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car jacking scam

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just found this on another forum


Alert from Manchester Police




Imagine that you walk across the car park, unlock your car and get

inside. Then you lock all your doors, start the engine and shift into

reverse. You look into the rear view mirror to back out of your parking

space you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear



So you unlock the doors and jump out of your car to remove the paper (or

whatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back

of your car, that is when the carjacker appears out of nowhere, jumps

into your car and takes off.


Your engine would be running. Ladies would leave their handbag in the

car. They practically mow you down as they speed off in your car.




Just drive away and remove the paper from your window later and be

thankful you read this notice.


PLEASE inform all friends and family, especially women. A handbag

contains all identification and you certainly do not want someone

knowing your home address, as they already have your keys ! !

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They would not get away with my car intact, i would rather smash all the windows and kick the sh!t out of the car than let some scum get away with it intact! then again i have a tracker so maybe i would just let them drive off with a nice wave!

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Legalise those undercar side flamethrowers from South Africa!


Hang on.

I've spotted a flaw in my cunning plan there.


If I'm OUTSIDE the car.......... :cuckoo: :wink:




You need a crotch-level tazer that you can control from your phone :D

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Perfect solution, remove the rear wiper arm / motor! :lol:


I HATE it when you come back to your car and someone has left a bit of paper under the wiper, feel violated somehow to think a stranger has touched your car while you weren't there :evil: .........unless it's aVW related flyer of course.

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Anyone seen Robocop?????


Get that eletric chair thing, fitted in your C!


Just love the ending line, as the steaming body falls out of the car "And it won't even flatten your Battery"



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Anyone seen Robocop?????


Get that eletric chair thing, fitted in your C!


Just love the ending line, as the steaming body falls out of the car "And it won't even flatten your Battery"




.........bet it would in a C tho :roll: :-P :-P :-P

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