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Window scraper seal window rattle

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I changed my drivers outer window scraper with one off vw heritage a while ago.since changing it the window rattles when down a little.i put this down to the seal not touching they glass.i can't knock the seal down anymore.its like it's been made wrong.anyone else had this problem.

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The windows are notorious for rattling but it's nothing to do with the scraper seals in general. The whole window mechanism gets bad and typically some plastic components break with age.



A Corrado is for life, not just for the MOT.

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It's not responsible for holding the glass steady and preventing rattle, the rest of the mechanism should do that. And, you can change my rollers!



A Corrado is for life, not just for the MOT.

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There's a fair bit of wiring and loom connectors in the door as well - make sure they are all wrapped and properly secured as they can rattle against the glass when loose.

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this is one of my permanent headaches, coupled with my obsession with rattles and squeaks! The issue is a poorly designed window mechanism together with the curvature of the door and the rubber tracks that the window slides in. Its catch22 - if you flare the rubbers in the tracks the window will bind, if you don't it will rattle.

Sometimes the weld at the bottom of the door-lock side vertical track breaks which amplifies the noise, but its not the root cause. I'll look into it further in the summer..

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Just had a wee look on mine as the door card is off at the moment. There is a guide rail at the lock end of the door, and there is a square bracket piece that is supposed to be bonded to the glass and slides on the rail. On mine and on a spare door I have this has come off the glass and just sits there at the bottom rattling away. I reckon if this happens over time, or maybe if the glass has ever been out or replaced (common enough for a driver's side due to break in) it might not have been bonded back on. Does anyone else have this? It doesn't seem to affect the operation of the window, but you can see it clearly in the ETKA diagram, attached to the glass.

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I believe this is "the" common fail in the window mechanism and both my windows rattle because of this. It's infuriating because it's a long tedious tricky repair job...



A Corrado is for life, not just for the MOT.

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Just had a wee look on mine as the door card is off at the moment. There is a guide rail at the lock end of the door, and there is a square bracket piece that is supposed to be bonded to the glass and slides on the rail. On mine and on a spare door I have this has come off the glass and just sits there at the bottom rattling away. I reckon if this happens over time, or maybe if the glass has ever been out or replaced (common enough for a driver's side due to break in) it might not have been bonded back on. Does anyone else have this? It doesn't seem to affect the operation of the window, but you can see it clearly in the ETKA diagram, attached to the glass.


So what do we do if that plastic guide that is glued to the window breaks? Just epoxy it back together and hope for the best? I can slide it back to the top and the rattle goes away, but it falls to the bottom again when I roll the window. I know, 17 years later. This post just means there are still a bunch of Corrado's ripping around in 2020.

Edited by 9xnine

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Yep - I'm still looking for the best way to bond it back on myself, maybe glass glue or mirror bond - it's a hellish rattle. You can understand why the glass replacement dudes don't bind it back on as it's so tricky to get to.


You can kind of temporarily bodge it a little bit by jamming in some cardboard and/or foam and using duct tape to hold it in pace at the bottom of the rail - the window doesn't need it to operate.

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Door windows come out easy, especially as the locator bracket has come off.

Try liquid metal. Sticks real good as long as scuffed good.

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