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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Burnley 45mins away from PL football!:dance:
  2. Just read the whole thread. Great work mate:thumbleft: Like the AIT gauge.
  3. Just read the description of the one on ebay, hmmm. Sounds a touch pricey now tbh!
  4. Haha:thumbleft:Pretty much set in stone that I'll be keeping mine now...I think! I just want one of each model Corrado, and a Manta 400. I'll keep dreaming. :bonk:
  5. Looks like it could make a good un. Keep looking at the Red VR6 on there http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310868969066 Wish they would hurry up and sell it because I have a hankering for a Red VR! Prices seem to be holding quite steady at the moment IMO, normally very up and down, especially the Valvers and G60's.
  6. Well you have got one of those six cylinder things now Clumpy, which is alright I suppose... :smug: lol. A Jet must be pretty damn rare now, tried to get numbers from Vw but they can't confirm sadly :-( Would love a really early LHD G60 meself. In fact if anybody knows the whereabouts of the Silver one from Top gear, I'd be very interested! Can't find trace of it anywhere! F546DNV.
  7. Aye, confirmed from the horses mouth (Vw) :thumbleft: EDIT: EDIT: And here are the numbers for all models sold by Vw UK.
  8. I've always run 32psi, same sizes. Never had an issue :thumbleft:
  9. I'm an Arsenal man too:smug: Typical season really as far as the league, Injuries, injuries, injuries! Ramsey was doing superb! And it started going down hill when we lost him...And another we have really missed IMO, Diaby! He's like our Yaya toure, He's been out that long that I'd almost forgotten about him. Just hope we still qualify for CL football tbh, FA cup would be a nice bonus. EDIT: Just to add, I've always said that Girouds touch/control is superb, just needs some more penetration through to him in the last third. That being said, I'm Burnley born and bred, so pretty happy that it looks like they will have PL football if even just for 1 season again lol.
  10. Numbers are certainly dwindling, and only 1,984 were sold in the UK to start with. Corrado G60 History :thumbleft: I started a Corrado G60 Owners Register to try and build an idea of numbers etc. Neil.
  11. Riley

    MOT woes

    Good stuff. I'm pretty sure that even if the car is supposed to have a CAT, you can actually take the test and pass without a CAT? In other words, I don't think the CAT has to be fitted, but it must pass the CAT specific test? Please someone do correct me if I'm wrong! Neil.
  12. Here here. Late style G60 too Jim They are great fun, I like to call them 'Highly strung' in comparison to the VR lol. Would love one of each ideally (Maybe if I lose my mind one day) though I'd especially like a really early LHD G60! Look forward to seeing Corrado featured on the show either way, be funny to see if they have to fix the usual stuff lol.
  13. My thinking exactly mate:cool: In references, it's always the VR6 (And more often than not, the storm) that gets a mention. Nothing against the VR6 of course, but it's about time the ol' G60 had it's 5 mins of fame.
  14. Something like this may be a good idea, could potentially be a bit of a longer lasting upgrade compared to the OE stuff? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BLACK-NEOPRENE-PLAIN-SPONGE-FOAM-RUBBER-SHEET-VARIOUS-SIZES-1-5mm-12mm-THICK-/141115616908?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item20db256e8c Few other options too, there will definitely be something up to the job, main thing is not being too thick, being breathable (For where the three holes are), and being dense enough that it doesn't start to break up in small bits after a bit of use http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1311.R4.TR11.TRC1.A0.H1.Xfoam&_nkw=foam+sheet&_sacat=0&_from=R40 Neil.
  15. Awesome! Hope it's still going to be a G60! :g60:
  16. I think the idea of the holes/foam is to allow a little air flow to pass, probably for less strain on the direction controls when adjusting and to allow slight ventilation to other area's at all times. If using rubber or similar I'd be inclined to pop a small hole or two in it. I think people have used EPDM Rubber type stuff https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=epmd&rlz=1C1SVEE_enGB411GB411&oq=epmd&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.1360j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#q=epdm+rubber Recently used some on my house lol, and the stuff I got was adhesive backed, but applied with heat it really sticks like sh|t to a blanket. My Heater flap lining replacement, I used thin industrial carpet. Afterwards the clunk/direction change was very reassuring and the air flow was massively improved! Actually got better after a while, probably as the carpet bedded in around the sides. Probably something better for the job out there but I was trying to get the car back together asap at the time. Maybe Dynamat or something similar? Heater direction control fix possibly also worth a read.
  17. The displacers are Magnesium. People have used products like JB Weld to do small repairs but it's not something I'd like to try myself. Ideally you want somebody who can weld Magnesium (If it's a viable option/Damage dependent), there are companies out there that can do it obviously but they have to know it's a part that moves at up to 15k rpm!
  18. Weird. I once tried to fit what was supposedly an early system on my Late G60 and it wouldn't go on, I'm sure I remember the backbox being a different angle/shape.:scratch: Unless I'm getting confused somewhere... EDIT:Hmmm, yep I think as a whole system it's all fine and dandy, but an early backbox wouldn't fit a late center silencer and vice versa.
  19. Probably gunked up cable internally.:thumbleft: Best bet is a new one if so. Whatever you do though, don't spray it with anything (Lube/Oil/WD40) They are self lubricating and spraying them with anything is a 'No no'. If you think it probably is the cable that's knackered, then I suppose you could pop some wd40 in there to see the effect (Will probably feel really good until it feels crap again and then ends up worse) Be worth checking the routing beforehand as well, check for excessive kinks and maybe lube the throttle body mechanism etc. EDIT: They do tend to be a bit stiffer feeling than most other cars as standard actually, but a worn/gunky cable makes it much worse. Neil.
  20. First thought is scam of some sort?! :scratch: Proceed with caution I say. Maybe I'm just paranoid lol. Neil.
  21. The later doors have crash bars inside and also a fatter/thicker external trim.:thumbleft: You can physically fit the late door furniture to the early doors, just a case of a little wiring etc. Neil.
  22. Liking the A8's:thumbleft: Could always tweak them a bit too, colour code in between the spokes? Plastic fill the centre cap then spray or cover with carbon? Or even stick some massive mk4 golf style Vw badges on em? lol. Damn I miss p1ssing about with cars. :-( Keep up the good work mate.
  23. Well said. And I hate to say it but I'd probably opt for the Cupra too, or... Maybe an early 16v Corrado with a 9A/2L lump thrown in (No cat etc) and a nice simple set of 45 webers. A lot less to worry about over the G60, less to go wrong, and would be great fun. PS: Before anybody says it, no, webers don't need constant setting up! Not unless the spindles etc are tired. Neil.
  24. G60 can be either early or late style shells. :thumbleft: One way to tell whether a shell is early (Hook zaust hanger) or late (Bar zaust hanger) is to see what size fuel tank you have. Have a quick look at the fuel gauge on the dials. If it says 70L then it's a late shell, 55L is an early shell. The actual exhaust shape is different between early/late too so you can't make them fit as the floor pan is different. Neil.
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