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Everything posted by Rossco

  1. Rossco

    squeaky clutch

    I changed box's on my c not that long ago and i dont mind sayin it was possibly the worst thing i had ever done in my life, my mother was ashemed of me cos of the amount of swearin i did :lol: Trust me dont skimp out and take it to a garage or you will go :mad:
  2. Rossco

    2l 16v

    so wots the overall juice then you guys rekon i should go for it or should i go for a G60 hmmmm demonic howl, tricky one eh
  3. Rossco

    2l 16v

    Get te fork ye wee bastard :lol: you need to see the back of my motor and my hand, nah im sure it does fit cos it came out of a mk2 golf and seein as its all the same it must have been modded to fit id say? I will investigate any more info will be greatly appreciated, i remember a bloke in the golf of PVW who had done it i thought he might have been on here. Im just fishin around at the mo i mean i could go and bang in a G60 yahoo but i was just lookin at other alternatives maybe retro fit a 1.3 motor-different Forum users please discuss :lol:
  4. Rossco

    2l 16v

    yeh the engine comes with all electrics even the clocks and stuff, would the electrics be quite simple then? i think i have the facilities shouldnt be much ofd a hassle, just the leccy side of things
  5. Rossco

    2l 16v

    but this lump has been chipped and is runnin about 170 bhp if i do away wi that and all the digi injection shit will it loose bhp???
  6. Rossco

    2l 16v

    i know a guy sellin a 2L 16v engine from a mark 3 golf and its runnin some serious brake i was just wonderin how much work would be invloved in fittin it, the mounts and shit look the same but its the elecrtics im worried about, they scare me :shock: Mines a 1.8 16v by the way
  7. Funnily enough mate i am :lol: ive been tryin to stop that but its hard wen your in a routine eh? im not 100% sure it was fluid leakin out im gonna tighten up the old bastard belt tomorrow and ill let you know the deal. Cheers boys
  8. i got a new belt not that long ago about 5 months, could it need replacin already? or just tightened up?
  9. yeh it squeeks quite a bit
  10. Right my power steering has been playin up for a while now, its juddery when tryin to turn the wheels at a slower speed, its fine wen im rollin but slowin down and it turns into a bitch. The other day i checked the fluid level and it had lost some, wasnt much like but it was about half an inch below max. Then today wen i was parkin the beast for college i noticed some wet patches on the ground where i was parkin, thought it might be water but it is slimey, like lube, ive never pissed about wi power steerin so HELP PLEASE, could it be the pump? Im not mechanically inept but a bit of a pointer would be good. Cheers boys Ross 8)
  11. please somebody post this up cos mine do the same :cry:
  12. Guys?????????????????????????????????? :?
  13. Right come on then somebody post up the final part numbers im bloody lost now like and i need these wipers in my life :shock:
  14. Cheers buddy lets see if i can get this valver to haul a bit more ass :D
  15. Just a quick question, i remember a while ago somebody gave details about a bad ass throttle body for the vw 16v motor that gave some sweet bhp gains, as i have just come into some loot im pretty keen on this bad boy, could who ever put it up do it again or even a link to the old post would be good. Cheers
  16. What about us without lambda probes (16v boys) can we just bung one in the zorst or is it way mor complex than that?
  17. Listen to this boy he is spot on, my old man has a minted mk1 golf in mars red tucked away in his garage and i shit you not it is super fresh :D
  18. Rossco

    eyebrow fitting?

    I used that double sided sticky stuff that some body shops use to stick number plates on with, i got a roll of the stuff out of tesco, its made by duck its about 2.50 and this stuff sticks better than shit to a blanket :lol:
  19. My radiator recently did its thing and shat itself all over the deck so i got a new one and i had to replace the thermoswitch as well, ever since this was done the car runs a whole heap cooler it averages about 90 degrees on the water and the oil hit about 100 max. i rekomend getting a new radiatior cos these cars can run really hot, i got mine from GSF for about 60 notes all in, pretty good deal id say :D
  20. Rossco

    engine mounts.

    Two at the back one beside the box and one on the engine side and one in the middle on the crossmember, i changed the front one and the box side one quite easily and got replacements from GSF all fun and games and was quite cheap
  21. My thing runs up to 100 degrees and even above that if ive been winding it up i thought it was pretty warm as well but i guess i got used to it, safe oil temp is about 80 degrees that wen the engine is warmed up and ready for a roastin i usually try not to go above 3500 rpm untill then but once its warmed up it usually sits about 104 or hight if its been canned. My fan does come on after ive turned the car off depending on how hot it is is the time it stays on for. Have fun :D
  22. Yep check the tension in the belts, if they are loose they will usually squeel otherwise i rekon your pump could be on the bum, pisser cos it has really heavy steering wen the power steering isnt there :?
  23. Rossco

    Sender query

    thats wot i though cheers son 8)
  24. Rossco

    Sender query

    had to change my radiator the other day and i broke the sender on it, does this sender control the fan or is it where the temp gauge on the dash gets it readin? Cheers guys :D
  25. i got new cv joints from gsf, 35 notes each side i think it was and they are still sweet, i would recommend changin the ball joints my car was makin the sort of noises that you are describin and then it popped out! made things a bit interestin, so i would change them any way 9 notes each from gsf and i did them both in about 2 hours peice of piss really, good luck bud
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