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Everything posted by lukeage

  1. Think i may have jumped onto the conspiracy wagon a bit to hastily there - please excuse the rant. I agree wholeheartly when it comes to uninsured drivers on the road. But then again insurance companies will find any old reason in the book to pump up their premiums. It would not surprise me if they use the figures collated from the said act to justify an increase again.
  2. don't even get me started on the speed camara's :mad:
  3. I honestly think this is not so much away to just hit criminals but another way to extort money more money. Like Phil said - i often used to be fixing up old banger's parked in drive way as i could not afford anything else at the time due to being at college, that does not mean i would have dreamt of going on the road without insurance. I just wanted to pay out on a car that could move from a to b first. I can only imagine that there was a few golden handshake coming from the bigwig insurance's companys to implement a scheme like this. Reeks of big brother if you ask me. *EDIT - just read this again and clocked the part about off road declare. Ill get me coat!
  4. ZippyVR6, I am also wanting to move on from the penny farthing / 4x4 look. 30mm will be the drop most likely (maybe push to 45mm) but not much lower as i have clumped my sump a couple of times at standard height already. Like yandards says the Koni / H&R setup seems the most popular and has reported good results. IIRC stealth will fit and supply for about £450, i am considering installing myself once i get the goods, i just need to shell out and get my hands on a spring compressor. Perhaps we can work on this together and keep each other in the know on prices and stuff, could have a chat on Sunday as well mate and see what the others are running.
  5. I am seriously thinking about picking up a second car - don't like pileing the miles onto my c - and like you guys have said, when you need to work on it, you have to plan that around when you don't need to go anywhere.
  6. kev - are they BBS RK II your sporting now, loving looking wheels, how are they for the ride? i am sizing them up as a replacement for my speedlines
  7. On Sunday - Grey *16v i think on windsor road coming away from datchet, was driven by a mature lady with white hair. I waved at her with a big grin and she ignored me, so may not have clicked onto the C deal and just thought i was a freak. Saturday evening - Also saw a black (or blue, it was night) 16v on its way to slough via windsor / slough road. I was behind him, and then roared past so he could see why i was tailing him, he proberbly thought 'fecking boy racers' and carried on his merry way.
  8. Baaaarrgin! that was a steal , well done!
  9. Kev - does that price include the fit as well, i can see how this will make a big diff and im pretty keen, just not sure wether to have vince set it up, or have a go myself.
  10. lukeage

    Cleaning strips

    The best one is the cowgate baby and toddler brand - apply it with a farleys rusk to insure a supple but defined finish.
  11. I was wondering if it would be possible to get the black underneath - May have to try this as thats my only dislike with them.
  12. Paul - there is plenty around at the moment going for a song, if you have the room go for it. I would :)
  13. Well after a weekend of umming and arrghin i am sold on them, they just make the whole thing look newer from the back. Granted there not to everyones taste, but i have become a fan. Might consider gettting them slighlty tinted but can't see me swapping back to standard.
  14. Have you guys got silver tops - was considering masking up the reflective bulk of the lamp and painting the top - just so it looks more seated when opening the boot.
  15. Kev - I am thinking of having DOHC shaped poached eggs in the morning!
  16. Went for the clear bulb in the end, its pretty bright tick, but looks good. Another good point is the reverse lights, i think they are brighter then the front lamps :) time for an uprated loom next. Another one to the list, which goes on and on and on...
  17. It was the south east meeting in westerham.
  18. Cheers Rob, Worthy of a desktop background great pics and good to have met you you.
  19. Sorted it the drivers side was the wrong way round.
  20. Whilst replacing my rear light housings earlier i went on a random bulb swapping mission and like a total tw6t did not note what was originally where - this has resulted in no brake lights. I also found that the bulbs were either really bright screwed in one direction and dimmer on the other way. I figure the dimmer way of connecting is correct and the brakes utilise the second filament being the brighter one. Could i have blown out a fuse? - or is there any funny combination that would put out the brake lights?, the bently manual states fuse 10 so i will check that when its gets light in the morning as i had to stop halfway through as it got dark. Just seeing if anyone can give me heads up on something else i may have overlooked, before i have a second attempt in the morning. Ta, Luke
  21. Just been out there fxing my lights - looks great still, its not like where you wet them and then as they dry the white wax residue shows.
  22. Well after googling around and asking on here as to how to get the wax off of my trims (the previous owner seemed to wax over the whole car). I thought i would give peanut butter a go, what the hell it only costs 1.20 for a jar of sunpat smooth and there is nothing in there to do any damage (think about it you eat the sutff) so i thought i would give it a spin.. Now you may think me a big loon but - You know what! It works a right fecking treat :) the below is genuine, i kid you not: Oh you dirty bugger! ***************** Oh - You filty swine you! **************** On me pat sun! **************** Oh yas! **************** Blinging !!! **************** **************** And the best bit of all - if you got the munches from all that cleaning - Not bad for £1.20 eh? I understand it may have something to do with the very low amount of cyanide - thinking about pure peanut oil would be even better, but that would not have made half the thread when using sunpat.
  23. Cheers guy's - They are very much growing on me now - I gave the car as wash and stared at them a bit more and they are very much growing on me, i suppose it was just down to being such a change.
  24. Just got back from collecting some new rear diamond cut lights - and i really can't make my mind up, i want to move away from the standard lights as i feel imho they make the car look dated - but i am not sure if these may look a bit on the 'chavish' side? They just seem to gleam out to much from the rest of the car, maybe its because they are against a dark colour i don't know. Honest opnion's welcomed (sorry about pics a bit dark and on camara phone). The jury is out. Also does anyone know the legal /mot score regarding clear bulbed indicators?
  25. Mate she is a beut - some hard work well paid off, i was always saying i would keep mine standard but seeing the work you guys do is passing the bug onto me now :)
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