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Everything posted by joebrent

  1. how the f##k do you get that over bumps!!! :lol: great looking car though
  2. if looked after properly all corrado engines, should easily see off 200k, i think theres a guy on here whos got a corrado with over 200k on it (he didnt know that when he bought it though :oops: ).......I think!!!
  3. ok thanks mate, seems pretty straight forward :) the only problem i now have is how to put my mileage on the new dials? my car has 123k and the new dials are 85k,i cant use the whole speedo dial as the new dials are white and the old are black, the white dials have been glued on aswell so cant take really take em off. somebody told me you can roll teh numbers up but it is quite tricky to do :evil: anyone got any ideas??? thanks again
  4. forget the white dials, its got nothing to do with the white dials, im changing the whole unit as the dial unit thats on my car at the moment is knackered. dont worry if you couldnt understand the simple question, i wanted to know how to put a whole dial unit in! does it slot in?, does anything need wiring? how i put my mileage in the new dials?
  5. yes there are white dials over the original ones, i bought them from 16vgt (very nice guy) it is the whole unit, i have them in my hands i think i can tell the difference from a set of white dials and the whole unit including trip computer below is what i bought! http://corrado.atx-hosting.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=4803
  6. no its the whole unit, its not just plastic white dials. i need to know how to take out the existing dash unit, i can see two screws above on the dash console above the dials, but somebody told me you need to remove screws from behind the switches around the dash???
  7. I have just bought a whole dial unit from the guy who was selling them on here a couple of days ago, im taking my car to a garage for some work in a couple of weeks but was wondering how to fit the dials, i cant seem to work out how to get the old ones out!, can i change the mileage on the new dials? the guy i bought them from said you can put them up but not down, i tried to roll them from the front but with no joy :oops: I cant just swap my speedo dial with the mileage on it as my old dials are black and the new ones are white. :twisted: cheers in advance :D
  8. you wouldnt need a whole new arch, a bodyshop can repair it no probs. theyll just take all the old paint off, smooth it down, fill the rusty section then spray it again :lol:
  9. i recently joined, for £8 and everything seems fine, got the magazine,card etc. all within a couple of days, have always had prompt replies with e-mails too! for £8 i aint complaining :lol:
  10. i think we should have a prize for the youngest corrado owner on the forum :lol:
  11. Think im the youngest here! 18 last April!!! only reason ive got a c is i paid the insurance with my student loan 8) I knew the goverment were handy for something :D
  12. i know a good place in leatherhead. had a lot of paint work done there myself
  13. next summer you can get the new fireblade 8) looks very cool indeed, but not as nice as the new R1 IMHO :lol:
  14. jesus christ those wheels are absolutley hidious!!!! id rather have some £4.99 halfords hubcaps!!!! i went in there last week and they sell chrome spinning hub caps (like hip-hop artists have on their escalades) unbelievable!!!
  15. looks very very nice mate, is that ur bike aswell in the avatar?
  16. joebrent


    how do you swap the cloths over? do they need stitching?
  17. if you mean idle, myne starts at about 1500-1800 then sits at about 1000! hope that helps
  18. joebrent


    i cant find anyone to repair them mate!!! any ideas? cant seem to find my colour(platinum) seat covers anywhere, at the mo there is a full interior set on ebay for £20 well no ones bid on them yet, and i was gona just buy his passenger seat as his drivers side bolster is also ripped!! :mad:
  19. joebrent


    will a passenger side seat go straight into a drivers side? i have the chance of buying an interior, but the drivers seat has a ripped bolster, the passengers side is fine so i wanted to know if i can use the passenger side for the drivers :idea: cheers people :wink:
  20. i was gona get that venom grill and eyebrows, think it looks wicked!!!
  21. joebrent


    Im gona get it serviced soon, and try and drive more slowly :lol: hopefully that will sort it out, she is old though 1989 with 123k!!!! apart from the mpg shes lovely!!! check out my pics!!!
  22. If the stereo has been recently fitted it might have been put in wrong! :evil: i remember reading a post recently that said an incorrectly fitted stereo can make the spoiler stop working!!!! good luck :D
  23. joebrent


    ive checked the timing belt it looks fine and new, but i have a new one, its just finding the time and money to take it to a garage! thanks for the reply, i thought it was an old wives that when your in red the pump sucks in dregs, aint that what the fuel filters for?? also culd the oil and filter change be something to do with it?? oil consumption is a bit high, every 300miles or so have to top it up a tiny bit! would a oil and filter change remedy this??
  24. joebrent


    At the moment ive done about 205miles out of a full tank, the needle is now almost on the red, what can i expect to get from the reserve?? another post said 50 miles, but i just wanna verify this as i dont wanna run out of fuel!!! :x The current MPG works out at about 16.5mpg, this is pretty bad! any ideas what could be wrong?? This has been the best MPG i have achieved, but admitley this time was a lot less town driving and have been trying to keep the revs down (v hard on a 16v :lol: ) its a 1.8 16v with a 123k on the clock, hasnt had a service for a while (20k) could be something to do with it?? thanks in advance guys!!
  25. Theres been a yellow corrado,on auto trader for ages, its left hand drive though! aint sure if its a valver or a g60
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