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Posts posted by veeDuB_Rado

  1. Ive seen an enzo in the flesh and i really dont like them. A bloke round the corner from where i used to live had a F40 and that really is a proper car, ive never seen a car move like it - im not talking about speed just the way it moves and hugs the ground, you can hear it coming from half a mile away and it rumbles towards you like a tank, best car ever made IMO even with the 80's OTT styling

    couldnt agree more...f40's are quite something...they still look extremely good today even though theyre old...(reminds me of the rado on that factor :D )

  2. man i f***ig love my car.

    decided to go for a drive today and got sooo many people staring and getting a good look at it, i love looking at my rear mirror viewer when i drive past them cos i see they look back! :D

    even when i got a busy garage and say "number 8 please" the amount of people that look at it and i hear them say "thats smart"etc behind me!

    i reckon the c is one of the best looking cars ever!

    thank god nobody bought them when they were released cos they wouldnt be rare

    i look outta my window at times and see people who walk past really getting a good look at it!!


    damn i feel good lol

  3. well i went to fill up the otyher day and a Ferrari on a old "L" plate came in aswell...female driver it was..no wingmirrors and no reverse lights!!!!

    have no idea what it was tho..sounded nice


    Probably a Dino or maybe a Daytona?


    I had a little race once with a 275 GTB, the V12 engine sounded amazing, and it still went very well, although a bit smokey!!

    very smart you ae!!!

    yea was a dino, looked exactly like this http://www.carsfromitaly.com/ferrari/wa ... l_800.html

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