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Everything posted by Corrado_Addict

  1. Its funny no matter what car someone owns, heck it could be a bugatti veyron but if they diss the corrado i'll happily start rattling off sentences upon sentences about just how good the car is. Anyone who loves driving can't dismiss the corrado, not even in the smallest of ways. I've been lucky enough to experience some pretty special machinery which I'm now happy to say includes the GTR doing what it does best, electronics ain't my thing BUT it still would be insane of me too question the capability of the GTR, but on that list of experiences includes an LP640, Cayman S, new STI Spec C hatch and a short blast in a Ferrari 355 (my dream car) Now the thing is, every car I get into regardless of what it is I compare it to the corrado, I suppose I am really picky when it comes too car's which is purely down to corrado ownership, spending so many times in Dr Forinor's storm, the 1st time I seen it come into the car park I had no idea what it was and immediately dismissed it at the time as a german tank, I was young and owned a 106 so erm I hope I can be excused on that one :lol: But the more I experienced it the more I loved it, still today the corrado is one of my all time favourite car's and it always will be, after owning a couple of g60's and now a couple of impreza wagon's, with the 1st g60 being fantastic and everything I had ever dreamed of it exceeded all expectations, my 1st taste of impreza ownership was a rather shit uk turbo but with a fair bit of money spent on the engine so yea it was quick and fun when it went sideways but it still didn't compare to the thrill of the corrado, the corrado puts a smile on your face as soon as you start it up, you know your going somewhere even if its just a 10 minute trip if its in a corrado its a journey in itself. The more I experience performance cars the more I love the corrado, I really have started too like my Impreza wagon, it is a fantastic all round car and I can see why people describe the STI as the "real" impreza, however as good as this car is and I would probably annoy some impreza enthusiasts by saying this BUT I still find myself constantly comparing it too the corrado, I honestly have so many vivid memories and spending time thinking about the fun I had in that car it sometimes depresses me, I miss it more than I ever thought I could but the one thing for me is that corrado ownership is an experience and yet again once I get going about the corrado I rattle off sentence after sentence. I respect people's opinion's but the corrado is one of those car's that is hard for anyone too pick a hole in regardless of how picky they are when it comes too driving. If it wasn't for corrado ownership I wouldn't have anywhere near the same driving experience, it teaches you so much, how a car should feel, how every little input on the steering wheel makes a difference, its just such a responsive thrilling driving machine that never fails too impress.
  2. They are the bbs ones bud. Gonna whack up pics tomorrow, hoping to get the exhaust off tomorrow too if it stays dry.
  3. LMFAO I didn't even know!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :epicfail:
  4. Nice one buddy, I've taken a note of your username on a notepad file just so I don't forget :)
  5. Haha :lol: The main reason I wanted to get it was because it was red and it was a minichamps model, but the fact it was the number 1 meant the price went up to £62. I had no problems paying that though, I defo wanted it, great collectors item too keep in mint condition too 8)
  6. Ebay really is spot on when it comes to finding amazing things especially rare bits and bobs and well this popped up not too long ago so I thought id post a piccy :)
  7. Thanks for the advice buddy. I sold the charger earlier this year for £500 so its basically the whole setup without the charger. Should I sell ancillaries with the engine or do them seperate, intercooler/starter etc etc? Cheers again fella!
  8. Fackin hell that thing is a rocket :shock: To be fair though most drag car's are just fibreglass bodyshell's, they are about as far away from the standard car as you could possibly imagine.
  9. Hey guys, been a while since I've popped on here and my green g60 is still sat in the drive. I've basically decided too break the whole car now, going to be dismantiling the engine rather than selling it as a whole. Basically I wanted a bit of advice on how much I should sell parts for. 280mm front brakes jetex exhaust system standard wheels in mint condition with brand new tyres (missing 1 center cap tho and the center caps are from different wheels) gearbox thats the 4 main parts I was basically wondering any recommendations as to how much to sell them? I'm going to start breaking the car next week all going well. Many thanks in advance!
  10. Good stuff mate :cheers: So tell us, what you get'in? Or are you gonna keep us all in suspense and go for the classic 'reveal' photo tomorrow?!! :lol: Its a red G reg valver off here. 11 months mot and really quite tidy. I had such good fun driving it home and i'm amazed how much better it feels than my old one. Just been looking through the folder of reciepts and i'm starting to think i've got a real bargain at £650. Every mot cert from new and thousands of pounds worth of work done. It needs the valve stem oil seals doing at some point, but i'm not concerned by that. I am one happy guy :grin: . I'll start a thread at some point and get some pics up. Right now I very much envy you bud :tongue:
  11. Its just like I can't get into a car even as a passenger without comparing the car to a corrado, I was taken out and got the chance to drive a Cayman S that a friend owns in Glasgow but he's now selling it which absolutely boggles the mind, he's never really driven it quickly in a straight line let alone the corners and as much of a drivers car as it is it doesn't make u feel anywhere near as alive or give u that same drama and experience DRIVING it that you get as a passenger in the Corrado. Even being a passenger in the corrado is an experience in itself. I was taken out in one of the brand new sti spec c models and again got the chance too drive it, now again hugely capable car and the feedback from the hatch was impressive but yet again I found myself comparing it to the corrado, I do it all the time constantly even in my wagon. I could seriously go on and on and on about the issue but the fact of the matter is, as good as a lot of modern day cars are and as capable as the old performance cars are there is just nothing that I've experienced yet that has ticked every box on the same level that the corrado has and I know I'm still a young pup but I felt proud to own a corrado, I feel proud to own the wagon I have at the moment but the corrado on looks alone would win you over, ye see I've started going on about it again :lol: When I can start taking on a lot more regular remix work at a higher fee I would definately be looking to get another corrado, possibly another g60 or a vr6 but I totally agree with the points mentioned about you can take the corrado out the man but you can't take the man out the corrado. A very very true statement!
