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Corrado spotting - August 2004

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tonight in Chorlton (AGAIN! where have all these Corrados in Chorlton come from?!? ) J plate red at the lights with all the banks on the corners... Looked nice... 8) Waved but don't think I got a response... :|

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I'm in Chorlton too! Don't get to take mine out much, but see loads when I'm out on the bike. There's a nice blue VR6 that's been lowered, but has a big dent in the front wing that I keep seeing. There was a red Kplate in the garage opposite the bus station that looked sweet. There's another I see in Chorlton a bit that has been dropped to the floor. Corrado-cum-Hardy.

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You're in/around Buxton? I hail from Peak Forest originally, before I headed South for the filthy lucre. Gonna be up there on the August bank holiday weekend - helping run Hope Show on the Monday (between Hope and Castleton). If you're going, come and say hello - I'll be up at the vintage tractors/vintage engines tent helping Mum and Dad (long story!)


Hi George- Going from your name/ location/ username I think I probably went to secondary school with you- and you went to my dads primary school- if I am right you currently work as a race car mechanic- which is why you now own such a cracker of a car 8) . Nice colour- am not around the Monday but would like to see the car- what about Sat/Sun? If you are someone else I apologise but I'll probably still know you if you are from PF.



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Hi George- Going from your name/ location/ username I think I probably went to secondary school with you- and you went to my dads primary school- if I am right you currently work as a race car mechanic- which is why you now own such a cracker of a car 8) . Nice colour- am not around the Monday but would like to see the car- what about Sat/Sun? If you are someone else I apologise but I'll probably still know you if you are from PF.






By "my dad's primary school" are you either Michael or Daniel Bower or even Debbie?!


I'll be around PF all weekend - gonna be at the showground setting up and stuff, but not for the entire day. Where are you gonna be and when? PM me your mobile no. and I'll do the same.


Not a race car mechanic as such - actually work on the McLaren road cars - SLR etc. Just changed job actually - vehicle package design, so deciding vehicle architecture/where stuff best fits etc. Beats farming sheep in Derbyshire anyway! :lol:




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Actually - just re-read earlier post from 'Ice White Socks' - "Mike" as signature I think answers my question! Derrrr! :oops:




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Saturday 21st, purple corrado with grey leather, in the car park at the back of browns in windsor, M reg I think

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Parked next to a nice red VR6 at the Brecks pub in Rotherham on saturday bout 4'oclock


Had a private reg on it G* MBD

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Flash Red K-reg in moston/gorton area of manchester, might of been thursday or friday night, I was in the Corsa again so couldn't really say hi!


first time i've seen a red K-plate like mine too :D

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['H3R4POR]Had a very strange day yesterday.


I usually see one Corrado every 4-5 weeks, yesterday I saw 5 in under 10 minutes, plus one this morning.


First was a Blackberry VR (I love that colour!!!) travelling towards Oxford on the A40, I overttok you, gave you a wave, then pulled over, you overtook me and gave me a wave, It was a beautiful thang. Very tidy C you have there mate (I am probably talking to myself here, never see anyone from the forum). reg was L*** VBY.


Please, one of these has to be from the forum!!!!!


That was me! I was on my way to Kidlington from Woking - I do this twice a week - must be mental - it's killing the car - 111k now, was 80k 20 months ago when I bought her :cry:


Sorry for the delay, but I've never checked out this bit of the forum before. It's Friday, I'm watching the clock drag sloooooooowly towards 6pm :sleeping: I take a look at the posts in here and hey - there I am! :crazyeyes:


Cheers for the nice comments. Porsche Design 90s going on when I finally get them all back from the refurbers (got three so far!)


Quality this forum - never ceases to make me smile




I actually spotted someone :shock:


Lovely car you have there mate, mines a bit beaten up atm :(


As I said above, I love that colour 8)

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where abouts.... i think i am the only green vr in cambs.. a couple of blue ones and an indian red one and a black one that i know of...oh and a green storm that i often see...so i guess that makes 2!!


where were you getting the miltek done? im going all the way to JMR to get mine (wish had looked on a map before ordering :mad: )

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jedi-knight83, I didn't think they did indian red for Corrado's :o


Spotted a green 16v J*** RDB on Kingsway heading towards Manchester city centre about 7.50pm this evening, anyone here?

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well i went to look at one before buying my vr6.....could have been a one off or a respray i guess???? never really thought about it since...just thought it was one of the colours

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At 8am on the M11 north bound between M25 and A414 junction i saw a Red N-reg Corrado - driven by a blonde!


She continued off on to the A414 - didnt really seem bothered that i was in a Corrado too! :x :lol: Anyone on here?

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Blue g60 this morning parked along showground development sites in Bridgwater. Looked very tidy, had ccgb sticker.


Nice motor.

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Green C heading west bound on the M4 near Newbury turnoff between 11 and 12 this morning


I think i saw this car too. i waved at them ( was in my red valver).



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Red 16v on standard sebrings coming up Kirby Corner road to the roundabout near Tesco's, just up from Warwick Uni yesterday evening. Didn't have time to give you a wave or flash but you didn't seem to notice my Corrado anyway! :(

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Green/Blue G plate Corrado with 17 inch alloys and front bonnet spoiler at Tescos car park in Ipswich today. *Think* it was a G60. Was about 2:15pm today. I was gonna go and introduce myself to see if it was anyone from here but I was imagining what a tit i'd look! :lol:

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tonight i saw a red corrado N*** HLF driving along the Guildford Road towards Worplesdon at about quarter to six and a blue J plate driving up the A30 towards the jolly farmer roundabout at about half 6. any takers??

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Bit late with this one but spotted an H reg 16v parked in Wellington near Telford last Saturday at midday, then on Sunday saw a G reg 16v heading north on the A49 at Wellington near Hereford also at about midday

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seen this yesterday......Navy blue, didnt catch reg or anything really lol, stuck in traffic coming towards bromley, you looked but i didnt have time to flash or wave (havent got used to switches yet lol)


Saw today a 16v or G60, not sure, navy blue, extremely low, black steels, top of herne hill.....i was in the mk1 jetta



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Haven't seen another Corrado for weeks and saw 2 today within half a mile of each other, both parked though. One in the Imberhorne Lane car park in East Grinstead and a black VR6 in the Birches ind estate just around the corner.

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