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Posts posted by veeDuB_Rado

  1. Well it was tough to get the original back off because of sealant!!!

    So we had to usea land rover TIED to the exhaust of the corrado and attempt to pull it off, man i was shi**ing myself lol.

    but it sort of worked after lots of stressig and good hard work from my sisters workmates, after nearly 1hr 30 mins it finally decided to come off!

    put the new one on with stuggle , and i was very pleased :D:D:D

    and they didnt even want to charge me for it!!! but im definately going to get the chaps something :)

    well here it is


  2. Haha

    I was once cleaning out the car, mats up parts of dash out, everything.

    Then went to go into taxi mode and I thought, what the helll is wrong with this thing now???? Wasnt going very far atall, till I pulled over and noticed when I pout the mats back in they rolled up behind the accelerator :oops:

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