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Roger Chatfield

Front VR6 Badges, Red and Silver stickers

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Hello Roger Chatfield, we would like with my friends 5 reds and 5 grey.



Can you tell me if you have them in stock and how much should be paypal to send them to France?



Kind regards



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  Roger Chatfield said:
Yes sure, PM me for payment details.



Roger, have twice PM you but not sure if you have received my msges. Can you plse confirm? Thks rgds KG

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I've got 1 silver and 9 red left, PM me if anyone wants any.

Don't worry I can get more printed.


Georgaco... I've not received any PM's from you.



Edited by Roger Chatfield

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Hi All

- if anyones interested - just seen a post on a Facebook page called BurnAllTheCorrados - not sure why its called that as its a positive site.


But some one has just posted that someone has made them a Red VR6 badge and the picture of it (in it specially made wooden presentation box) looks really good = says it cost 60 euros plus shipping. To help locate it the post was by Akiles Eskivel Madraxo 11 hrs ago - can t get Facwebook via my laptop but will see if I can copy the link in a minute on my phone

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Think he made the actual badge.... Just sent a message on Facebook to ask if new or just a refurbishment

Edited by Chuggs1

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He has made the badges......I'm on the list for his next batch I hope......I think the 6 is very slightly different but it looks good to me......I was gonna wait until I got it before saying whether it was good or bad. Worth a punt though I'd say :)



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Yes just got the message back saying all made from scratch - perhaps he can do other ones as well?

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Fairly sure silver ones are on their way too......I answered a question recently about preference......solid or brushed silver and I'm sure it was the same guy asking:)

I said brushed

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  Chuggs1 said:
Looks like this is the guy that makes. https://m.facebook.com/renewartlleida/


they do look tidy m8!!


well found


brushed chrome VR's too :)


oh & thanks as that page gave me inspiration of what to do with my stock VR cams, removed when had 263's. I was thinking book ends or shelf or something but those lamps look mint

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Hello Roger,

did you get my previous PM for front badges?


I have no answer from you since last week.



Best regards



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  easypops said:
He has made the badges......I'm on the list for his next batch I hope......I think the 6 is very slightly different but it looks good to me......I was gonna wait until I got it before saying whether it was good or bad. Worth a punt though I'd say :)




I manage to get hold of the first emblem he sold and yes he makes them himself.

Its really good quality and it sits flush on the front.

As mentioned he also made one in silver. The only downside is that the colour is a sticker but overall its a really nice item.


Here is a link to his instagram with pictures.


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  alfi60 said:
Hello Roger,

did you get my previous PM for front badges?


I have no answer from you since last week.



Best regards




I know Rog is a little busy at the moment , he will get back to you .

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Sorry guys, been a bit tied up recently, I've a few stickers left, I'll pick them up from the house on Monday and see what's what.


I'll post up here what I have left and if there is enough interest I'll get another batch made up.



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Hi guys, well I've finally managed to my act together.


So, I have 9 red and 1 silver left.


Price as before, £5 each delivered.


PM me if you want one.


I'll order some more if there is enough interest.



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