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Posts posted by Jon_vr6

  1. its got 127k goldie chains have never been changed and probably due for a change! Yeah rattles at a bout 1,250 rpm when i hold it there and read that if its like that time for renewal! Also gives piece of mind sorting them anyway before anything drastic happens!


    Whats this high gloss deano? I use exacty what you use the autoglym stuff cant go wrong! was out there friday doing it and the gardener across the way said its looking nice and i hadnt even polished or waxed it!lol! He said he wished his wifes n reg rover looked like that i was thinking to myself rovers arnt renowned for aging gracefully! :lol:

  2. Just thought id update my thread with a couple of pics of the storm still loving it getting the chains etc done later this month and getting the solitudes refubed! Looks so much better after a bit of care on the paint work if you look at the then and now the colour has just been lifted!








  3. Any one got a road angel plus im tempted to get one probably next month but just wanted to know if anyones got one? And what they are like?


    Dont want to buy one and then find out they are crap!


    Any other brands i should consider aswell?



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