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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. The meguires tyre black is the best that i have used.


    Wheel cleaner, id recommend autoglym, it eats dirt off the wheels and doesnt do any damage!


    I like the Autoglym polish with the black lable which is for dark metallics.

  2. Yip, its recommended for darks and metallic paints so will be good for your Mystic paint.


    T-cut is ok but i wouldnt recommend using it very often.


    Dont want to sound like im teaching you to suck eggs here but use a good shampoo first as this will always help the results.

  3. Autoglymn again for this.


    The cleaner and treatment cream are both good. Only drawback is they dont smell particularly apperitising when you put it on. The smell doesnt hang around though!


    There is a cleaning products section on here, have a peep in there to see for any varying opinions.

  4. Looking nice there mate, good to hear that you are happy with it.


    I strongly recommend you get in touch with Riley on here about the Carnauba (spelling??) group buy.


    20 quid gets you the polish, cloths and applicator pads and its good stuff.


    Otherwise i use autoglymn gear on mine, i prefer the polish that comes with the black label rather than the one with the red label.

  5. A friend of mine popped round last night and he was armed with the mag in question.


    He said youve got to see this, there is s lovely Corrado in here and i was like yes there is.


    Still looks better in the metal, i cant think of a tidier 100% original Corrado than yours Paul.


    Bet your well pleased.

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