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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. Just google Honda S2000 air filter. Loads of images but none in a Corrado specifically, but it's just a cone. Use your imagination :). As said, exposed paper won't like the elements! Needs to be in a box really.

  2. Have to say that I am delighted with the KW V3s. Currently set to middle on both bound and rebound, and am amazed how supple the ride is compared to the V1s. I was never unhappy with the V1s either, but the damping on the V3s seems sublime. I also thought that given how compliant the car is on the road, it would be too soft on the track without firming it up; in fat, it was absolutely fine.


    Good aren't they? :)


    I'm afraid when it comes to suspension, you most definitely get what you pay for!


    I found mine performed best with a 2 finger gap and for the road, they worked superbly with the softer 325lb / 228lb spring option KW offer.

  3. Yeah you can see on the petrol flap sticker it was mapped for 98 RON at the factory and whilst 95 is OK to use, you will get a reduction in performance. I'm sure it states that in the manual somewhere?


    So in other words, if you use V power, the chance of pinking is virtually zero (unless carrying 20 bags of cement in the boot) and therefore you get peak performance at all times. I


    If you use 95, the chance of pinking greatly increases, so the knock sensors pull the timing and your power drops. So as ever, you gotta pay to play.


    Talking about Tesco i have seen on Facebook twice in recent months people filling up with their Diesel and having major problems with cars packing in and numerous engine running issues.

    Maybe it is down to the state of the actual filling stations supply tanks or is it the quality of the fuel?


    As far as I understand it, underground tanks at filling stations build up condensation water at the bottom (heavier than fuel) which needs periodic syphoning. I guess some stations are hot on that and others aren't. I've picked up a tank of water from Tesco in my R32, which resulted in a 30 second misfiring coughing fit. Haven't touched it since and no reoccurrence.

  4. Yeah I saw the same metal in my Corrado tank and as a magnet didn't pick them up, I concur with Vince! There's a little disc blocking the hole in some filler necks (some kind of one way valve I assume) which scrapes the nozzle as you withdraw it (oo er!). Those metal flakes would get trapped by the gauze on the pump intake anyway.


    I've cut open 20K old fuel filters in my Corrado and my R32 and they were just totally black with lots of fine 'dirt' collected into clumps.


    As for the fuel qualities, it's true that there are only so many refineries in the world, but Supermarkets just buy what ever is cheapest, so you get inconsistent supplies. I believe the Tesco 99 is refined especially for them though, but the 95 stuff could be anything. V-Power is also unique to Shell and no, constant use of it does no harm to engines what so ever :) The tall tales some mechanics come out with are just ridiculous!

  5. Well the car *is* heavier if you just filled it up :D Topping up won't help. Tesco 99 or V-Power will just dilute down to what's already in the tank.


    /\ Agreed, the whole "dirt being sucked up" thing is a complete myth. That came from carburettor days where the mechanical pump on the engine pulled fuel out of the tank and through the carbs. Injection pumps push fuel through a filter so no dirt ever gets to the injectors. The only dirt in fuel tanks comes from the fuel itself and injection pumps are designed to run dirty.


    V-Power is by far the most consistent fuel I've used. Worth paying the extra for. Supermarket stuff is shyte and I avoid Tesco like the plague ever since drawing up a bit of water from their underground tank.

  6. What a great price!


    Will this work with a coilpack engine or just a dizzy?


    Different ECUs. If this is a dizzy ECU and you have a Coilpack engine, you'd be better off getting your existing ECU remapped by Stealth Racing. They're the best guys for this by miles. They are one of a handful of tuners who have legacy Motronic ability.


    For purist's sake, I'm sure Stealth could take an exact copy of the VSR map from the coilpack chip and transfer it, but Stealth's map would be better.

  7. I stuck a brand new K&N induction kit on my VR6 a few years ago to give it a try.

    Made too much induction noise and did absolutely zilch to increase performance, so I took it off and sold it.

    Now running a standard airbox with an annually changed OE paper filter.

    Result is excellent filtration and a nice sounding VR6 which is no slower than one running a loud induction kit!


    Couldn't have put it better myself :D


    10 years ago I was proper into binning off all the OEM stuff, thinking VW deliberately shoved a load of old paper into the tiniest airbox possible to restrict power, but as the years pile on, you realise they do things properly!

  8. It's only over-oiled filters that wreck MAFs. Reoiling with the correct amount is an art few people have mastered :D


    Oiled filters clog up very quickly and become less effective than paper anyway, so I can totally see why Honda went with paper, even though they don't use MAFs. Function over form. Good stuff Rhonda. The Bacon approves.

  9. Lol, what's the benefit of the S2000 filter then? Is anyone claiming big power increases from it, or is it just people getting excited by open filters making more noise than stock?

  10. The £9K one I can see someone haggling down to £7.5 to £8k if they really want a valver. The £15K one will be for sale for ages.


    I saw the same dealer greed when I was looking for E34 M5s. They were averaging £7K for minters, but then you'd see one for double that on a dealer site, which was for sale for years.

  11. As MarkB said, remove the motor from the frame (with the roof closed) but leave it connected. Operate the full closure via the key in the door lock. You should see the motor moving about. Calibration complete, refit to frame.


    If the motor is struggling, it's been discussed 100 times, but you need to lube the channels with silicon grease, not normal grease, not white grease, not butter, olive oil or engine oil, but Silicon grease!


    VW sell their own special stuff for like, £30 a tube or something daft, but I use this stuff which is specifically made for sliding mechanisms - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Liqui-Moly-3312-Silicon-Grease-Clear/dp/B00295DBQE/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1402069674&sr=8-8&keywords=silicon+grease


    Run the roof back and forth loads of times with the allen key to get the grease worked in. That will keep the roof sliding nicely in the long term, but if the motor still isn't happy, you'll need a new one.

  12. Are they going to pay your winnings via PayPal, or send a cousin in the UK over to setup an escrow account for you, in the name of his Granddad in Uganda?

  13. Ken Barlow reckoned 10W/50 Silkolene Pro S is the best, but Ken Dodd told him to shove that and thinks Castrol Edge 10W/60 is better. Then Ken frickin Block stuck his oar in with Millers 10W/60 Nanotec stuff. "Kenny from the Block" reckons Mobil 1 5W/50 Motorsport is the dogs, and then Ken Hom threw his Wok out of the pram and insisted on Motul 300V.

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