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Posts posted by Goldie

  1. Didnt have the cupra but had at the time the tope diesel.


    Thought it was very well made and cam with all the gadgets.


    I had the water in the front passenger footwell problem, it was repaired under warranty. It was caused by the seal on the pollen filter and is nothing to do with the door seals. Once its sorted it doesnt come back.


    The cupra R was out when i got mine in march 2003.

  2. Sure this will have been talked about before and have done a search with little joy.


    Managed to hit the curb last night and have damaged one of my rims. Its taken some of the metal away on the lip of the wheel.


    I need it sorting as im not happy with myself.


    Recommendations in the Hampshire area, whats the procedure, will they need the car or will they just want the wheel, if so has anyone in the area got a wheel i can "borrow" while i get this sorted out.


    Any ideas peeps??

  3. bizarrely enough the C was for sale for a few months and no takers


    Well if you see another or want to swap your seats back to standard then im your man!!


    not so worried about it. Its not so important to keep the mileage down or avoid car parks. And Im enjoying getting my hands dirty and improving its condition.


    Got to admit that while i appreciate that my car is the last of the run i am tinkering with it. I havent bought it as an ornament and love the thing to pieces!!!

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