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Water ingress - collecting in sills

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Thought I'd solved my problem as was getting water in the cabin from the sunroof drains being overloaded since fitting a B4 moonroof and mk3 mech (the sound deadening material had dropped into the drainage channels, partially blocking them).

Thought I'd have a check on things today as my alarm kept going off but still have problems with my sieve, sorry Corrado. My interior is still partially stripped as the car is off to the bodyshop for a respray soon so semi easy for a nose around. Carpet and front seats are still in situ though.

I park my car nose up on my drive, and the drive is such that the car leans slightly so the drivers rear side is the lowest point. I have water collected in my passenger rear footwell and inside both the rear sills at the back.

My car has been sitting (not driven really recently) without it's passenger side door card or membrane. I have today popped this membrane back on. So i guess this could have been some of the issue.

I've ordered oem replacements for the door aperture seals, I had replaced these with non-oem equivalents recommended on here a couple of years back which also might be causing the problem.

What else can I look at? I can't work out how water is getting inside the inner sills and travelling back if not the door seals.

- Could they be rotten at the front and collecting water as it drains down from the scuttle?

- I don't think the inner floor pan has any drain points to the inner sills?

- I'm guessing as my alarm started tripping maybe water is leaking from the scuttle area into the cabin and getting my electrics upset - where are the gromets etc into the cabin in the scuttle area? I've also noticed my intermittent wiper setting is operating more frequently than normal too.

- I guess it could be rotten metal around the base of the windshield (that's coming out as well for the respray).

Any other areas I should be checking?

I need a garage for this car. The car cover has now gone back on.

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Have you inspected under all three plastic trims that meet the windscreen there is a channel that blokes up. This was the  cause of Robs leak, he only took the plastic trim off above the heater gasket but the other two where blocked underneath with debris. Water will find its a way in without a door membrane. Personally I would park your car nose downwards as all the electrics are at the front of the car, want the water to work it way through the drains by means of gravity.  

Edited by Keyo

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Your intermittent wiper is programmable. You set the time interval by having it on intermittent when turning the key, and the time you take to put it back to off sets it. 😉

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  On 2/16/2020 at 5:11 PM, seanl82 said:

Your intermittent wiper is programmable. You set the time interval by having it on intermittent when turning the key, and the time you take to put it back to off sets it. 😉

Bloomin hell didn't know that I really need to read my manual. 

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Intermittent wiper relays are good, 

half a second  to sixty seconds, you don’t need to turn a key,when the wipers are on,turn wipers off, leave off to whatever duration you need, ie: 6 seconds, put wiper Stalk into intermediate position, and wipers come on every six seconds

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Yeah, it's a great feature - and because it's just a a different wiper relay it's really easy to retrofit to older Golfs and early Audi cars.

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Cheers - did not know about the wiper feature- excellent!

Keyo I haven't got my head around the scuttle area yet. I've run a hose down the windshield and seen water running from the bottom of the wing. I'll look for the the area Rob mentions. I have bought a 3 quid gasket seal or somewhere in the scuttle area with the door rubbers from heritage too.

The plastic along the base of the windscreen, with wipers mounted through, has a small crack in the middle.

I shall start parking nose down - hadn't thought drainage is more designed that way because of the electrics.

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To check the windscreen tray under the x3 plastic trims. 

One screw on the left trim and one screw on the furthest right trim. Just carefully lift unclip each trim by lifting up. Under there is a tray a cm or two wide and see if it is full of crap. You will need to take the passenger side off any way to get to the heater fan grill cover for inspection. 


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I learn so much by reading you guys posts, thank you!
I'll be checking my drains as well just for maintenance and I sure didn't know about the intermittent wipers either.
I hope you get your leak sorted out!
Share a picture once you get it re-sprayed too!


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Just an update. Managed to strip the interior before it got dark. Water on the passenger side and likely to be from under the windscreen somewhere.

I need to get that black plastic trim along the base of the windscreen next but need to figure out how - 2 screws at each side and prise off the clips securing the body is as far as I can see.

Luckily no rust etc on floor pan.



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Yes mate just take the screw out and gently pull up they are held in by plastic clips . middle plastic trim has no screw. 

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To be honest mate I have just checked my passenger side and its the first time I have seen a bit of/damp water on the carpet. I think we have had a record amount of rain in a short time and the scuttle design and all the old seals been a bit old are going to let a wee bit of water in,

Edited by Keyo

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