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What's the biggest bunch of crap stealer has ever told you?

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...just out of interest! Was thinking about this on way home from work tonight, driving past the local stealer .


5 years ago they told me I needed a new clutch ('we can do it for about £300') Didn't bother, and haven't had to yet!

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Well if you talking about one perticular one :)


They told me they could make door barrel locks for my car, i walked outside and phoned them up on my mobile and they said bring in the tag with your keys and we will do them for you.


They are normally pretty good.



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They told me they could make door barrel locks for my car, i walked outside and phoned them up on my mobile and they said bring in the tag with your keys and we will do them for you.


Well completely consistent there then.


I think you missed a negative somewhere in that sentence.... ;)

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Mind you, think the best conversation I had was with a local garage doing my front struts ..


Him - 'Right sir, is your's a G60 or VR6?'

Me - 'Neither, it's a 1.8 16 valve'

Him - 'No, can't be, says here there is a G60 or VR6'

Me - 'There was also a 16v, and that's what i've got'

Him - 'No, you must be mistaken, it says in my book.....etc'


Me - 'If you can look under the bonnet and find two extra cylinders or a supercharger your'e a better man than me'

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1. the person who sold me my VR6 for 7000, as it was as "sweet as a nut".

(hahaha, hence 3000 worth of repairs in two years.) Why did't i just buy a 944s instead?)




2. Main stealer when they robbed me of my car for five days, over a month,

spending 700 of my money to finally change the coil pack. Silly me, I thought main dealer VW meant, we charge over the odds because we have the expertise and kit to solve all problems. Bollox. Plus they were rude with it as well, suggesting I take my car else where! :evil:

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The biggest load of crap a dealer has told me was the price for a boot carpet for a MK2 Golf - £450 + VAT!


Other than that, I've not found my local dealers to be serverly lacking in common sense and product knowledge.

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Nothing. I've never taken my car to the Stealer for repairs!


Though I did nearly collapse when I found out that new Estoril wheels were still listed on EKTA and were 'price to sell' at £250/corner without tyres.

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Nothing. I've never taken my car to the Stealer for repairs!


Though I did nearly collapse when I found out that new Estoril wheels were still listed on EKTA and were 'price to sell' at £250/corner without tyres.


'priced to sell' haaaaHAAhaaaa! Who to, for Christ's sake, at those prices?! :roll:

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Here's a good one from 1992. Take one car in for a service and the bill £1080, which in those days was alot of money. Let the pisstaking begin.


Service adviser (SA) - you said the battery was weak and we agreed to test it

Me - Yeah

SA - The battery was faulty and we put a new one in.

Me - How much was the test

SA - 2 hours of labour £72

Me - How much was the battery

SA - £74 + £18 to fit it.

Me - what else.

SA - Interior courtesy light bulb £6 + £18 to fit it.....

Me - you cant charge me £18 to fit a bulb.

SA - We have to account for everything and 1/2 hour is the minimum.

Me - Go on.

SA - 4 new tyres £140 each.

Me - there half that anywhere else?????



.........and so it went on. The moral of the story tell them to do the std service, if anything else needs doing report it. :wink:

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well, mine wasnt at a stealer, but it might has well been. keep in mind they guys had my car for 3 months.


ok, i decided to do an engine swap on my car after my charger decided to blow up one day. since i am in the US i decided to stray away from the turbo kits and just rebuilding the g60. i decided to go with a 2.0L 16v and make it strong with a bunch of performace parts. basicly, all i was doing was changing the powerplant of the car. i was going to make it a digi 1 2.0L 16v. as time went on, i got it to the point where the timing needed to be done, 80% of the elsectrical was done, and the engine just needed to be tuned. this should not be too hard for a shop that specializes in vw engine swaps.


for 3 months the only answer i got from them was "were just plugging away on it"


finally i make them send me a picture. the engine bay is a total mess. it looks like they hooked up maybe 2 sensors. and they could not figure out for the life of them why it wasnt running.


anyways, i ended up paying them $1134 to do all of that work. sooo much work.


i get the car back, the only thing that is different is, the timing belt was put on, the alternator was put on,and maybe 10% more wiring was hooked up.


anyways, i am about to finish the swap on my own now, all i have to do is sort out the mess of vacuum lines they 'fixed' get a new sensor, remove the ISV they hooked up, and have my custom intake machined and finished and i should have a running digi 1 2.0L 16v.


moral of story dont ever go to http://www.tomassporttuning.com if you are ever in the US.

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Here's a good one from 1992. Take one car in for a service and the bill £1080, which in those days was alot of money. Let the pisstaking begin.


Service adviser (SA) - you said the battery was weak and we agreed to test it

Me - Yeah

SA - The battery was faulty and we put a new one in.

Me - How much was the test

SA - 2 hours of labour £72

Me - How much was the battery

SA - £74 + £18 to fit it.

Me - what else.

SA - Interior courtesy light bulb £6 + £18 to fit it.....

Me - you cant charge me £18 to fit a bulb.

SA - We have to account for everything and 1/2 hour is the minimum.

Me - Go on.

SA - 4 new tyres £140 each.

Me - there half that anywhere else?????



.........and so it went on. The moral of the story tell them to do the std service, if anything else needs doing report it. :wink:



2 hours to test a battery!!! :shock: were they doing it in slow motion!! £18 to fit a blub!! :shocked!:

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my fiat dealer told us when doing the cambelt change (a particularly expensive and awkward job) that the aux belt tensioner never needs replacecing (we were going to do it). As it was £70 this was great - £70 saved.


2 weeks later the aux belt wraps around the cams and wrecks the valves.



