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What happened to ca88rdo ?

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I don’t know why ?, this popped into my head tonight. The car used to belong to someone I knew in Devon. I’m sure it went to someone called Karl or Carl ?. The number plate was something like ca88odo ??. It was a blackberry if my memory serves me correctly. Does anyone know if it’s still around?.

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For some reason I think that car(and plate) ended up here somewhere, not Glasgow but further north and quite rural I think. And possibly moved on again since

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KADVR6 was the owner? I think the plate sold separately from the car?

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Pretty sure this is my old Corrado, she was originally an automatic with a grey heated leather recaro interior, she was sold to someone from bournemouth I think probably around 6 years ago, who then stripped her and painted the spoiler they put the plate C488ado on her someone on here in i think Inverness bought her in 2016 sad to see she is sorn the only problem I had was an intermittent auto box problem but appears she was converted to manual at some point would love to find out where she is now, would also love another VR6 but would have to be another blackberry and a 95 model year like M660GGJ 

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Hi all

As I explained on a different post, this corrado belongs to me since februrary 2016. I bought her in Inverness and I´ve been using her since them. Currently the car has been exported to Spain, that´s the reason why apperars as sorn at the DVLA records.


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  On 7/2/2021 at 7:25 PM, Caroline Grierson said:

Pretty sure this is my old Corrado, she was originally an automatic with a grey heated leather recaro interior, she was sold to someone from bournemouth I think probably around 6 years ago, who then stripped her and painted the spoiler they put the plate C488ado on her someone on here in i think Inverness bought her in 2016 sad to see she is sorn the only problem I had was an intermittent auto box problem but appears she was converted to manual at some point would love to find out where she is now, would also love another VR6 but would have to be another blackberry and a 95 model year like M660GGJ 

You weren't username Solitaire by any chance? I remember someone some years back with an auto issue we were trying to solve?

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