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Everything posted by Gangstarr

  1. i have spotted 3 corrados this week so far a white one in silsden west yorkshire at about 4 o clock yesterday , i spotted another one today at about 5ish yellow coming towards the level crossing in crossflats west yorkshire. and finaly a black one with storm wheels on not sure if it was a vr , parked up going towards howarth .
  2. if u wired the indicator into the side light bulb would it still flash like an indicator ? and dont you need side lights to pass an m.o.t ?
  3. how can u relocate the indicators to the headlights ? is it as simple as it sounds ?
  4. As the winter draws close with the dark nights starting to get closer i want to upgrade my headlights for a xenon hid kit, has anyone done this and does it make a big difference ? also if you changed standard lights to angel eyes without changing the ballast would they be any brighter than standard lights ?. And finaly the nbest place to get them ive seen some on ebay for £50 ish but ide rather pick them up from a shop than wait for them to come in the post from china ....
  5. I ended up taking it to vw garage as its next door to my work £49 for a new belt & they adjusted the tensioner and even give her a wash . Feels like a different car to drive such a heavy lump of a car
  6. ive just put some new rear lights on and sprayed a set of badges silver ile whack some pics on as soon as i find my camera.
  7. i spotted a corrado today in the vw testing garage next to the showroom in Crosshills a burgandy vr6 with a private plate on that slips my mind atm anyone on here .......
  8. nice one for the pointers ile let you know if i manage to sort her out .
  9. Ile give it a bash ive just had a new head put on and it didnt squeel before it will have to be tommorow now gotta get shower and get to pub to watch leeds kick darlingtons ass .....
  10. Its a 1.8 16v corrado its pissing me off that much thinking about selling her & upgrading to something new like an s3 ..........
  11. always liked corrado's in grey looks sweet m8
  12. My power steering isnt working when ime going round corners it squeals realy loud and parking up is a nightmare . Is there a tensioner that goes onto the power steering belt , is it a part you can buy easily any pics advice more than welcome .
  13. cheers m8 yeah thats the thread i remember i like the one in the spoiler but it looks a bit tricky to say the least , i prefer them in the rear window as its such a low car anywhere else is kind of pointless in the practical sense i guess ile keep looking anyone know a suitable car model to take one off bmw audi etc ?
  14. Does anyone know were i can get a tidy looking & well made , i remember seeing a thread were someone had wired some up in the actual spoiler but ime not that adventurous . I had a look at a few in halfrauds but they were tacky as fook , Any pics would be helpful.
  15. Ime just wondering if there is much difference in RHD & LHD headlights ive been offered some in pro lights but ime not too sure if they are leagal on my RHD rado and how much are they new ?
  16. ime just wondering how hard it is to fit a thermostat to a 1.8 16v rado . could you give me a step by step guide and tools i need any pics would be appreciated .
  17. Just won a set on ebay £35 & £7.50 postage off a gti tdi 330247952758 should be sound after a good clean . is there any threads on people that have done this as ime a bit of a novice atm but i get there eventualy .
  18. what you reckon a decent price is for a pair ?
  19. Ime just after a bit of advice on converting rear calipers off a rado to ones off a mk4 golf , how easy is it and have many people done it we all know how tempremental rear calipers are for seizing up , only thing that failed mine on last m.o.t lack off effort on handbrake after a bit of wd40 and a bit of tinkering sailed through but sometimes ive parked on steep hills and noticed movement . Is it a good upgrade and how easy is it any advice is appreciated ?
  20. Sold Geoff A.K.A Phatvalver a parcel shelf couldnt ask for a more pleasant buyer . he wrote hi mate i recieved the parcel shelf today... brilliant mate well happy many thanks for getting it posted so quick and a smooth sale. cheers geoff.
  21. very nice fella , gleaming paintwork and them rims look well
  22. The best way i could describe it was like a clonking knocking noise , there was no fluid leak and the assist was still grafting it just sounded painfull , and when i compared the movement of both the racks there was a noticable difference you have to realy force the recon rack to move , it was like there was something broken inside it but nothing visable .
  23. I fitted a brand new recondisioned steering-rack from gsf about a year and half ago and its broke already , I was running the green power steering( M6162 FEBI HYDRAULIC FLUID ) which everyone seams to swear by even the guy in the shop who has a rado said he never used anything but the green stuff . I was lucky enough to have a spare rado which i use for parts and had previously removed the enguine so taking the rack off was easy enough this is where doubt has come into my mind the rack had ATF red fluid in and to my knowledge has never been changed , so why did my recon rack brake so quickly bad workmanship or the fact that i have 17s on my rado . So ive put on the other rack off my donar car and ime running FEBI fluid in at at the moment ime gunna run it for a week and flush it out .Anyone had similar problems or could you guys say what colour cap you have on your power steering filler bottle and what fluid you are using, I have a red cap and it says atf fluid any help please ..........
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