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Everything posted by SR_Neale

  1. Don't think that looks the same as mine but could be wrong. It's tucked away in the garage at the moment so I haven't looked at it in a while. Cheers for taking the pic.
  2. That would be very much appreciated. Cheers. The interior is a late spec are the switches the same as earlie?
  3. Didn't they take the head lining out on wheeler dealers? Not the most Indepth guide but gives you an idea. Not done one on a rado yet but have taken out more than enought head linings and sun roofs out I t the past. They do take a while because if you rush and bend any of the lining and put a crease in it it's never gonna go back in right. 2 person job. When I get mine out soon I will be enlisting the help of my wife as all she needs to do is hold it in place while the trim comes off. (I garantee this will end in an argument lol) will try to remember take pics along the way. Another top tip is to have plenty of rubber gloves which need to be changed regularly because when the screws come out they will be dirty and grease and you don't want to get it on the head lining cos it's no fun to clean off and if your planning on dyeing it the grease spots could show through. Hope this helps.
  4. While on the subject of heated seats where can I fit the switch in a earlie dash? Or is there somewhere obvious I haven't looked?
  5. Don't discount G60's I have had mine 6 months and the problems I have had could have been on any car ie duff battery, rotten suspension etc. I don't know why people think the G60's are so unreliable. As long as the engine has been maintained correctly you shouldn't have any probs.
  6. How far under the car do these reach? I have a 2 tonne standard jack and it really struggles to get to the jacking points/ rear beam.
  7. It's official she is now sorn hopefully only for the winter. Boo hoo
  8. No it's a zafira gsi. 2l turbo it's a lot of fun and people don't like getting whopped from the lights by a 7 seater lol.
  9. Cheers jim. I doubt I'll bother getting it corrected if it's not a legal requirement plus I don't actually know what the mileage should be anyway. Wasn't working when I bought it and have put a fair few miles on it since. Will keep old clocks so IF I sell her I have some sort of proof if that makes sence.
  10. I am about to change the clocks in my 92 G60. What do I have to do with regards to mileage as the new clocks will have a different mileage showing? All help appreciated. Cheers
  11. Not done anything with Corby lately except drive her to let the AP's settle. Had to raise the fronts by 10mm so I can get it in and out of the garage/ up the curb. She still scrapes but nothing a few bits of wood doesn't sort out. I am supprised just how comfortable they are for how low I've got her. I would defo recommend AP coilovers as a good budget option. I have come to the very difficult decision to sorn her over winter as the list of jobs is mounting up and this way I can get it in the workshop and totally strip interior including dash to sort rattles and re new matrix. Also I'm gonna crack on with rusted sill and re spray passenger side sorting out the parking dents etc. plus all the other bits like sorting reverse lights, clocks, handbrake blah blah blah. Wish me luck.
  12. Doesn't look like it. Someone posted the other day that they tried heritage and was told they no longer had them. They was showing near side only last time I looked.
  13. Nice work Karmanski. Just wondered if you have ever looked into getting the window scrapers re produced? I think there would be a high demand for these aswell.
  14. Message recieved cheers but doesn't seem to have pic attached unless I'm doing something wrong
  15. Cheers mate. Can you pm me with payment details. Will have the money on Friday (pay day) if that's ok with you.
  16. Also worth mentioning that there are a few types oil and non oil types. Belt driven and non belt driven. Belt driven gives the most power but is louder than non belt driven. Non oil compressors have a Teflon coating on the piston bores to aid lubrication but this does wear away over time where as oil doesn't and will last longer as long as oil is kept at correct level. This is my beast.
  17. For a spray gun you will get away with a 25l just about unless you are running it with a air feed mask (I won't spray without one) but for air gun min of 50l and you will have to wait for tank to fill fully to get the power needed on tough nuts. As for a grinder probably a 3hp 100/150 as it takes a lot to run them same as a da. I have a 3hp 150l which runs constantly when the DA is running. But they ain't cheap and take up a fair amount of space. I guess what I'm saying is buy the biggest you can afford/fit in.
  18. Would be interested in the speedo with Lockwood dials if still available. Any idea on cost of postage to Essex?
  19. I have always bought Clark compressors. Steer clear of the cheap tiger ones as they don't last. What are you thinking of running with it?
  20. Cheers m8. Would be nice to take Corby out and not have to worry about getting home before it gets dark.
  21. SR_Neale


    Always room for another G60. Welcome
  22. Top popping. If you don't mind me asking what is the cost of the loom and where did you get it from?
  23. Lol that is exactly the same as me I always intend to take photos but get carried away with the excitement.
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