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Everything posted by Andi

  1. It's ok, wasn't taken as a dig! And for whoever asked, I've whited-out the grey 'read' status icons a little so hopefully a bit more distinguishable on your monitor. Old: New: If these look EXACTLY the same to you - then the 'new' image is being cached as the old one still. I've cleared the caches I can on the site, but your ISP and your browser will cache images too - it will update eventually hopefully ;) Try clicking here then holding Control and pressing F5. It should refresh to the 'lighter' colour. Then reload this page and it should update across the site.
  2. Please submit them as blogs, and use the 'tagging' section to add useful descriptors to what you are How-To'ing (i.e brakes, or clutch, etc etc) plus put 'wiki' in there too. We can then pull it all together and put all the wiki ones into a large section, with sub-sections for brakes, etc - as tagged when making the blogs. Then anyone can submit information, and its all easily searchable within the forum and managed, tagged 'n' bagged!
  3. Correct - it doesn't embed quotes within quotes by design. It's not needed, to be honest.
  4. That will be the point, yes ;) I've added them for the time being. The software alone cost £222. Then there's the recurring server costs (this site, alone, requires a full dedicated server. It cannot run on some cheap 'shared' hosting), plus the fact just the install took 14 hours straight to get everything back up and running. AND everything else ;) (I've just got in from an evening out to 20 requests of people with invalid email addresses, etc. And that's from 5pm when I left work...). Not really something I can afford at the moment without a little payback, if I'm honest - so I'm running it as an experiment to see if it does help fund this site. The adverts are generally what you're reading about - go to the Insurance section, and you'll get Insurance adverts - so they may even be quite useful. I wanted to make the changes to upgrade the site. Give the members a lot more and hopefully pull back some of the community that felt things were getting a little 'stale'. Also remember that I haven't actually had a Corrado for 5 years, so this site continues purely out of love for all you guys! I will get another C eventually, when I have somewhere I can look after it. Not an option at the moment, though. Oh, and to the guy who emailed "Why did you bother? I preferred the old one." Perhaps buy a Scirocco Mk1, then?
  5. Haha, it's ok! There are a LOT of features on this forum - I'm not surprised some of you are a little overwhelmed by it all. We will all get there in the end, though! When I have some time (!) I will be doing visual guides / how-to on using the site. There's lots to explore and do on it really. It has so much more potential than the old software - hence the change! It's all for the better!
  6. They are, by default. If you change it though, it remembers what you set. When in the forum, check the bottom left - search order. ;)
  7. Wiki still works as before. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/wiki.php But not as a Wiki... ;) And MediaWiki is an ARSE to Admin - that's what we were using before. The Wiki will be migrated in to tagged blogs - keeping it all in the same system (and therefore searchable along with posts).
  8. I'm working on that, yes. The more I can make subscribing worth it, the better! I am still learning the software though, so bear with me ;)
  9. Google haven't noticed the site change yet, so still have the catalogue of the old site. I'm sure they'll be here soon.. (and will index EVERY page...)
  10. No ;) The reason you could on the previous site was I had installed extra themes that changed the CSS and therefore the colours. I'll get round to it, though.
  11. Apologies the site has been stalling today. I've just boosted the memory for the MySQL server, so hopefully it should ease up. Also, please try http://direct.the-corrado.net if you are continually having connection problems - as I have 'cloud-based' the DNS queries which should help most people, but does seem to hinder a few. With this software, you should be able to stay on that domain rather than it jump back to the normal one as it did with phpBB.
  12. BILLCOR, I'm struggling with keeping the site up and running, fixing issues, having a 9-hour-a-day day job (plus 3 hours travelling), manually resetting 100s of accounts for people who didn't keep their email up to date therefore can't log in, fixing the email server, attempting to fix a failing MySQL server, receiving 50+ emails a day from users, implementing new features as I can, and occasionally sleeping. The 'theme' is way down the list. But I will get there. Honest ;)
  13. Have you cleared your Sent Items? Will sort that now. Edit: All seems to be ok. Can you test again?
  14. Guys, You can ask for the "My Posts" bit as much as you like, but I'm afraid the software doesn't do that.
  15. Can you post an image that isn't minute and therefore impossible to work out what you're talking about..? ;)
  16. What about if you visit http://direct.the-corrado.net/forum.php?
  17. If you hit 'Back' rather than refresh the page, due to Ajax and a large amount of caching on the site, you may not see the update. Plus, I think the server delays some things to reduce load on the server.
  18. On a per-post basis, yes. Bottom left of the post you should be able to Blog your own posts...
  19. In which forum? If the For Sale areas - read the Notice at the top. If elsewhere, let me know as it's a bug!
  20. There is a tracking option when sending them. Not all of them are tracked by default.
  21. Donate and you can have up to 5,000... ;) Hehe!
  22. Done. (There's just the one 'rank' now - but you get a bigger PM box and more upload space, now!)
  23. Yup it is... Something's wrong with your browser, or something...! Errr, again, browser issue I think. Been working fine here and have been in and out of the forum all day. http://www.google.com/chrome :)
  24. Update: The ranks from the old software are back! Newbie / Regular / Enthusiast, etc! Subscribers now automatically receive a special ⋆⋆ CF Donator ⋆⋆ status, as well as a 5,000 item PM box, plus the ability to upload 1,000 high res pictures in the Albums (instead of 100 medium res for normal users). Just a little way to say thanks - but more goodies to come. Suggestions? Back using CloudFlare again for DNS caching. Hopefully the slowness issues are now resolved, and should make the site more responsive, as well as reducing load on the server and bandwidth.
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