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Everything posted by Flo

  1. Did your corrado still have the Rat sticker in the rear window? I work with the salesman who sold that car from Scotts originally. He said it was given to the operations director's wife originally!
  2. Nice one Dinkus, knew it wouldnt take long before you got back with 'da program' I see the back sits down properly and it didnt take you very long to stick the recaros in. I still think of my Corrado ownership days and it still makes me sad. Soon, though. Very soon!
  3. 5. When passengers get in the back seat they always, and I mean ALWAYS, pull the wrong handle to get the seats to tilt forward and the seat goes BAANNG as it shoots upwards. JUST MOVE THE HANDLE TO THE OTHER SIDE SO PEOPLE CANT REACH IT! 6. Flash someone and the next time you turn your headlights on you drive around for half an hour with people beeping you because your blinding them with your beam on. Push away for on, and pull towards for flash. THATS WHAT IT SHOULD BE! 7. Is it me or do the flaps under each side of the front lip spoiler always come loose, no matter how many times you screw them back in. 8. The retaining lugs from the mats always lean forwards letting the mats pop out of them. 9. The head rests do not stay tilted forward. Put you head on them once, and they click all the way back again. 10. Jack the car up at the front, and try opening the door. The bottom of the door scrapes on the door shut. Nice. 11. Adjustable steering wheel. 1 click from the top is too high, 2 clicks from the top scrapes on your legs. ARRRGGHHH!! 12. Yes there's an MFA, but there's no 'range' feature, by far and away the most useful information you need. Yes I know how fast i'm going and what the temperature is, but how much further can I go?!! Thats enough for now.
  4. Just wondered if anyone on here now has my old car, M307 JFP? miss her and wanted to know if shes happy? :cry:
  5. Check it out. Wonder if I could get one imported! Citi Golf
  6. Wasn't the corrado VR6 more like £22K -£23K when it was brand new? That would bring it into New Golf GTi territory, and THATS extremely tempting! If I could spend that sort of money on a new car, then my answer would very much be a yes. But I have to say, I would only want the little niggles sorted out (i.e sunroof, wipers etc), as I would hate to see any major changes to the car. Anythings possible, after all they are still selling the Mk1 Golf in South Africa (allbeit with a Lupo dashboard!)
  7. Absolutely, and I'm glad I was in the Mk4 as I'm not sure I would have got out of the car unscathed if I was in the Corrado. I hardly scrubbed off any speed and hit the post very hard. The N/S Suspension was pushed back quite far.
  8. That would have been wonderful, however, he got away with a scuff on his bumper where he hit me initially. The damage was done to my car when I mowed over the lamp post. VW are assessing the car as we speak. I'll be honest, I dont think I want the car back, now that its been in a major shunt.
  9. Yeah, but he still didnt admit liability though. I guess he's not going to out of principle, but my insurance company has already said 'It sounds pretty open and shut that it is his fault'
  10. Pretty gutted after selling my Corrado 3 weeks ago, but fairly happy with my choice of a Mk4 Golf. Safe, practical and still fairly fun. Was gonna be my family wagon anyway. Driving along minding my own business. One way street, three lanes. A Range Rover from nowhere cuts across three lanes of traffic to make a right turn and decides to cut through my path too. No time to brake, hit him, mounted the pavement and took down a lamp post. Gutted... again.
  11. Yeah, it does sometimes, but the way I see it, is that I get all of the fun of the cars, without the huge expense. I'm also trying to get a company car! I have to say though, after you've worked with them for a while the glamour and mystique does fade. I much prefer seeing them stripped to pieces in the workshop. They aren't very complicated machines, just very very well made. Yeah, I totally agree. I have to say, the boys from stuttgart had a strange day at the office when they put pen to paper designing the lines of that car.
  12. I will let you all know what its like soon! We usually take new additions to the range on to the track, along with competitor cars. I'll be honest, we can't wait to drive it. A mid-engined tin top with nearly 300bhp on tap! Its got to be fun. And contrary to belief, I believe that there is definately a niche market for this price range. P.S. I am slightly biased, and please please please be assured that this is in no way a dig at people who say this, but people who slate the Cayenne, usually have never driven one.
  13. Only one word to describe it .. Yeeehaaaaaaaaahh!!!!!! :twisted: So much fun. And after selling my VR a couple of weeks ago, it was great to drive something with similar acceleration. I love it, I love it, I love it, great, awesome, fabulous!!!! The guy was game and so I wound it way up too. Gotta get me one. oh yeah!
  14. Mike, my Schabak VR6 Model, which i ordered direct from them, has an early front end, wrong wheels and under the bonnet theres a 16v engine?!! It does say VR6 on the grill though. Whats your model like. Have I just had the p1ss taken out of me by Schabak?
  15. I managed to get 4K, with 103,000 on the clock. Not bad, I guess I could have got another £1000 if Id put it in the autotrader. That was with some hard bartering and pretending to get up and walk away, twice.
  16. Cheers everyone, I hope one day I will be back though! I've owned quite a few cars for someone of my age, and the Corrado was without a doubt the fastest, funnest, best looking, enjoyable and most !!expensive!! car i've had the fortune of experiencing. It was the only car I fell in love with and I dont think I'll ever find something that'll put a bigger smile on my face. As soon as I can afford it, I'll be Storm searching though. Until then, I hope to be joining Juncion 29 when I move up that way soon and still be on the DUB scene. See you all at GTI international!
  17. I dont like long goodbyes, so I simply gave her a pat on the bonnet and walked off to my new car. Also in front of the misses, so didnt want to put on a sobbing match. Got a good trade price, and now we own a Y plate Golf GTi 1.8 turbo in preparation for our new family member coming in August. The new car, I have to say, is lovely. And its a welcome return to modern car ownership, but I was very depressed yesterday afternoon as I know that my Rado was my pride and joy and will be sorely missed. Still, life goes on, and I have other priorities! Onwards!
  18. A few more. Can get Sniffpetrol.com on my work computer, so dunno if these are there
  19. A bit OT, but does anyone know whos car was used in that little top gear feature about future classics? I've got it on my PC and it still brings a smile on my face when I watch it. I love the soundtrack to it too!
  20. its been on there for a couple of weeks now. Wondered why it hasn't shifted. There must be someone out there whos after a mint Storm, with a big budget. Wondering if theres anything wrong with it. *PS Oooh! I am now a CF REGULAR!! YAY!! whats the next threshold?!!*
  21. Autotrader Look at the bottom car It looks mint and thinking of remortgaging to buy it. Anyone here been to see it
  22. Does anyone on here own the silver valver which is parked on Downham way, Bromley, everyday?
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