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Everything posted by lukeage

  1. I can go anywhere and any terrain and it will stay that way until i have got enuff dosh for my coilleys :) But the whole subject does make me consider dropping as little as i can. I just love being able to drive as much on the edge and within the law that I can. Sod having a car that handles so supremely, drives so fast, that i have to pussy foot around and worry about a dip in the road that may be round the next corner or have to turn round when i see anything that resembles a speed bump. I can understand bumpy old country tracks as they can be a beetch to get through in most cars , but not being able to drive the car to the limits it eggs you to push, because you got it so low it scrapes anything two inchs aqbove road level - well that sounds just plain daft to me.
  2. I have never know of one reach that high - but if anyone would know, someone on here would know.
  3. Seems to be the week for JOM grilles - i got mine in the post this week. I have only tried it on without sticking it down - as mine is going for colour code on Monday. Seems to fit ok - but it will need tacking down (not sure about drilling into the headlight casing though). Somehow it was not what i expected the two rows under the spoiler are kind of bulbous and not as square as the rieger.
  4. Found this while i was googling around and wondered if it was anyone off here. If it was I am gutted for you and I am glad they caught the barstewards. I would hate this to happen to me....still found myself wondering if the supercharger was up for sale (i know, i know). It looks like the owner set up the site as a result on what happened to him. Looked like a lovely vr as well. Some gang from the midlands and Stolen to order! that has put the sh1tters up me a bit http://loststolenfound.co.uk/
  5. It's sunny where you are - what wax did you use?
  6. G3BOD, don't leave it to long - prices are at there lowest at moment but will ( or rather should / hopefully :) ) start to rise as the weather gets better and spring comes along!
  7. Looks like a cracker - moonlight blue (def the bast colour, but then i would say that).
  8. Thats what put's me off - can't bear the thought of a second gear crunch & cable conundrum capers. However once i am in second or third - its a different ball game then - bye bye baby bye bye!! :)
  9. lukeage

    Rieger grills

    I am due to order one from ebay.de £40 (about £50 with P&P).
  10. euugh - makes it look like a xr3i.
  11. Must say I am with AF at the moment and it will be getting changed as soon as this years cover is out. There really enthusiastic until you sign and then i have to agree with andi - dense is the word or even not really giving a s**t.
  12. Mine have a fixing catch on the back - but i am frigged if i can figure out how to use it :(
  13. The M25 is littered with those evil infra-red speed camara's - you want be careful, they will have your license off you in a jiffy if your snapped by one of those buggers. You can see them hanging on the corner of the bridge type displays you get arched across the road.
  14. I must say the rest of the car is nice, but those rear lights are orrible, with a capital O. You can tell there from the fiat.
  15. I had one in November and i was sure something might come up, but she passed with flying colours. Tommorow i will try transmit postive pass thoughts, but you won't need them, it will pass easily :)
  16. I think 24v route is the best bet - I know when the day comes for mine to need a major rebuild, there will be a whole new engine going in.
  17. I really like the carmona's
  18. Dam good point :) will have a look tonight.
  19. Hi All, I have had a search, really promise :) - and i know there is the service guide on here as well. What i am looking for is a list of what VW suggest is carried out each service interval . ie 5,00 miles, 10,miles 50k, 100k etc. If its already on here - apologies in advance. L
  20. Busted: "You wake up in the middle of the night, slink over to the window, part the curtains, and gaze at your car for a minute or so usually twice per night. "
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