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So..........parked my car yesterday in Banbury while I went to work.


Came back covered in brick dust from local demolition works - I mean smoothered !!


I have jet washed it with water only at the moment whihc has removed all the loose stuff.


I then visited a Bodyshop I know - to ask their view.

They feel it will be ok - being washed as normal - well 2 bucket method of course.

He suggested snow foam is another option, but I gather this actually has to be rubbed in - I don't fancy that.


Halfords suggested a non water shampo - and to spray it on the car, leave it for 10 minutes to lift the dirt/dust, then pressure spray off.


I am just terrified I will create some swirls - they was not a single mark on it. (Well one minor ding and one samll stone chip - but no damage, swirls or lines on the bodywork.

I was so pe'ed off last night I woke in the night thinking about it.


Of course I have taken photo's - as if I do damage it, I will be contacting the local council.

Surely they have a duty of care for local businesses, homes, people's property etc.


Think I will leave it until the weekend when I will have proper time to clean it - rather than rushing after work in fading light.



Any other suggestions would be gratefully recieved.




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I would rinse off as much as possible asap to prevent the possibility of it embedding in the paint.

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Gutted for you Wendy - this is horrid news indeed. I think a good soak with water (leave it out in rain even) then a coating with a snow foam lance might be a good place to start to help lift some of that crap off. Worry is what has that brick dust done to the clear coat... hopefully nothing but worrying all the same.


You could certainly do a hosing with snow foam and not rub it in.... just cover then wash off. Then evaluate what's left and attempt washing normally..

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Snow foam isn't rubbed in. You spray it on and leave it for a bit and then wash it off. Meant to help lift the dirt before you start washing it.

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Use snow foam, it doesn't require any manual input as it is used as a pre wash method, or at least that's how I use it. Simply spray on, leave to soak in then jet wash off.


Absolutely sucks that it's happened though, I'd be getting in touch with council either way, it's really not OK.


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Thanks for the replies and so promptly.


I did earlier just gently jet wash off as much as possible.


Re the snow foam - I looked at it in Halfords and read the instructions - but if you are all stating how you use it, I will give that a go.


I have already left my car outside Jim !!


I am thinking I should get intouch with the council too regardless.

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Certainly worth bringing it up with the council. If they expect there to be plumes of dust from building work, they should exclude parking in that area.

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Hope your car is ok and finishes up spotless. Years ago I was working on an estate, the council had workman spraying fences in creosote, it was a windy day !. I remember walking past so many cars that were smothered in the stuff .

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Being a builder,my C has been covered in brick dust many,many times,it won't hurt it,I've had mine covered in lime on a windy day,today was sawdust !

Just give it a good hose off,if you had wet mortar/concrete splashed on it,then you have a problem

I'd rather have brick dust then tree resin any day of the week



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Thanks again guys for your comments and best wishes with my car cleaning !!


That is really reassuring dragon green.

Thank you so much. It is just brick/stone dust. Its a old muti storey car park that is being torn down.


I have so far, just light to medium pressured washed it and left it outside.

Thinking I will now leave it until Saturday as the light is already fading by the time I get home


I will also ring the council tomorrow followed by a letter.

One of my neighbours is an excellent letter writer and ex copper - sure he would love that ... to occupy part of his early retirement and good pension ... day !!! :-)


Thanks again


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Miles (the bestest friend ever !! :-) )beat me to it.


My car is looking as suberb as before all the brick dust covering it now.

Happy me again now !!


Miles even bought over his special sweet smelling snow foam.

Amazing stuff. Washed all my neighbours shrubbery too !!


Thank you for all the comments and Miles for his products and help.

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Have to say, that photo Miles posted is superb.


I feel so proud driving her when she is clean.

That respray really gave me back my love to clean her myself.


I don't take either car to the Polish boys now - (don't worry the Corrado has not been since her respray)!!

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Yes agree with Dragon my car was covered in a mixture of lime / glass powder / brick dust all the time when i was working at the steel works. Snow foam it a couple of times and wash with plenty of soap, straight line movements not round and round.

Do complain to the council as there are rules and regs to ensure dust levels are kept to a minimum, obviously they have not bothered in this case.

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