying how disrespectful i am and how loud the car is. It's not loud, has a milltek exhaust with 2 silencers. 2nd i got a note left under my window telling me not to park outside their house. Now where i live everybody has a 1 car driveway and a garage, it's a public road so anybody can park anywhere. If people actually used their driveways then I wouldn't have the need to park half way up the road outside somebody elses house. This person only has 1 car as well which he parks on the driveway.


My mums also had a run in with another neighbour because she parked on the road outside her house. This neighbour only has some small daeoo thing however never parks on the driveway! She called the police out who asked my mum to be mindful of where she parks. So now every opportunity i have to park outside her house i take it!!!!!

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Really interesting read this to see how everyone deals with the noise of neighbours and the responses.


Although not loud in the scheme of things, I was concerned about the noise of my Corrado with its Miltek exhaust running idle on the drive, so I don't do it, but just drive the car (Normally - Oh yes I can do that !!!) under 3k revs until the oil temp is hot.


Then I bought a 350z which is mental loud !! First thing I did was went to see my neighbours and apologise for the loudness of my car and advise them I would not keep that running on idle either and I don't.

If I am having a load of Corrado or other car friends over when we will all want to be running our cars to get them warm before we venture off - I advise the neighbours beforehand.


In my case this has worked very well. They will on occassion take the mickey about the noise - which is fine.


On the other side of alll this - some of my neighbours have dogs that randomly bark for no reason and it drives me to distration - especially when I can hear them all times of day and night while sat inside my house !!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I will often not have any sound on in my house, and windows will be open. Even if the windows are closed though, I can still hear them. I would not mind if the dogs barked for a reason, but they bark at birds, at the odd sound of life etc etc.


I started some 8 years or so ago, approaching said neighbours and politely explained - Their dogs were disturbing me. They said they had them in Training lessons and it would improve. This developed to resulting in 3 years ago, I approached them again - pointing out this was unacceptable to continue and asked why they did not use many of the gadgets that are on the market to quieten their dogs and be considerate to their neighbours. I was properly shouted and swore at and told it was not their fault. I had to accept I lived next door to dogs and that they bark !!!!!!!!!! I was also told - why did I not keep a diary and report them. My reply - I was keeping a diary !!! The look of shock on their faces was brilliant and to this day - it has been considerably quieter !!! Completly unknown to me at the time, they had masses of other neighbours complain about their dogs too.


Funny and interesting world we live in...........

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People who demand you don't park outside their house have no leg to stand on assuming you aren't blocking a driveway. As you say. Public highway. If you don't want a neighbour parking outside your house, get a house with a driveway / move.

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