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Doesn't it SERIOUSLY pi$$ you off when some inconsiderate MORON does this to your Corrado.......





Over the last couple of years, i've spent well north of 2K on the paintwork on my Corrado, only to have some complete cockwomble do this to it. The front bumper pic happened about two weeks ago and the rear bumper pic was done today in Tesco, Sunbury, and i'm well cheesed. Too many bad drivers on the road these days despite what you have to do and go through to pass your test now.


Car parking spaces should be made at least half as big again as they are now so brainless dweebs can get their oversized MPV or SUV into a space without damaging other people's cars. OK, so these might just buff out and the Corrado is going in at the end of June for other door opening dings and pings on the side to be taken care of, but that in't really the point.


OK - rant over.



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The only answer is not to park in these places . If I have to visit asda or whatever shop it may be I try to park on an end bay and then over the outer line so it's no where near the next car . But you are right there are too many numptys on the road who can't perform a simple car parking manoeuvre .

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It's massively frustrating and I feel your pain. The fact that people don't even have the common decency to leave a note with their details infuriates me. I just try to park in the furthest spot possible and park 'poorly' which most of the time puts people off parking next to me. I can't bring myself to be a complete selfish git though and park over two spots.......well, most of the time anyway!

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It really does feel like a total lottery taking your Corrado out any place where the general public are as most people don't give two ****s about their own cars let alone other people's.


My bumpers on my Corrado are covered in countless scrapes and gashes... Not one of them done by me. Just come back to the car to find it like that. It's absolutely soul crushing sometimes.

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That's bloody annoying! :mad:


The general standard of driving get's worse & I've seen some terrible things in car parks. It's a fact that most people don't take a pride in their car so scuffs, scrapes & dings are the norm for them. I never park in a supermarket car park if I can help it, with any car, & would rather park a mile away & walk the rest. If I have to it's always the furthest point from the entrance to avoid the those idiot's!

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I will not park anywhere near shop doors. I am the arsehole that takes up two spaces for that very reason but to be fair I always go to the furthest point possible that has dozens of spaces. If its busy I go back later. I don't spend my time keeping my cars immaculate for some idiot to ruin it for me in seconds.


Feel for you mate.

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I've just gotten back from a trip out in mine. Originally we were going to a quiet out of the way place so I was happy to take the rado. Unfortunately we ended up in the city so I was having a little panic about parking.


Found a good spot so I was on an end and miles away from the next car, then some moron goes and parks less than a foot from me even though nobody is in the space next door!


I ended up standing there watching them get themselves out of the car. You could see them being super careful whilst I stood there, but I could hear the guy muttering, so I moved mine.

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feel your pain also, only the other day I had my golf parked up in a public carpark for the day , came back and as I was further down the road I noticed my L/H wing mirror was pushed forward and the casing was unclipped/broken, basically some one had parked next to me and as they opened there door the wind took it smacking the **** out of my mirror! I guess im lucky they weren't a few inches closer other wise my door would of have been severely dented! and you know they wouldn't of left any details , there was a car parked next to mine as I left but couldn't see any paint or clues as to what car hit it so kinda pointless especially as I was firkin raging!!... mystic blue's spot on , too many people don't care about driving and there car otherwise they would be just as protective

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I feel your pain. I've actually had it happen to me while sitting in the car waiting on the other half to do whatever it is she does in supermarkets.


Car pulls up next to door opens and hits mine. I confront the complete arse, his responce made me see red,


"it's just an old car mate"


To say i was angry is an understatement.

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Just one of these things really. You can't rely on other people to take care of your stuff in this day and age. One of the main reasons I have held back painting my own Corrado whilst it is still a daily driver. Just not worth it if it's spending time in car parks. Thankfully, being just bumper scuffs it'll not be too bad to repair.

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