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VR6 Automatics

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I've seen a nice VR for sale but its automatic. I've never driven one. What's people's experience/opinions on the auto versions? Is there much difference/restrictions. Also is converting them to manual relatively straightforward? Cheers Andy.

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I've been in an auto , not the same as owning one granted , but I thought it pulled really well . Obviously your restricted in the rev range , it changes up when it needs to , but I was impressed by how it drove . As for converting there are bits and pieces that need to be moved in the bay and obviously the pedal box , which is a bit of a faf . My opinion of them is , if I had one I would leave it as it is .

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mine used to be an auto. Nice lazy driving, especially in traffic. But i just fancied a manual after having been in Zak's super machine. Its not too difficult to do, just takes time, if you're handy with the spanners and dont mind being both above and below the car for a few weekends.

If you do want to do a swop, i would strongly advise getting ALL the required bits from a breaker of the same model.

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Thanks for the input. There seems to be little info on them.

I'd lean towards the leaving it alone option too.

I presume there's no 'sport' option on the auto box for a longer rev etc and its quite basic??

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The earlier ones had fhe sport option. But the ecu was quite adaptive to driving styles so would not change up too quickly if the pedal was on the floor, for example.

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Hmmmm just found this thread - I'm in the same position at the moment.... found an auto box corrado with a knackard gearbox... in this situation would it be better dropping a manual in?


I don't like autos in all honesty... I'm reasonably good with spanners as I've done a fair amount of Golfs over the years, but due to space limitations I wouldn't be able to get a donor car, so would have to buy the part from a breaker/ebay - is this still viable?

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Cheers fla - so I have to make sure its a Corrado VR6 gearbox? as an experienced gearbox swapper I don't suppose you have the code number I should look out for do you? :)

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CCM is the one that springs to mind mate.

You'll find it stamped on the top of the gearbox, near the shifter tower.

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Not 100% sure mate, I remember years ago I had a genuine vr6 gearbox that had a code that read AJK, I opened it to find that the gearset inside was virtually the same as a g60's gearbox but the final drive was 1 tooth longer.. God knows what Vw were up to..mixing and matching.

Try to get a CCM mate, I bought a CCM gearset, again, years back but I counted every tooth on every gear cog, they were all different, when compared to a CBA g60 'box the CCM's gears all had 1 tooth more, and the longer final drive.

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Hi Guys

I too have a corrado vr6 auto, and to be honest I'm beginning to really warm to the auto box. I've only ever driven manuals and the transition to auto really makes driving easy, be it sitting in traffic, pulling away from a tight junction, I never miss the manual. And on the motorway its a breeze. Just my humble opinion, but as mentioned earlier by other members, I personally would keep the automatic as an automatic. First thing I did with mine was change the gearbox oil and filter. Unfortunately, I didn't take note of the gearbox code. I seem to remember a member on here selling a automatic gearbox for a vr6 before christmas a few months back. It may still be for sale. Good luck with whatever you finally decide to do with the corrado.

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Cheers fellas, yeah I'm kinda split, I'm not a young tear around anymore LOL - but I've never been a fan of automatic cars, if the deal comes off (fingers crossed) I'll have an auto Corrado with a busted gearbox, apparently the heat exchange leaked water into the gearbox and killed it, and I'll have a spare (apparently good) automatic gearbox in the boot that hopefully will be coming with it.


To change the gearbox is it an engine out job?


I'm wondering if it's not then maybe I should drive the auto for a while and see how I get on with it. - I've heard that the auto is pretty lazy and you can just see the look on people faces when you say...'its and auto'

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Hi, I have an auto and initially I was convinced I'd want to get the manual conversion done... not that I've done a few thousand miles in it, I actually love the gear box. It can be a bit 'droaney' going up hill when in 2/3rd gear but other than that it's fine for driving either around town or a doddle on the motorway. I've recently had the ATF and filter change done and it's super responsive. If you have the book pack with the car pre-93 models have a manual Economy/Sport switch next to the gear stick and 93 onwards autos done away with this and the throttle response dictates which mode it switches too - essentially you only have to blip the throttle quickly to enage sport (as opposed to floor it to engage the klick down) and it changes down and up seamlessly.


It's pretty cool for a auto from the 90s - my previous car was an Merc SL320 1996 model with a 5 speed box and the Corrado's is definately superior despite having one less gear. I'd give it a shot and see if you can live with it - may not be to your liking but, having done c.200 miles over the past few days, I enjoyed every mile :)

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Cheers Ed - yeah I think if the deal comes off I'm definitely going to give the auto a go... ;)

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Use the auto until it dies. I actually enjoyed mine for the same reasons as above.

The auto box is actually really heavy! I would take the engine out. Its not difficult just quite a lot of bolts! Have a look at my thread for some pics. Glad to give any input as required.

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Yeah thats where the problem is, the one in the car is dead... but it has a spare one in the boot... so I'm split between fitting that one or whilst its out fit a manual.... I've not done the deal on the car yet but hopefully today.... if the country doesnt grind to a complete hault with the 4mm of snow we've had.

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  Geeba said:
Yeah thats where the problem is, the one in the car is dead... but it has a spare one in the boot... so I'm split between fitting that one or whilst its out fit a manual.... I've not done the deal on the car yet but hopefully today.... if the country doesnt grind to a complete hault with the 4mm of snow we've had.


Dunno where you are in bucks we don't have even 4mm in Thame. And the suns out... nice bit of vit d.

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Thame!!! geesssss small world I'm 2 miles away in Haddenham. I was in the Rising Sun last night in Thame ;)

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Hi, Geeba, Delfinis38 just thought I'd take the opportunity to say hello, just up road from you two in Great Missenden, got VCDS if you ever need a scan



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  Purplebaghera said:
Hi, Geeba, Delfinis38 just thought I'd take the opportunity to say hello, just up road from you two in Great Missenden, got VCDS if you ever need a scan



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mmmmm blackberry and ice violet rado... great stuff.

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Hi Purplebaghera! fantastic! I've just rescued this from a driveway in aylesbury so going to need some pointers ;)

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