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Posts posted by veeDuB_Rado

  1. Thanks for the help guys, ill try some things tomorrow.


    Its just wierd that this has happened now out of nowhere since i put this petrol in. Was running lovely when mad-axl came down the other day

  2. Ok so I havnt driven my beast in 2 days due to having no money. So I lent a fiver and me and my dad went to the garage to fill up. I didnt take my car as I was worried if it would conk out due to lack of petrol so went and filled a can up. AFAIK the can was empty and I filled up my car. So I went to drive it and WTF?!?! It took 5 attempts to start it and when I did start it again WTF!?! I put my foot down and there is no push in it whatsoever, it gets to about 4k and itd die and REALLY struggle, jerky as f***. Im thinkin maybe it needs a run round cos its been sat there for 2 days but no, its getting worse now and I noticed smoke coming out of the engine! Ill be honest I didnt oopen the bonnect cos I was scared to what id find, plus the fact im not very good with engines anyway. So i asked a mate and he said there was a chance they got their pumps mixed up at the petrol station, so i went to smell the can and im not too sure what it smells of TBH. It might be petrol, it might be not, but im thinking HUGE oil leak now because the car really stinks inside and i remember befroe the oil leak was cause by a loose pipe (which can be easily fixed again)

    So now my car is parked outside a hotel 3 miles away and I had to walk home :(

    Hell it could be oil leak AND diesel in my car !



  3. Fisrt time I joined, I got a crapful of hate lol, silly day to join, 1pm on a friday so they all come home pissed. Most of them apologized. I gotta agree some of them on there are absolute arses but some of them are OK.


    Funny site though, even has 3 coppers posting there!

  4. OOps forgot this one

    2 doorknockers came by today as i was looking out the window, 1 went pasat (to go nextdoor) and really looked at it, made me smile, then the one who came to my door (didnt bother answering) when he came down he really gave the car a good look at!!!


    I love it! :D :D :D

  5. I used to work with a welsh bird who was really into air cooled dubs. She came out of asda one day to find a merc parked next to her freshly sprayed beetle. The woman putting her shopping in the merc had her door open agaist the beetle, and had dented the door.

    conversation was along the lines of

    'what the F**K have you done to my car'

    'oh, that old thing? it doesnt matter'

    'yeah, we'll see about that'


    She then removes a can of beans from her bag, goes round to the front of the merc and chucks it at the bonnet!


    Gets in her car and says 'see! doesnt matter!'


    Class. 8)



    That would send me spare!!!

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