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Everything posted by Andi

  1. Hmmm, good point... *researches* ---------- Post added at 1:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:14 PM ---------- Right - the "Print Version" purposely removes images to save ink. I can kinda see it's point but of course it ruins the above idea!! It's too much of an arse to change (would be a major code change!) so I'd suggest installing the PDF viewer as above, then just printing the standard view. You can view 40 posts at a time by changing the "Number of posts to show per page" under "Thread Display Options" in General Settings: http://the-corrado.net/profile.php?do=editoptions Sorry, not perfect, but CF isn't going anywhere... :)
  2. Kinda, yes. If you look just above your post, there's a 'Thread Tools' link. Hover over that and choose 'Show Printable Version'. This will make your thread show all as one page - ideal from printing. Then, Mac users, just choose 'Save as PDF...'. Windows users, you need to install a PDF Printer - not scary though, and free. I'd recommend the CutePDF Printer. Download and install both of these files: http://www.cutepdf.com/download/CuteWriter.exe http://www.cutepdf.com/download/converter.exe Now you should have "CutePDF Writer" as a Printer installed on your PC. With this - return to the printable version of the page and choose Print. Choose CutePDF Writer from the list of printers and hit Print. A 'Save As...' dialogue box will then appear, allowing you to Save the PDF it just created to your PC. This of course will now work for any other program or site you wish to 'PDF' in the future, too.
  3. Suspect it's to do with attachments (they are too large). Try without adding pictures.. Or reduce the resolution of your images (and therefore make the filesize smaller).
  4. Happy New Year to you too. Hope your NY resolution is the read the "Please Read" notices on pages before posting for help... ;)
  5. Not sure if this is quite the correct forum to announce your curiosity...
  6. Hi Andrew, If you want to try and organise a group-buy - we have a separate section for that. You're welcome to start a thread in there to collate interest to get some wings moulded.
  7. No replies are allowed in the For Sale section. Big yellow banner at the top of the page says that.. ;) You must PM the seller.
  8. You need to be a donator to sell in the Breaking thread, and it will also allow you to attach more files to posts, and have an unlimited PM Inbox. Also, as a 'newbie' it means that your first posts won't be Moderated automatically (as spammers don't tend to pay..!). If there were other things that you'd like to be offered as a donator or subscriber, than please let me know and I'll see what I can do! I did offer picture hosting and more space and other things like that, but they were rarely used so it wasn't worth the extra time for me to maintain them. The setting of the status is manual - so if it's not done, give me a shout and I'll sort it :) Portent - when was your last payment and I'll trace it to check. Remember I get emails from Paypal from "Dave Smith" and then you're on here as user213983 - sometimes I can't guess who's who! I normally manage to tie them up when I get them through. And yes - it does genuinely all go towards the hosting costs and license fees for the vBulletin software - of which I'll need to spend another $209 soon for the next version. Last week, the site received 1.85 million hits - so it's a very busy server! We are currently running on a distributed system, with asynchronous SQL database backups, a fall-back, plus off-site full backups. All needed so you get a perfect experience any time of day and over 99% uptime. The site also deflected 1236 hacking attempts last week. So - you're money really does help, because we're kinda busy behind the scenes.
  9. Army driving trick is to close one eye (your right eye if you're driving on the left). I find it helps concentrate a bit better, reducing the dazzle. Obviously open it again once the car has passed ;)
  10. No other reports yet. It is possible the Trojan was already on your PC and was only activated by visiting the CF (was it the first site you went to when you fired up your browser?). How it got there is the unknown. It may have been from the sites that rogue advert was forcing some users to a few days ago. Or it could be from somewhere else totally unrelated. Either way - the adverts are now text-based so should be safe from any rogues - so the site is clean. Looks a relatively harmless trojan too - likelyhood your virus checker has nuked it already.
  11. OK, I'll switch it back to text adverts until this matter is resolved by Google. Thanks, RW1.
  12. Ok, let's give that a go. OpenX are now disallowed in Adsense, and image adverts turned back on... Feedback here please :)
  13. A quick Google this morning showed a LOT of forums having the same issues currently. All of which use Google Adsense. It seems to be limited to the image-based ones, so I've changed to text-only for now, and hopefully the redirects should stop from now on. Though, please, post in here if you get another redirect from this point forward.
  14. Excellent, thanks. I've added those two URLs to the block list - so let's see if it still happens....
  15. Hi guys, It's not the forum specifically. In fact, I'm not entirely sure where it's coming from - it may be a rogue advert which has installed Malware in IE on your machines, or it may be malware from elsewhere on the internet which just re-writes URLs in vBulletin forums... Not sure! We got a mention on this site which has the same complaint: http://www.sffchronicles.co.uk/forum/538467-being-diverted-to-a-strange-site-looks-scammy.html In fact Google shows a lot of sites with the same thread... no solution yet? (Other than don't use IE - which is pretty wise advice in itself). https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ie=UTF-8&ion=1#q=testables.net/d/juicyru.com&hl=en&prmd=imvns&ei=ZCyVUPeKCoXF0QXZnoCADg&start=20&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=3f622645d8196b60&bpcl=37189454&ion=1&biw=1366&bih=624 So, best go here, then.. ;) https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/
  16. Also - make sure you are always logged in when browsing the forum. There is some software which adds links to certain words if you're not logged in (it generates a little bit of advertising revenue for me from the bots that scan the site) but you won't see it if you're logged in.
  17. There was a YUI exploit which I've just patched... think it might be related.. Let me know!
  18. Yes, known issue if you pictures are too large. I need Toby to sort that.... :) Though I'm glad you enjoy the 404 page!
  19. So, is everyone happy with the new 'class' of adverts...? (And you search history of 'local slags' is safe with us..)
  20. Ok, I've blocked: References to Sex & Sexuality Sexual & Reproductive Health Dating Let me know if that 'clears it up' a bit.. ;) And for that, I think you should donate, 'cos there's plenty of you that click the dating ones... haha! :) :geek:
  21. You guys do realise that it works on the content on the page. We're all talking about slags, ergo, the advert is more likely to be.... Ham. No, slags. Slags in ham. Hammy slags?
  22. Just scroll down a little bit and don't scroll all the way to the bottom of the site? But yes - Google Adsense is tailored to your search / browsing habits and/or what's currently on the page - so if you see adverts for Insurance, you're probably on a Insurance'y page on the site. If you see "Meet local slags", it's possible one of the posters in the thread you're reading is a slag? The biggest bombshell.... have a guess what category of adverts get clicks on 10 times more than the next category...?
  23. Bumping is disallowed as it is often abuse by others. Create a new one and delete your old one.
  24. If you wrote it a couple of days ago, there was an issue with the database and when text was being submitted (either posts, PMs, info etc) they were not being recorded. Try again and it should work fine now.
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