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Posts posted by veeDuB_Rado

  1. well after 2 weeks of my valver running crap and slow for some reason when i started it up today, there was a HELL of a difference.the damn thing was like a rocket ,no joke,i couldnt believe how well it was pulling!


    so i go off upto monmouth to see if there is anyone to play with, well nobody to go with upto monmouth but in town i was playing with a leon which was reistant to going on the DC for a quick drag.= me unhappy:(

    so on the way back doing bout 80 i noticed something was coming in quickly in the right hand lane,with flip up lights.thought it was either an rx7(which id stilll have gone for lol) ir an mr2.so i put my foot down and my car flys to 120 in no time after some playing around i noticed that i was doing over 130! :| so we both slowed down and when we were getting back to ross when we were side by side went round the roundabout i shoved into second both of us went for it ,was catching him,went to shift to 3rd and guess what...****chrunch**** what a dingo i am lol


    so i just wanted to know what engines were in mr2s


    oh and i do regret doing this as my back bushes and ball joints are bad, i need a slap...

    btw this is the first time i have EVER raced

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