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JD Westy

1060 Corrados registered in The World ?

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That's a load of piffle, UK wise there are around 2000 VRs still registered with the DVLA which is where the 'how many left' website get their data from.

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That's a load of piffle, UK wise there are around 2000 VRs still registered with the DVLA which is where the 'how many left' website get their data from.


Any idea how many valvers & G60's left too?

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Seems the Valver and G60's are rarer than them 10 a penny VR6's......I think I'll pop mine on ebay at £10K noting it's rareness ;)

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There's less every year - if you do a search on here this topic comes round every six months or so. Many cars (especially VRs) have been bought up and broken in recent years, hence the relative availability of second hand parts on ebay and on the forum. There were never that many 16V and 8V cars sold after the VR came out. In fact, for rarity the 8V cars should take the trophy after the Campaign and the Storms. G60s are just that much older, so that fewer make it into retirement.


Then there's always the once off ones that VW made like the Corrado estate, 16V G60, convertible etc. I'll leave you to find them on the Interwebs.

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So they are. Over 1000 g60's gone in 10 years that's 100 a year so in that case in 7 years it will be worth a fortune as it will be 1 of 50 left well in my mind anyway lol

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1000 in 20 years - but yes there are 50 left in 20 years then sure it will be worth a fortune lol! Juts keep it under a duvet with a hot water bottle

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1000 in 20 years - but yes there are 50 left in 20 years then sure it will be worth a fortune lol! Juts keep it under a duvet with a hot water bottle


Maths has never been my strong point. Already do the hot water bottle and duvet lol but doesn't everyone?

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I purchased my G60 3 years ago and give or take a few hundred it's currently worth what I paid for it.


Do we honestly think that Corrado's will go up in value?

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I agree with Chuggs. There seems to have already been a marked increase in sale prices over the last 6-12 months on all used car websites and auction sites. It seems to be getting a fair bit of attention online, in magazines and on TV very recently which I honestly think will help (in our case) push prices up too. Not sure why we are all so desparate to see prices increase mind you, as that'll have a knock on effect for spares too! :bonk:

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Seems most people who sell their rados come back so they will have got more but have to spend more to buy a new one. I have no intention in selling mine so makes no odds to me. Don't like the idea of more expensive parts though.

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I agree with Chuggs. There seems to have already been a marked increase in sale prices over the last 6-12 months on all used car websites and auction sites. It seems to be getting a fair bit of attention online, in magazines and on TV very recently which I honestly think will help (in our case) push prices up too. Not sure why we are all so desparate to see prices increase mind you, as that'll have a knock on effect for spares too! :bonk:


I've seen a slight increase too although I think most of this is due to there being fewer low end cars around; a lot have now been broken. Looking at the numbers of VR6's left it has remained fairly static over the last few years on howmanyleft (other models have dropped in number). I just think the average price is going up because there isn't a lot at the bottom end now. But I guess that's how a trend starts as people see the average price going up and then it becomes a viable car to own without depreciation; so they buy into one and that pushes prices up a little more each time.


Seems most people who sell their rados come back so they will have got more but have to spend more to buy a new one. I have no intention in selling mine so makes no odds to me. Don't like the idea of more expensive parts though.


This has stopped me selling a few times. I know I would have to spend more on another to get one back and I know I'd miss it. They are so rarely seen on the roads now. I can't remember the last time I saw another one outside of a car show or driving to a car show. If I ever sold then I know the market would bounce upwards the day after I sell - my luck is just like that :) There are some bodywork issues I want to get sorted but I won't do it while values are low. If values increase then it becomes worth getting them done.

Edited by Portent

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