  12. Dare I say I think thats quite cool? :lol:
  13. This is something that I kinda knew would happen, I will admit I really do love my STI wagon BUT it just doesn't give you the same feeling even on the shortest of journeys, the feedback is good but again not the same feeling you get with driving a Corrado. I love the car and it is a true performance car but it just doesn't come close to how the corrado made me feel. I loved my red g60 and I'm still gutted the supercharger blew up, after the on going nightmare with the green one and all the hassle I had with it only too find out it was rotten I just thought it feels like its time for a change, so I had the uk impreza turbo wagon which was quick and I had always wanted to own an Impreza since I 1st seen one rumble past my eyes and I remember my 1st experience of being taken out in a wrx saloon, again hugely amazed at the performance but again on another level it didn't compare to the 1st time I experienced a Corrado which was in Dr Forinor's Storm, I didn't even know what it was when I 1st seen it pull into the car park, since that 1st experience I wanted one, now that I've owned 2 g60's, 1 very good and 1 shockingly bad, 1 uk wagon which was good but had its faults and now this current STI wagon which in all respect of its capabilities is an all round fantastic car I just can't get rid of the feeling that I really do miss my Corrado to the point where I actually feel depressed. Everyone on here can relate to how the rado makes them feel, as much of a pig as the green one was I still loved driving it, I hated the car but just driving it, there is a whole experience about being behind the wheel of a corrado everytime you go somewhere, be it the shortest journey or the longest journey its an experience, its a joy too drive, it makes u feel connected. I want to keep my sti but I really do want another Corrado, I took a break away from ownership because I wanted a change but eveyrday I realise more and more just how much I miss the C :(
  14. I wish my grill had never fallen off now, coulda put my g60 badge up for a good few quid :shock:
  15. It was rebuilt by g-werks and yea I still have the receipt :) I have no idea myself at the mo man :lol: There getting pretty rare to get a hold of and I do need to take money back on the car :confused4:
  16. Hey guys, Had a few people interested in the engine but no one looking to pay what I think its worth, added cost of wanting the car transported on top so I've decided I'm gonna sell the supercharger on its own at the moment and then start removing the calipers etc etc sell them seperately and then at some point get the engine out and sell that on. Any idea what the supercharger would be worth, its only covered 690/700 miles since it was rebuilt but the car has been off the road so I want to remove it and sell it on. I've used the good old search function but can't find a guide how to remove it, I know that big ass spring is potentially a hazard so I thought id ask if anyone could point me in the direction of a guide just so I know to be on the safe side :) Cheers in advance :D
  17. Saw it, and yes, yawn :sleeping: It didn't really grip me, just like his car and the tarmac. :lol:[/quote:3jz4kt84] Surely a genuine petrolhead could have a connection to it? A story about someone who has such a passion about a car he has and how much its been with him through his life, I can guarantee there are rado owners out there identical to that :tongue:
  18. Why would you yawn at Eric Bana getting interviewed? :cuckoo: He's a complete legend and a total car nut, if you ain't seen it watch the beast then say yawn........... 8)
  19. I've been using one of tesco's large covers, was 16 quid. I had to put little holes in it to tie it down with cable ties though as it was no where near held down enough just with the elastic.
  20. aw shit man, that really is sore to see and really does hit home :( Main thing is your both ok besides the whiplash, there is far too many drivers on the roads today that have a standard lower than low. I know what you mean about being behind a car that comes close to hitting a kerb, heading through to anstruther, back roads in fife, its a gorgeous little road going slow or enthusiastically and a peugeot expert thing kept veering towards the edge of the road, then onto the other side of the road, couple of times it was close to hitting oncoming traffic so I decided the same, time to overtake. Really feel sorry for you and the rado though bud :( but again glad you and your mate are ok!
  21. Yea its the uplighters on the pavement bud. Yea :( behind the drivers seat if you lift the carpet its rotten right through you can see through the car, there's parts of the actual chassis as well that if you literally just push it with ur finger u can pull out little chunks of metal its that bad :(
  22. Hey folks, As much as I didn't want to break the green g60 due to the rotten floor to get it to get it to a decent standard would have cost a lot of money and selling it on as it was I was never going to make anywhere near the money back I paid for it so unfortunately I am breaking it, but unfortunately I felt a lot more guilty after seeing these shots, bodywork wise she is stunning, but anyways I hope you enjoy the pics. Big thanks to Nad (Dr. Forinor) for the cracking shots! And no thanks at all to borders for making their pillars extremely difficult to reverse a car in behind lol
  23. huh? :confused4: Personally I love the boxer engine note, I think the exhaust system thats on the car at the moment is a bit too deep though, want a bit more of a rasp so its not too burbly but I do love the engine note, awesome performance right out of the box and to get a corrado to the level of even a standard impreza needs a bit of dosh spent on it but again personal preference comes down to it and I do like the impreza BUT I still love and always will love the rado.
  24. Little change of plan is I'm gonna just go for an STi wagon, got my eye on one at the mo but funds don't allow it, practically skinto at the mo :lol:
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