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on my old gti. Took it in for a squeeking noise. Turned out to be where the exhaust attaches to the back of the engine. I believe there was a ceramic ring or something connecting the 2?? Well, anyway, VW put a load of grease on it which stopped the squeak until the engine warmed up and all burnt off... :roll:

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Not a stealer again but Lexx Autocenter in York. Back when I had my Passat, there was oil in the header tank, and as they'd always been reasonable with my Peugeot, I took it in. A cursory glance under the bonnet and it was "You've a blown head gasket, give us £1000 and we'll fix it." My response was unprintable, but included the fact that his amount was more than the cost of the car.

Went to my small independant local garage (Faber) on a friend's recommendation, they flushed it all out and asked me if I was experiencing any bad performance, difficulty starting etc. When I said no, then they asked me to run it for a couple of weeks and check the header tank for oil again. When I took it back with oil in it, they changed the oi cooler for £40. Job done.

Never go to Lexx Autocentres....unless you are of a charitable mindset and want to put their kids through university.



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2 hours to test a battery!!!

Well you take the battery out of the car and put it on the bench, proceed to fit the tester for a couple of hours, during which no human intervention is required. Then screw the customer or the full 2 hours. :twisted:

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The one and only time I've been to a stealer for a service was my MKI Golf 1500 auto, which had a bit of a splutter just as she was coming up to 100,000 miles (sods law, decides to die at 99,998 miles on the M63 on Xmas eve, and then just starts up first time after I had a quick look around to see if anything had fallen off etc... :roll: )


Anyway, took it into a VW Garage in Leek for a full service and got a call back the next morning telling me to come and pick it up... Asked for the bill when I got there and they wanted £635! :crazyeyes: This on a car I paid £500 for and had agreed on a £200ish service! :| They'd done a full brake fluid change and charged me £50 for brake fluid, and also changed both rear wheel cylinders, pads, shoes and handbrake cables even though they were all new and had only been on the car for 3 months! Oh, and they didn't ask me first 'cos they said they didn't have my number.... when I asked them how they got hold of me to tell me it was ready, they said they looked up my number in the phone book... neat trick 'cos they phoned me on my mobile... :roll: :mad:


After much jumping up and down and making a sodding big embarrasing (for them) scene (I'm good at that, especially when I have nothing to loose! ;) ) involving me threatening them with police action and all sorts of other things, they backed down and knocked off the labour charge completely so I got the lot for about £300 and got to keep all of my old bits which I insisted they got back for me... 8)


This is the same garage (now a Seat dealer) who's hundred and something or other point check on the cars they sell managed to miss the fact there were 4 fuses missing out of my Parents new (6 month old) Leon so it had no side lights, horn, reversing lights or hazard lights, it didn't have the service history with the car, the stereo front was missing and the spare wheel's tools were missing... :? Good service? Hand me a hammer, and I'll show 'em a good service! ;) :twisted:

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Having an argument with a parts monkey, about parts for a Rallye Golf....Basically told me that they never made one, D'oH!


Also a mate of mine parked his Rallye in Dealership car park, only to be told by the helpful salesman, that whoever fitted his bodykit put the wrong lights on, they should be round sir!!!!



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Having an argument with a parts monkey, about parts for a Rallye Golf....Basically told me that they never made one, D'oH!


Also a mate of mine parked his Rallye in Dealership car park, only to be told by the helpful salesman, that whoever fitted his bodykit put the wrong lights on, they should be round sir!!!!




:lol: Nothing like knowing the heritage of the cars you sell is there? Bet they could supply you with a full set of new round ights too...'priced to sell', no doubt. I'll never forget my run in..'it's a 16v'...no it isn't, yes, it is..no it isn't...Jeeeezus! :roll:

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I was quoted £400+VAT EACH for a solitude BBS alloy wheel replacement. Just in case you missed it -



********************£400 +VAT*********************** EACH

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I was quoted £400+VAT EACH for a solitude BBS alloy wheel replacement. Just in case you missed it -



********************£400 +VAT*********************** EACH


I swear they do it for a laugh ...'go on, next guy that comes in, tell him it's £400 for a wiper blade, go on, I dare you'. To be fair the parts people at my local stealership have looked after me well over the years, but the rest of 'em...laughable!

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generally my dealer is ok, let me look about on their EKTA, sqeeze me in when they`re full, give me discount and are generally quite sound, but i think thats because a mate of mine is head leccy bloke there and he got a rallye and a G60 corrado......but


just before my dad bought the car it had a full service there and they recommended changing discs and pads all round

that was on 99k and now i`m on 142k and am just thinking about changing them. :-P

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I was quoted £400+VAT EACH for a solitude BBS alloy wheel replacement. Just in case you missed it -



********************£400 +VAT*********************** EACH



lol and i thought my $tealer was bad quoting me £260+VAT for a solitude............they've also quoted me £20 per spark plug and the best one yet....£2500 per Recaro seat.......oh +VAt of course...........but tbh thats really VW prices as opposed to the dealer making them up

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Having an argument with a parts monkey, about parts for a Rallye Golf....Basically told me that they never made one, D'oH!


Also a mate of mine parked his Rallye in Dealership car park, only to be told by the helpful salesman, that whoever fitted his bodykit put the wrong lights on, they should be round sir!!!!




My word.. thats priceless.



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£260 plus VAT for a BBS wheel? Thats a bargain!


I've just had one of mine replaced on insurance after someone drove into me and the wheel was £370 plus VAT!


Seriously though, for a genuine wheel that is quite cheap! You've gotta think of it in terms of demand, cost to make a batch due to popularity and storage etc etc.

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