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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. The cheapest 5.5" is £620! If you want a 128gb one it'll be £790 thanks... :lol:


    My 5 is really flaky since the last update, I imagine iOS8 will kill it completely much like iOS7 did with the 4


    Engine! Engine! Engine!


    £800 for a phone!!


    Stupid thing is, loads of fanboys will be queuing up at Apple stores to pay that :roll:

  2. You two crack me up!


    IM SO UP FOR A CHEESE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Mmmmm, cheeeeeeese!


    Cheesado, or Curedhamdo? I'm seeing a strong bond between the Corrado and cured pork and fermented milk products.


    For the spice lovers among us, how about a Curryado thread?

  3. Have to say I've been waiting with baited breath for the iPhone 6 but I'm completely underwhelmed and Apple's pricing is bordering on madness. The 16gb one is useless and there's no way I'm paying the same price as an iMac air for a bloody phone!


    How much are the new phones then chap? I'm guessing the 5.5" one is going to be mega money?


    Like you, when I saw the iPhone 6 m immediate thought was "Is that it?"


    I really like my 5S and won't be going to a 6 until it dies, or more likely, Apple will put stuff in IOS8+ that deliberately slows down older devices, making them unusable.


    As for the original question, engine vs phone. Do we even need to ask that??!? Engine, obviously!

  4. Actually, I will be keeping it standard until March 18th insurance :lol:


    GT30R, hmmm, not sure at this stage. I've heard rumours of the stock K04 being capable of over 350hp on this motor, which may be enough!


    Do I miss the 2 extra cylinders? Only when pulling away. The R32 is massively torquier below 3000rpm, but it's all relative because the GTI is over 100Kg lighter, so you don't really notice the R's low down punch advantage in the real world. What you do very much notice in the ED30 is the midrange and top end thump, which is way more savage than I was expecting!!

    It put a stupid grin on my face, like the VRT did the first time I drove it :D


    I have no idea what power it's making but it feels bloody fast. Some research suggests it's another typical VAG turbo engine that makes more than quoted, around 250hp in this case. I'll data log the boost request map at the weekend, which is one way to be sure it's not been mapped.

  5. To give you an example. 2 years ago my misses's car was written off 53 plate golf v6 due to a white van man scraping down the side of the car. It required a new wing, door and rear quarter repaired and 1 alloy wheel replaced. Car valued at 4200 and the insurance wrote it off as an uneconomical repair. Even though the 3 quotes using genuine parts was 22-2600 pounds.


    We took the money, and it was sold at auction. The guy that bought it got in touch. Long story short he repaired it for 1200 as it was an immaculate low mileage car with full history.


    How much did the insurance company give you?


    It's all a big scam. They want older cars off the road to force you to buy something new. Insurance companies, body shops & car makers, they're all in it together. A lot of body shops will only take on easy work now and I've noticed standards of repair slipping badly in recent years, especially with paint blending. The amount of silver and grey metallic cars I see these days, with very obvious colour mismatching is a joke.


    TBH I think I would rather take the money and run rather than let some incompetent buffoon make a patchwork quilt of my car.

  6. Blimey, that long? I suppose the lack of updates is indicative of how thrilled I was by R32 ownership :lol:


    Nah, they are good cars really but the main reasons for letting her go, were:


    • Too expensive to turbo (properly).
    • My daily commute is 12 miles of clogged Dual Carriageway and 20-25mpg just doesn't make sense any more.
    • It never got under my skin like the Corrado did.
    • The 4WD system was used probably 2% the whole time I had it.
    • Frankly, I just got bored of it :lol:


    So, to try and recapture some of that Corrado magic and put another tick in my car Bucket List, I purchased Mr UGly Mother F'cker (mash up of it's reg plate!) :D


    As you can tell by the 18" BBS Pescaras, it is indeed an Edition 30.


    We all know MK5s so I won't bore you with superlatives, suffice to say the praise they receive is more than justified!


    It goes without saying, it won't be staying standard :D Already got a few mods in the pipeline and then it will be up to uncle Vince for one of his famous maps :D





  7. I've been on here since 2003 and the atmosphere, friendliness and helpfulness have always been consistently the best I've seen on any forum.


    I still think the forum is in need of a subforum, to discuss the various ways of curing and slicing pork products though :)

  8. Didn't someone on here try to do this already? And although he got it working it was a complete PITA!


    I could be completely wrong (it was a few years and many drinks ago) but he had big problems with injector firing and control. Although essentially the same block all the sensors/inputs/fuelling ratios/lambda parameters etc etc are different. Not even thinking about the VVT or variable inlet side of things I don't think this is a good idea.


    If you want my 10p worth I'd get as much as possible from the donor vehicle and just transfer over everything you need. Far far simpler.


    Yep I remember, vaguely. Doug somebody? Had a red leather interior and a couple of bits off an Aston Martin or something?


    That's a good point you raise there about the cam sensors being different, so sequential won't work and when OBD1/OBD2 can't see the cam sensor, or get a meaningful signal from it, it over fuels like f'ck and retards the ignition a lot. Net result = down 30hp on a 12V engine.


    I have an R32 running DTA non drive by wire from what I can gather and it is well punchy I'd let you have a run out in it Kev but you never go to show's. Sorry mate as much as I appreciate your knowledge/R32 I really can't justify a round trip to Essex though I would love to just to meet you seeing as you don't do show's :thumbleft:


    We'll have to agree to disagree on that one fella ;) I had DTA on mine too and ME7 is a LOT punchier with the non-linear throttle :D We do need to meet up though and I am a bit of a VW hermit, agreed :lol:

  9. Yep, VVT on the AUE engine is just for emissions during warm up, as per 1.8T.


    You can switch the intake with a Schrick controller.


    DBW is love or hate. I've driven an R32 engine with an analogue throttle and it's just not the same. Nowhere near as punchy. DBW is a very easy path to Cruise control on older VWs as well. I agree, DBW is nasty on early 1.8Ts, but on the run out engine and on the more powerful TFSI engines, it works well, imo.


    So whilst it can be done with OBD2, but it won't be the same. OBD2 = sluggish narrowband, ME7 = proper wideband. There's nothing complicated about the AUE install at all, but as no one on here has done OBD2 on a 24V, you're on your own.

  10. Got the car on Tuesday - lovely machine! Devastatingly quick when needed, but will putter about quite the thing, currently averaging 32mpg but expecting to improve. Handling is great, sticks like glue. Partner loves it, which is good, but I'm still quite content with the Rado for the time being - it's never a hardship getting bck into it. Just need to get the rear bushes done, check why I've lost PAS fluid, sort the sill and maybe get a respray :)


    Quite a fleet you've got there! Without getting into nerdy unobtainium VAGs like G60 Limiteds and Quattro Sports, you've arguably got the cream of the VAG crop there: RS4, Corrado & an MK7 R.

  11. "1K-Nano paint sealant conjoins permanently with the paint structure on account of covalent bondings and forms a fixed network"


    What a load of marketing nonsense! Fixed network :lol:


    All car care products fall into the "Wipe something on, wipe it off again. Meh" category for me, but this stuff is next level horse shat. They've given us a product that only needs doing once, and for £109? Really? What kind of business model is that?!? :lol:


    Horse shat :D

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