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Do you drive with your front fogs on?

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I do see people who drive around with them on as a danger to other motorists though, whats the best word to describe that then? Inconsiderate at best, w*nkers at worst.


Yeah I do agree that fogs are a real frustration to other drivers sometimes as you say - especially in a low slung car like the Corrado where you end up being almost eye level with some bigger cars and you literally cannot see for a few seconds leading up to and after when they have passed you.


Its a real hazard to be honest, so I understand why the police don't like it!


how odd, I didn't type that :roll:

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I'm with the haters on this one. It really vexes me when I see idiots driving about with the fogs on for no reason aside from looking 'cool'. Very E36 BMW :wink:



Oh and whilst we're on the subject - I know bikers put their lights on to make them more noticeable - and it does work - but 9 times out of 10 they are too bright and when driving along in a low car like the corrado, you just get a mirror or three full of dazzling light which is severely distracting.


And of course then the bikes bounce over uneven surfaces & look like they're flashing you from behind - then squeeze through non-existant gaps just as you're trying to regain your sight! Knobbers!


PS - I drive in london where things are prob 10 times worse & will also be taking my CBT soon so I'm not just anti-bike. Just anti-selfish git.


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I drive me truck all day with the sidelights on,

I dont do it so much now with the car but when it gets a bit darker I Will.


One of the first things they ask you on an insurance claim form is: Did you have your lights on


the second question is :why.


Side lights are handy going thru the twisties as the sunlight strobes thru the trees,therefore helping you be seen.


as for fogs,no harm if its 2am and nowt on the road,but in Scotland its an offense,just like rear fogs.

100m visability ?cant afford a cracked foggy anyway and I only have one spare :|

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oh my god!


what have i started!!!!???


I dont think its fair that i'm now in the w*nker category, though!

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Hm... my apologies ']['H3R4POR - thats me not paying attention. I thought I edited my own post and couldn't work out where it had gone, so I just put it down to a forum glitch and went to get a bit of lunch.


I come back now and see I edited your YOUR post instead.. really sorry :(

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ok, maybe you get promoted to the "inconciderate" category because at least you asked peoples opinions.


I really think (through personal experience) that they are a danger, and are there for a reason.

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Hm... my apologies ']['H3R4POR - thats me not paying attention. I thought I edited my own post and couldn't work out where it had gone, so I just put it down to a forum glitch and went to get a bit of lunch.


I come back now and see I edited your YOUR post instead.. really sorry :(


This is how communism started you know Jim ;)

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i'm going to get some big roof spotlights now. i think that would look groovy! :mrgreen: :-P

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sod it i'm going to change the whole front of my car to one big spotlight.


like the BATLIGHT they use to summon Batman! expect it'll have the VW sign on it!

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Oh my god, somebody asks a polite cival question on wether they use there fog lights, to which I answer honestly and get called a w*nker!!!

Who the f*ck are you to respond with a coment like that, Did your parents never teach you basic politeness or do you speak to everyone like that?

Or is it just that you are behind a PC in your very angry world and this is only way you get to be 'King of the Hill'.

Just because I choose to do something differently than you, you've decided that this person is now classed as a w*nker, unable to politely disagree and give the reasons why.


Lloydieboy79 - I'm glad you asked the question as this is a harsh reminder on just how shallow people can be.


']['H3R4POR - I think you are a w*nker for supporting Liverpool..... see..... how sad is that!! Get a life

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Unfortunately dry wit doesn't come across very well through written word.


Yes mummy and daddy taught me well, and I assure you my choice of football team has no reflection on my sexual habbits.


[on topic]

Its not that I choose to not have them on, and other people choose to have them on, and therefore I am right, and they are wrong.


The fact is they can/do dazzle people, and this does result in accidents.


People who say "I use my fog lights all the time because people can't see me otherwise" don't really have a case, and if they have trouble seeing peopel who don't have their fogs lights on then maybe they should retake their test, the bit about reading the number plate from a distance springs to mind.


To seriously say that people need to have their fog lights on all day every day, come rain or shine, just for visibility purposes is laughable, as I said, these people should maybe think about an eye test rather than trying to damage other peoples eyes.


There is only one (honest) reason that people have them, and that has been said in previous posts, that they think it looks cool, and that people will stare at them.


On a balance between them thinking they are cool, and them blinding other motorists I think it quite obvious to any sensible person which is the better choice.


The fact I think this doesn't make me shallow, infact, the people that insist on driving around with them on all the time hindering other peoples sight would be a better example of shallow


see if this helps you out mate - http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=shallow - "Lacking depth of intellect, emotion, or knowledge":

[/on topic]


Is that worded to your satisfaction?




ps, lol about the "angry world" thing

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Is it Fractious Friday today or something?


