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No Top Gear this Sunday

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Trouble is Wendy, I think the film the studio part in the week before airing.


Umm, actually agree its done on a Wednesday I believe.


This Sunday however, was JC and gang at JapFest Last year, so I am led to believe.


Not that I would have remembered to watch it, despite being a rare one i would quite like to see.


My other car is a 350Z !!!

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Last years jap fest ? I didn't see him there ? Mind you I was I wee bit tipsy and fell out of a camper van doing 15 mph . And still managed to keep hold of my bottle of vodka . But the cuts and bruises I had all over weren't good ! Couldn't walk properly for days !! :dance:

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The BBC are right to sack him, hes in the public eye and should know better. If it happened in a workplace environment (office, factory) he would have got matched straight off the premises. Looks like all 3 of them will be looking for jobs as James May has said they come as a package and although he is a "KNOB" he still likes working with him.

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They've had 10 good years or so. I was starting to get bored so looking forward to them freshening it up. As you say hitting someone at work is inexcusable so the sack was the only option. I fully expect all 3 of them to turn up on Sky in a new series. Clarkson already gets paid by Murdoch to write his newspaper column

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What's funny is that their is more evidence to suggest the bbc cover up child abuse than there is regarding Clarkson hitting anyone. But yet.....


It's amazing how people are somewhat selective in what the chose to believe or complain about but I suppose it stems down to what affects people directly.

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What's funny is that their is more evidence to suggest the bbc cover up child abuse than there is regarding Clarkson hitting anyone. But yet.....


It's amazing how people are somewhat selective in what the chose to believe or complain about but I suppose it stems down to what affects people directly.


Sorry. Don't follow. So Jezza referring himself to his bosses for his actions (i.e. assaulting the producer) vs. what evidence (please note, evidence not hearsay)?


Don't get me wrong, anyone found to have covered up information about historic child abuse needs to be taken to task but trying to use this to condone what Clarkson did is weak. If you turned up for work and were assaulted but the guy who hit you was let off as he was seen by management as a golden egg because he was a brilliant salesman, you would be pretty ****ed.


I don't think the BBC were left with any other option and I applaud them for their moral convictions on this matter (I'm not so naive to imagine the risk of constructive dismissal and the negative publicity wasn't also factored in) in the face of what are significant commercial considerations.


Finally, I for one will not be sad to see the demise of Top Gear. Maybe I've moved on but the format has become very stale and formulaic: it's time for the BBC to live up to its vision of "inform, educate, entertain". This may signal the era of a new car show to take over the mantle. (rant over).

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It's like putting the whole class in detention because 1 student misbehaved. How do we know this producer didn't deserve a smack in the chops? We've only been given one side of the story. Clarkson should have been suspended rather than sacked, but canning the whole show and p1ssing off millions of fans is just childish sanctimonious horse schitt that is so typical of draconian organisations like the BBC.


If TG goes back to the 90s tweed jacket and tan trousers format again, focussing on boring nonsense like mpg, it will flop big time.

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Sorry. Don't follow. So Jezza referring himself to his bosses for his actions (i.e. assaulting the producer) vs. what evidence (please note, evidence not hearsay)?


Don't get me wrong, anyone found to have covered up information about historic child abuse needs to be taken to task but trying to use this to condone what Clarkson did is weak. If you turned up for work and were assaulted but the guy who hit you was let off as he was seen by management as a golden egg because he was a brilliant salesman, you would be pretty ****ed.


I don't think the BBC were left with any other option and I applaud them for their moral convictions on this matter (I'm not so naive to imagine the risk of constructive dismissal and the negative publicity wasn't also factored in) in the face of what are significant commercial considerations.


Finally, I for one will not be sad to see the demise of Top Gear. Maybe I've moved on but the format has become very stale and formulaic: it's time for the BBC to live up to its vision of "inform, educate, entertain". This may signal the era of a new car show to take over the mantle. (rant over).


Not condoning anything, I don't care about it . And given the nature of TG it's likely another staged event, maybe Clarkson has had enough of it and this is the 'bombshell' to end it on. Who knows, the entire story, although i've not given it much attention, is all a bit silly and gives the impression all is not as it seems. I'm not getting into the morals of the bbc as they have none to speak of. I'd love to see them fold. You say inform, educate and entertain, I say manipulate, distract and demoralise.

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