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Everything posted by joebrent

  1. I dont understand the mentality of these scumbags, before my c i had a fiesta si, both wing mirrors were knocked off twice, costing £150 each time!!! the funny thing is though is there was a brand new m3,alfas,mercs(SL 500) and various other nice new cars, but the idiots only did my fiesta and another fiesta!!!!! luckily my c has not been touched.....yet! living in london as well this is extremley lucky, im still twitchy when i hear any noises outside though!!! sorry to hear about the keying incident rica :evil:
  2. Oh my god they've stopped producing corrados!!!! did any of you other guys know this?????
  3. Im with everyone else, 2-3k sounds very reasonable to me!!!
  4. joebrent

    VR6 what tyres?

    Avon ZZ-3, Very nice tyre!!!! has lasted very well and look nice!!!
  5. joebrent

    Avon ZZ1

    I have Avon ZZ-3 on my tyres, aint sure how they differ from the ZZ-1, but, no complaints, last well, look nice and are nice and grippy!!
  6. Thanks alot david ill give it a try!!!! :D
  7. joebrent

    Storm Value

    Yeah id say its worth about £8500, it sounds gorgeous, how much are they asking for it??
  8. dont think you want an 8v mate, very very very slow!!!!!!! :mad: unless your gonna be spending dinero engine mods!!!!! twilight violet is quite rare
  9. if the switch doesnt light would you thibk something is wrong with the switch rather than a bulb or something??
  10. can you only turn on front fogs with the back fogs on??
  11. When the lights are on sidelights, the switch is illuminated with a green L.E.D in the centre of the switch, when they are switched to to main beam, the L.E.D doesnt light! is this supposed to happen? My fog lights also do not work, the L.E.D on this switch doesnt even light, what does tis mean?? thanks in advance!!! (just trying to sort out a couple of interior electricial niggles on an otherwise perfect car!!) its an 89' 16v by the way. :D
  12. I'm 18 and i pay about £2100, i think thats probably the nost expensive policy on this forum!!!! anyone beat it??? :twisted:
  13. I have a MOMO Champion in my car, looks like this, It looks very nice in the csr aswell!!! 8)
  14. should i put this psi into my 1.816v on 17''??? i did a post a few days ago and some guy told me to put in 28/30!!! but you guys are putting in 36/40??? :shock:
  15. is it tricky to replace the bulbs?? what do you mean someones been there before me???
  16. should there be a light above the revs,speedo and petrol gauge? on myne only the petrol and revs seem to have a light above them. when my indicators are on the left and right arrows are not illuminated but the small light in the bottom left lights up (is the bulb for the speedo light and the indicator arrows the same? this may explain why i dont have a light directly above my speedo??!!) I also need a new MFA Computer as myne lights up and you can see the screen twitching when you press the mfa button, but, nothing shows on it!!! it looks like it is cracked!! any ideas where to get one from?? still avaliable from the stealers?? thanks in advamce
  17. happened to me when i put a momo wheel on, it was the bit of metal that makes the circuit for the horn that was rubbing on the wheel, put loads of copper grease around the wheel and rim and now its fine!!1
  18. no its done it since ive owned the car, would it be expensive for someone to diagnose the problem then?? :evil:
  19. when i fill the car up the fuel gauge only shows a notch above the 7 gallon mark, what could the problem be??
  20. what do you do for a living to be sent to new york on concorde????? you must be a rich lawyer or something!!! :lol:
  21. joebrent

    ZYMOL Wax

    If you want your car to shine like this: http://corrado.atx-hosting.co.uk/download.php?id=2277 then use auto glym!!! really easy to use, not very expensive, the results speak for themselves!!!
  22. are they worth it??? what power gains could i expect to get?
  23. joebrent

    tyre pressures

    same front and back??
  24. what can i do to my 1.8 16v in order to free up a few horses?? im gona get a scorpion or magnex exhaust soon(if i was getting one now i would of went in for the milltek group buy) i wanted to put a k and n induction kit on as well but was told you cant get them for the 16v only the vr6?? :?: also which exhaust would you guys go for?? scorpion,milltech or magnex? thanks a lot!!!
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