People at work are grumpy today aswell for some reason! Must be because everyone has spent their wages (and then some if you're a Corrado owner) and payday is still another fortnight away!


Anyway.....foggies and their use during the day. Well it's clearly an emotive subject. I don't use the front fogs because they have little effect, even in fog and I forget they're actually there most of the time too. If people choose to have them on on clear days, well that's their beef and they'll get pulled over if a grumpy cop takes a dislike to it.


I don't find they blind me at all. The lense is designed to spread the light out and not focus it like the high beams. Plus they're always low enough (by law) to be out of your direct field of vision.


I agree on the BMW E36 comment. They always have them on don't they? I think it's attention seeking myself but if that makes them happy, so be it.


Anyway, shall we draw this one to a close?

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I would....


At the end of the day just because you think someone is wrong to do such a thing as have their fog lights on doesnt give you the right to call them w**kers...


Show some respect people and grow up...



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Noooooooooooooooo, don't close it.


A bit of light hearted banter isn't a bad thing at all Kev.


I'm definately not in a grumpy mood, just chilling out, chatting on MSN and email, fridays = fundays :D


Its just this subject is very relavent to me, as all the 'wide boyz' near me have their fogs on 24/7, rain or shine, either that or (as I mentioned above) LEDs instead of side lights, then drive around in the dark virtually invisible.


Added to the fact its 'cool' to have illegal high power lights, I assure you, they do blind/dazzle you, and any loss of sight whilst driving is dangerous.


anyways, I must be getting back to my angry world, people will start smiling if i'm away for too long, you have to finish what you started in the back of that police car anyways spiderman ;)



Dave :p

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uhhh, I didn't actually call anyone anything


[edit] lol, my mate just read this, and sent me this email


You have to agree with the bloke about the Liverpool thing though ;-)



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Added to the fact its 'cool' to have illegal high power lights, I assure you, they do blind/dazzle you, and any loss of sight whilst driving is dangerous.


Now this I agree with 100%. It's not so cool having a car hit you head on, cos he couldn't see due to your 400W of lighting...


The standard corrado lights are poor, but that's no excuse for putting floodlights in there.


The new Xenon lamps are massively bright in most cases too, but at least they tend to use VERY sharp dip lines - almost no light leaks above the mid line.


The rest of this thread I'm not going to comment on... :bomb: ;)

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I didn't mean close the thread, but bring the bickering to a close!


I don't really care but I have to do my Moderator bit nown-again for the peace and harmony of the forum :mrgreen:


I wouldn't mind removing the fogs completely to use the resultant hole as an air inlet but Corrados look weird without fogs :?

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I've seen a Euro 'rado which had the fogs removed for just that purpose Kev, and they used some silver fine mesh to make a foglight looking inlet on both sides... 8) Looked pretty damned good too... :) 8)

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Sorry to sound like an old fart :cry: but,


I only thought they were uber cool to have on when hardly any cars had them fitted as standard.


even our local police used to have them on at night with sidelights,but they were Granadas ( age showing )


I got a tug with 87D plate 4*4 sierra that had them too and standard,the car was 6 month old if that.


they requested I turn them off and I did after politely telling them they had a tail light out and their fogs on.

They told me they were driving lights ;-)


Sometimes you have to agree as theres always a time and a place.


My mate had a XR3 with cibie oscars and they were erm 'Large',so large they had two brackets to hold them in place.

Uber cool ? even if off :)


you wanna see night driving lights ? come to the north and check the logger lorries up here its like Blackpool@2am

the beams are awesome unless your facing them,but they always drop the beams its courtious !


Did Hella ever do a grille with spots in it like a delorean

(corrado and delorean in same sentance now you know Im reaching)... :wink:


Ladies and gents,whatever your doing this weekend in your car,have fun !


its funny how these cars have such affection put into them,I suppose you reap what you sow


Not quite the weekend..... Tongy aint said it yet,but I can taste it :-P



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[edit] Replying to Henny's/Kevs posts [/edit]


that sorta things gotta be down very carefully though, theres a fine line between getting excellent results, and Blue Peter results.


tbh I love the look of the front of the C, looks better with the bumper smoothed, and plate moved to the chin spoiler (imo), but the fogs are cool, as long as they don't have 1KW bulbs, and are drying my eyes out. :cry:


The VR in the "for sale" section for ireland has weird fogs I noticed, or has it just had the lenses removed?

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['H3R4POR]The VR in the "for sale" section for ireland has weird fogs I noticed' date=' or has it just had the lenses removed?[/quote']


They're cheapo Halfords ones IIRC 'cos the seller didn't want to keep paying for VW ones which kept cracking... ;) 8)

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No it really gets on my tits when people do - I call it 'highly localised fog'


The basic fact is that it is illegal and if you need them on them maybe you need to clean your windscreen and lights!! :wink:


Rant over.



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