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Posts posted by Harrier

  1. A cheap cloth passenger seat to replace the bolster then! Not a great deal to do mate, good luck for the rest of the year, I'm sure you'll come away with a few more awards. Congrats again mate. :thumbleft:


    Bolsters are ok, it's more that it has slight cracking in the leather and wear.

  2. Thanks all :)

    Yes Sean the h&r's were still fitted, I expected to be marked down on them but wasn't!

    The judge was a different chap to last year and was kinder with the points.

    He did give some constructive advice being the drivers seat showing age and some more under bonnet detailing needed.

    I plan to improve in these areas and will be back again next year I'm sure.

    Can't quite see me taking the trophy from Kip or Judith though , best chance of that is if they don't attend !

  3. First proper outing of the year to Stanford

    Hall today, great day out as always and managed runner up in class behind KIp 8)

    With a little engraved plate and rosette we were also awarded some cleaning products from Meguiars

    which was great, especially as it tipped down with rain on the way home so the car will need a mega clean now :)





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  4. Well it's that time of year again so the C has come off sorn for 6 months.

    Have done absolutely nothing to the car over the winter apart from charging the battery and firing up the engine on occasion.

    Took it out for a little ride this afternoon and all seems well .

    First show as usual will be Stanford Hall at the end of the month and I have my place booked on the concourse stand.

    Looking forward to it and catching up with folks

    Just a bit of sprucing up to do for then. :)

    Pic from today





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  5. Hi Jim, the e39 is a great car , they drive so well normally.

    It's surprising how little they go for even a low mileage / owner car

    Wouldn't recommend tackling the rear bushes though , they are a struggle without the right tools.

    Rear brakes shouldn't be to much of a problem though

    Good luck :)

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