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Early Mats Help

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I'm looking at having some custom mats made up and need some help form anyone with the early version of the genuine mats.


I need to know the position of the logo, so need the measurements for A, B and C. as per the picture attached. Also the size of the of the letter 'C' in the word Corrado.




Would really appreciate the help with getting this information, and it may help other people wanting new like OE mats.

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  sankysvr6 said:
Just had a thought I would probably need the measurements for the passenger side mat as well.




Think Seanl82 got a full set.

PM him!

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MZPog, I will post the supplier details up once they have confirmed. May be could try a group buy if can get enough numbers together.


Cheers Wayne, I will PM.


But I'm sure he will read this soon, as he's often on here as much I am.

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  Harry_G60 said:
I'd be interested in grey :)


Once I get the details to the supplier, I think they can do pretty much any colour you want. Think I will be going for the anthracite colour which a dark grey almost like the original carpets that are in the car.


If others are interested please let us know, as I might be worth pursuing a group buy.

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Ok, measured it all up today. All measurements approximate, but I tried to be as accurate as possible. Key is the above pic.


Drivers side mat:


A - 100mm

B - 148mm

C - 130mm


Passenger side mat:


A - 135mm

B - 148mm

C - 138mm


Measurements were taken from the left to closest point on the C, and right to closest point on the O.


The dimensions for the letters are (WxH):

C are 26mm x 10mm

O is 30mm x 10mm

R are 12mm widening to 20mm x 10mm

A is 30mm x 10mm, with the tail 4mm in from the end

D is 20mm widening to 30mm x 10mm rising to 14mm


Total length of the script is 200mm, and the total slant from the top of the leading edge of the C to the bottom leading edge is 5mm.

Can't find my calculator to work out the angle though sorry! Think its somewhere in the region of 25 degrees I'd imagine.


Hope this helps! :thumbleft:

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Woah Sean!!!


That's a great amount of information, wasn't expecting all that thanks. I've already got the corrado font, so just to print will print off a few sizes to match it up with your readings.

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Put me down for a set in black, take it these will be fine in a 95 VR. I have a set in mine but the drivers is worn through and the logo has faded badly.

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Finally had an update from the supplier, he is gong to send me some samples of the material used for the mats. For both the basic and high end mats and also the various binding they can do, I will pots up detailed pictures when I have them for you all decide if you would like to participate in a group buy or not.


In the meantime, can you look over the embroidery of the logo and tell me what you think compared the the original.


There are some definite differences, that might not be to everyone's taste.



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I'm up for a set of Black Mats depending on price. Any chance of a Storm logo too?

(I can't see the photos, link is dead)

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Hi Mike,


Having Storm logo will not be a problem, as the font is the same.


I'm just trying to get Corrado logo corrected with the supplier.


Will PM everyone who as expressed interest when I start a start the group buy.

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